
Immediately after the thunderbolt, Zhu Yan took three steps back in a row, dng dng dng!

“Hoo…you let me win.”

Fang Yu put out a breath long, said.

“Here, you…Zhu Yan!”

Mu Chengshuang was dumbfounded.

She kept staring, but she didn’t understand what the last battle meant.

“I lost…”

Zhu Yan smiled bitterly: “Brother Yu Fang’s cut just now is very clever… If I just chose single force subduing for the Ten Meetings, then Fang brother is to use point to break surface, to break a knife with a knife! This kind of thing has been recorded in some knife cla ics, but it is the first time I met today! I lost it.”

“Wow ……”

Everyone was in an uproar when these words came out.

The title of the swordsman ghost Zhu Yan, but after he entered Azure Dragon Academy, it took him more than half a year to strike it out!

There is no moisture in it.

However, Zhu Yan overturned today.

It’s still overturned by Fang Yu, a little-known kid, and everyone said it was not surprising that it was definitely fake.

“Zhu Yan, did you not release the water?”

Liu Qingting couldn’t help standing up.

He looked down on Fang Yu before, and for Fang Yu, he just looked at the other person so as to bully.

Now that Fang Yu’s strength is not as simple as it seems, how could Liu Qingting remain indifferent.

“Liu Qingting, Yu Fangs brother is very strong. If you ask, you insult him and yourself. I dare say that once Yu Fangs brother steps into the realm of martial arts, its not difficult to solve you “

Zhu Yan glanced at Liu Qingting and said.

“Zhu Yan, you…”

Liu Qingting flushed.

What he said is one of the top ten in the Hidden Dragon List. Zhu Yan is only the top 20, so he don’t give face to himself, does he really want to put aside all considerations of face?

“Well, since Zhu Yan lost, Yu Fang, you are now a member of our team.”

Mu Chengshuang was too lazy to talk nonsense and announced the result directly.

This is equivalent to sending a me age… Fang Yu is now covered by her!

If you insist on embarra ing Fang Yu, you will fight her Mu Chengshuang team!

For this kind of thing, Liu Qingting dare not do it, or even think about it.

Because of Mu Chengshuang’s background, it is not as simple as it seems!

Otherwise, with Liu Qingting’s personality, even if he is afraid of it on the surface, he still doesn’t care too much in his heart.

He cares both on the surface and in his heart, and he is afraid, because Mu Chengshuang is not only strong, but also has a strong background, and even Liu Ling lineage is even more powerful than his home.

Liu Qingting lineage tentatively and they can’t even bring down Liu Ling, let alone provoke Mu Chengshuang and the forces behind her.

“hmph! Go away!”

Liu Qingting was lightly snorted, leading his men to take the lead.

Originally, he wanted to win over a few more people for his own use, but when Mu Chengshuang made such trouble, he could still find people and ghosts.

It is better to leave before they conflict again.

Looking at Liu Qingting’s departure, Mu Chengshuang had no intention of delving into it.

She and Liu Qingting had no feud in the first place. It was not worth fighting for a few words.

“Brother Yu Fang, how did you think of breaking my this blade like this?”

The swordsman ghost Zhu Yan asked curiously.

All this happened just now in a flash, even Zhu Yan himself judged based on experience, single force subduing ten will!

But absolutely didn’t expect Fang Yu’s cut, just waiting for Zhu Yan to play the card!

When Zhu Yan didn’t care about anything but made a cut with all his strength, Fang Yu also had his own way of coping.

Fang Yu made a post-manipulation to strengthen his own body, weak click and break with a knife!

He must not win Zhu Yan.

As long as it has an advantage in this blade, it is enough.

If after a single blow, Fang Yu will definitely lose!

Of course, Fang Yu is impossible to reveal his true situation, but Zhu Yan asked, he still briefly explained one or two.

Zhu Yan is worthy of being a character known as a swordsman.

Even Mu Chengshuang seemed to understand the words that he did not understand, so Zhu Yan’s eyes lit up: “so that’s how it is … According to you, Brother Yu Fang, you are purely to take a knife. As for the knife, tsk tsk, although it is a bit tricky, but after careful consideration, it is not simple to achieve this step. At least I cannot do it when I am in your realm.”

hearing this, Fang Yu couldn’t help but look at Zhu Yan more.

Zhu Yan is different from those who have eyes high above the top. To win is to win, and to lose is to lose!

He is very open and upright and generous, without any embarra ment.

Because in his opinion, the skill is not as good as others, and it is hard to think about how to improve yourself. This behavior is even more embarra ing!

Just like Liu Qingting, Zhu Yan has also been upset about him for a long time.

However, Liu Qingting is able to rank firmly in the top ten of the Hidden Dragon List, so naturally he has two brushes.

His gloomy mind and skillful eloquence can influence the thoughts of others in the battle.

It can be said that as long as you fight him in a fair situation, you won’t get any advantage.

Therefore, many people hate him so much that they can only watch Liu Qingting firmly in the top ten.

“Thanks to the award…just a trail.”

Fang Yu humbly shook his head.

“This is not a trail!”

Zhu Yan wanted to continue to praise Fang Yu, but Mu Chengshuang interrupted.

“Well, these things, let’s talk about it later, now the more important thing is to find the heart of Longtan!”

Mu Cheng returned to the subject.

“Bo , your breakthrough to Martial King should be a no-brainer. Why do you want to find the Heart of Longtan? This thing may not be succe ful.”

Bai Yun asked puzzledly. .

Yes, with Mu’s ability to become a Martial King, it is really a matter of time.

It can even be said that Mu Chengshuang can achieve Realm of Martial King by doing nothing.

This time the birth of the Heart of Longtan, although it caused a lot of waves, but there are also Hidden Dragon List experts who are watching the changes.

Because a well-known old student once said that the heart of Longtan at this time has long belonged to it, and that’s all when other people go.

It is definitely not that they are superstitious or how, but that this old student rarely makes mistakes in deduction.

Some say this person is from Heaven’s Mystery Building.

Although it is not the Heavenly Knowledge Hall, some abilities are no less than the Heavenly Knowledge Hall, or even worse!

Because Heavenly Knowledge Hall is too aloof and remote, the focus is different from Heaven’s Mystery Building.

Don’t look at Heaven’s Mystery Building as a subordinate force. In fact, Heaven’s Mystery Building pays more attention to practicality, which is completely different from Heavenly Knowledge Hall.

Heavenly Knowledge Hall, it is more about the common people of the world as its own responsibility, a few small things, on the contrary, can not enter their eyes.

So, I really want to comment, maybe Heaven’s Mystery Building is higher than Heavenly Knowledge Hall in this respect.

Even if Heavenly Knowledge Hall is the backstage of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

This is the case. At least half of the top ten in Hidden Dragon List have directly given up the heart of Dragon Pool this time.

Who would like to make wedding clothes for others?

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