“Xuanxuan world is not a fun place.”

Fang Yu was silent for a while, and shook his head gently.

Yes, the Profound Sky world is a world that has not yet stabilized. There is a lot of artillery fire. In the Profound Sky world, even if you die directly at any time, it is not surprising.

So, Fang Yu is really lucky and lucky.

Similarly, Fang Yus luck is regarded as a thorn in the flesh by many people.

It is important to know that the Profound Sky world is not yet stable, and all the background and accumulation are hard-won.

As a result, Fang Yu, the lucky boy, rose against the sky, which caused a lot of discomfort from the Aristocratic Family.

The problem is that Fang Yu has become a climate. They want to get rid of Fang Yu, absolutely to kill a thousand enemies, need to sacrifice eight hundred of your own.

This is meaningle !

However, Fang Yu cannot be removed for the time being, it does not mean that they are willing to take things lightly.

So there was a scene where Fang Yu was killed in a previous life.

In short, there are not many fond memories left by the Profound Sky world to Fang Yu.

Therefore, Fang Yu didn’t understand Lin Xiaoxin’s strong request to go to the Profound Sky world.

“Aiya, you don’t understand. In fact, people don’t think about smashing void. What do you think is the reason?”

Lin Xiaoxin showed an expre ion that you don’t understand.

“Too dangerous?”

Fang Yu pondered a little, said.

“Yes, it’s too dangerous, it’s one of the main reasons! Just imagine, finally cultivated to Martial Emperor, with this kind of ability, but the lowest Martial Emperor, only has smashing void Probability, if you want to break through the air and fly up in the day, you still have to become a high-level Martial Emperor.”

“However, this is not safe enough! I can only say that the chance is a little bit bigger, nothing more, true If you want to arrive smoothly, you need a coordinate! An accurate coordinate!”

“This kind of thing is very rare. After all, there are not many people who really break through the sky to come back. Even if they come back, they will not reveal where they have been or what they have done at will. And even if they come back, they will not make public announcements.”


Lin Xiaoxin said in deadly earnest : “Although you don’t know how to get here, you know the Profound Sky world anyway, and when you are truly cultivated to Martial Emperor Level, you can probably determine the coordinates of the Profound Sky world through some methods.”

Fang Yu did not speak.

Because almost everything he can say is finished by the other party, then he will talk about wool.

Furthermore, there are neat and tidy plans. What Fang Yu has to do is probably one thing…become a high-level Martial Emperor, and then return to the Profound Sky world with Lin Xiaoxin.


Fang Yu still refused.


This time it is Lin Xiaoxin’s turn to be anxious.

“It should be me asking you why… I am not even a martial arts spirit now. What is the use of you telling me so much? Besides, I let me go for you once, and then cooperated with you. Dont my Fang Yus partner want to fill the sea?”

Fang Yu said indifferently.

He is speak frankly.

Above Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact, there are stronger presences and even more powerful characters.

Fang Yu admits that he has some obse ions and obse ions with all kinds of past lives, so its not surprising that he was caught in the weak spot by Lin Lin.

However, Fang Yu dare to say that there is no next time!

Therefore, Fang Yu can completely reject Lin Xiaoxin’s proposal and not accept her threats.


Lin Xiaoxin’s triumphant expre ion instantly collapsed.

She didn’t expect Fang Yu to reject herself!

“How can you refuse! How good is it to cooperate with me…”

Lin Xiaoxin hurriedly talked to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and ignored him.

“From now on you come to practice Xinlin, I will cover you!”

Lin Xiaoxin gritted his teeth and made a big move.


Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

Lian Xin Lin is one of Azure Dragon Academys Supreme Treasures. The real value is so big that it goes without saying.

If Lin Xiaoxin can cooperate with herself and provide convenience in some aspects… then it is not impossible to consider!

Looking at Fang Yu’s heartbeat, Lin Xiaoxin struck while the iron was hot: “If there is something to your little friend, as long as you don’t cross the bottom line, you are betraying Azure Dragon Academy. Some innocuous things, I I can help you settle it! How, I’m interesting enough!”

“It’s full of sincerity.”

Fang Yu smiled and said.

“So, cooperating with me is the best choice! I am also your most sincere partner!”

Lin Xiaoxin said sternly.

“I can promise you, but you are so sure that I can become a high-level Martial Emperor?”

Fang Yu asked with interest.

“You have a lot of secrets, it should be more than the one and a half that I saw… But as a qualified partner, I will not spy on your privacy. This is what I said. I arrived.”

Lin Xiaoxin said with a smile: “So, I do not believe in you as much as I believe in your secrets.”

Fang Yu looked deeply Lin Xiaoxin.

This Spiritual Artifact of Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact is really unexpected.

It is much stronger than the soul of a certain demon dragon.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiaoxin hurriedly stood up and said that he was sincere, not fake.

“Well, since you said that, I will promise you…”

Fang Yu nodded, tentatively agreed to this matter.

“Haha, long live…I dare you to say that if you cooperate with me, you will only make money without losing money!”

Lin Xiaoxin was happily.

Although there is still a long way to go before Fang Yu fulfilled his promise, somehow he got a promise!

What’s more, Fang Yu is a real person, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it!

I mi ed it, I dont know when I will meet it next time.

Now betting on Fang Yu will not suffer.

At the same time, Han Yan and several people showed a grave expre ion.

Because several people except Fang Yu have already come out one after another.

What about Fang Yu?

What happened?

“Isn’t he really a traitor?”

Mu Chengshuang said to himself.

“Senior Sister, don’t talk nonsense!” Feng Yaoguang said angrily.

It is a good thing that she can retreat all over her body, but if Fang Yu has a problem, she really can’t laugh.

Although to be fair, even she and He Ping have no problem, Fang Yu is even more impossible to have problems, but there are some things that are always hard to say…what if?

Wan Fangyu really has a problem, how can this be good?

Therefore, when Mu Chengshuang unfathomable mystery mentioned Fang Yu, how could Feng Yaoguang not feel sensitive.

“Hehe…what’s wrong with me? I am speak frankly!”

Mu Chengshuang glanced at Feng Yaoguang, smiled, and said, “Among you people, Even you and Rao Shizi He Ping pa ed, but Fang Yu has been unable to come out… What does this mean? What are you thinking of us as Azure Dragon Academy? Are all blind?”

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