
Feng Yaoguang was very angry with Mu Chengshuang’s remarks.

“What’s wrong with me? You just talk about it.”

Mu Chengshuang has the power and is not forgiving.

“Well, Junior Sister Mu, silence.”

Han Yang told Mu Chengshuang to shut up.

At first, Han Yang felt that among Fang Yu and the others, there was definitely a so-called inner ghost.

After all, Han Yang asked himself that he had seen many people in various forms.

It’s really a ghost, she must be able to see some clues.

However, Fang Yu is really not one drop of water can leak out.

If Fang Yus acting skills are already Major Perfection, we can only say that Fang Yu is really a ghost.

This kind of result is something Han Yang did not want to see.

Mu Chengshuang still ridiculed this kind of thing. I was really afraid that Azure Dragon Academy wouldn’t have any problems, and wouldn’t he be upset if there was no movement?

“I was wrong, Han Ye Senior Sister.”

Mu Chengshuang stuck out his tongue, indicating that he knew he was wrong.

Han Yang also didn’t bother to pay attention to Mu Chengshuang, and just waited for the results to come out.

One hour, two hours pa ed…Han Yang didn’t expect that Fang Yu would go in for a long time!

Feng Yaoguang and He Ping were the ones who wanted to go in for a day and a half, but they didnt know it was Fang Yu!

When Han Yang’s patience was about to disappear, Fang Yu finally came out.

Looking at Fang Yu who is arriving slowly, Han Yang hurriedly asked: “Fang Yu, are you okay?”

“This…Han Yu Senior Sister, you want me Is there something, or do I hope I have nothing?”

Fang Yu didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Of course I hope you are fine!”

Han Yan said in an angry tone.

“I’m fine, I pa ed the test of Lianxinlin.”

Fang Yu replied.

hearing this, everyone breathes a sigh of relief!

“Since it pa ed the test and is safe and sound, why are they arriving slowly? They all came out all at once without any problems.”

It was Mu Chengshuang who spoke.

Although she was a bit picky and the timing was not right, there was nothing wrong with her doubts.

Why is Fang Yu arriving slowly?

This doesn’t make sense!

“This is about Lianxinlin…Perhaps it came out on a whim. It wanted to rectify me and made me go around deliberately before coming out.”

Fang Yu sighed.

Han Yang did not speak.

However, Fang Yu said that the probability is true.

Although Lianxinlin is a Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact, its temper is sometimes like a naughty boy.

Even Vice Dean Wang is often abused.

As for the students…Lets see the priorities.

Of course, it mainly depends on Lian Xinlin’s mood.

It’s in a bad mood, and it’s useless to come.

However, Lian Xin Lin still has basic ethics, but there is no need to be afraid that it will lose the chain on important matters.

“so that’s how it is!”

Han Yan let out a long sigh of relief.

Lian Xinlin said it was okay, then it was really okay!

“Fang Yu, you must remember the agreement with me! We are now partners!”

Lin Xiaoxin’s voice sounded in Fang Yu’s mind.

“I wrote it down, you also have to remember that when I need help, don’t refuse.”

Fang Yu replied.


Lin Xiaoxin agreed.

“Everyone has pa ed the test of Lianxinlin. This is a good thing. Next, I want to talk about your participation in the selection.”

Han Yan said seriously.

“Didn’t we have time to go back now?”

Kegul asked.

“Theoretically, this is the case, but you ran a hard trip, and it was not good for you to return without succe , so I gave you some privileges.”

Han Yan smiled. Said: “The first is that you can skip the audition and go directly to the preliminary round.”

Everyone is slightly nodded, not showing their joy or anger.

Because they are almost 100% able to pass the audition, it is better to save some effort.

“Secondly, we have dragon pools of different sizes in Azure Dragon Academy!”

Han Yan continued.

“Cultivation treasure land dragon’s pool and tiger’s den’s Longtan?”

Wang Zhong’s eyebrows moved.

“Yes, this is Longtan…It is similar in name to Dalongtan, but its actual meaning is different. You know Dalongtan, but it is actually the place where the first dean stayed to suppress demons. As a result, you It made things complicated. Fortunately, things were solved perfectly, otherwise it would be fun.”

Han Yang said with a smile profoundly.

“cough cough…”

Everyone is a bit embarra ed.

Although among them, only Fang Yu is the main culprit, or Fang Yu and Feng Yaoguang are both the main culprits, but all of them have made great contributions to this matter!

It is almost impossible to disentangle the relationship.

Han Yang ignored the embarra ment of these Junior Brother junior sisters.

These guys all have the spirit of youngster. What’s fun, adventurous, and can’t wait to make a noise.

If you dont rectify one or two in advance, it will be difficult to deal with them when they enter Azure Dragon Academy.

“Longtan has different numbers, different attributes, and different functions. The main function is for cultivation…This is what we and White Tiger Academy do best. Dragon’s pool and tiger’s den have a reputation. Its obvious.”

Han Yuan explained: “However, Longtan with the same attribute also has levels divided into high and low, such as Spiritual Qi Longtan, which contains a huge amount of Spiritual Qi, but he doesnt know his own strength. , Entering at will, not only does not get benefits, but also hurts oneself. Someone once greeted meritoriously, regardless of di uasion, even after strict prohibition, they still resorted to extreme measures to enter, and the result was an explosion in place.”

< p>“So horrible!”

Everyone was stunned.

But they also understand the truth.

Because Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is like water, and the human body is like a kettle.

I should know how much water a pot can hold and what kind of water it can hold.

For example, if a defective product is poured into hot boiling water, an explosion in place is the only result.

They would definitely not do this.

What’s more, Azure Dragon Academy is arranging it now, and it’s not their turn to decide on their own.

“You can go to a Longtan cultivation with a Spiritual Qi level of medium.”

Han Yan said with a smile: “It’s not that we are reluctant to pay the capital, but the Spiritual Qi level is above Longtan, without the strength of martial arts, will only hurt yourself if you go in. Even if you get some benefits, the final result will not be worth the lo . Therefore, it can only be cultivated in the Longtan of the middle level.”

“The level is Longtan in China is also equivalent to constantly swallowing good cultivation medicine pill, this wave is profitable!”

Feng Yaoguang swept away the previous haze, and said enthusiastically.

She heard it mentioned by her father.

Furthermore, she and Fang Yu both pa ed the Lianxin Forest. The next step is to prepare for the selection. Why not do it.

“Yes, based on your ability, this is the best result. After all, as your Senior Sister, I don’t recommend you to rush. The road has to be taken step by step, and you have to eat one bite at a time.”< /p>

While Han Yan nodded, his eyes carefully scanned everyone present, including Mu Chengshuang.

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