“Yes, Senior Sister.”

Seeing this, everyone answered seriously.

Han Yang is for their good, this intention, the e entials.

“Especially you, Junior Sister Mu, do you know?”

Han Yan said in deadly earnest to Mu Chengshuang.

“I, I know.”

Mu Chengshuang said with his head drooping.

“Oh? I don’t know what Mu Chengshuang Senior Sister did?”

Fang Yu asked.

“You don’t need to ask more!”

Mu Chengshuang said unhappily.

“One time I was going out in a team to hunt Demonic beast. She was not strong enough and wanted to reluctantly follow her, so she greeted meritoriously and rashly entered. The consequences I just said.”

Han Yan glanced at Mu Chengshuang and said.

Everyone suddenly realized!

It turned out to be such a thing.

Its no wonder that Senior Sister Han Yu repeatedly reminded him that there were examples first.

“In the end, she recuperated for three months. Three months time, whether its long or short, is especially important for you Heaven’s Chosen Child. The result is not worth the lo .”

Han Yang continued to whip the corpse, making Mu Chengshuang somewhat ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“Otherwise, she might have entered the Azure Dragon list ahead of time…The top 100 chances are still great.”

Han Yan sighed.

She really feels sorry for Mu Chengshuang.

Mu Chengshuang tried his best, didn’t dare to speak, but he was too embarra ed to continue staying, and he went straight away.

“If you have the chance, you won’t lose a good relationship with her. She is a well-known figure of a previous time student at any rate. Power, influence, etc., are not comparable to ordinary newcomers. “

Looking at Mu Chengshuang fleeing, Han Yan reminded: “At that time, we all suffered a bit, so this is a le on from the past!”

” Suffered some hardships?”

Everyone slightly startled, thinking about it.

It’s not simple to make Sanjie suffer!

“Well…If we didn’t break through and become Martial Kings in less than a year, this matter is really not easy.”

Han Yang nodded.

Everyone startedled and silently retracted their eyes.

Sure enough, the suffering of Sanjie is a little different from what they imagined!

At this time, a voice sounded in Fang Yu’s heart.

“I, I’m back!”


“This is your person?”


Three people, three voices sounded one after another.

Under the cover of Lian Xin Lin, the Dragon Soul returned with Dragon Sect and merged into Fang Yu within the body.

This is one of the purposes of Fang Yus cooperation.

Lianxin Lin, but a Heavenspan Spiritual Artifact!

In addition to being used to test inner character, it is already extremely not weak!

With it to help cover, some movement can cover the past.

Sure enough, at the next moment the dragon soul returned, some auras arrived as promised.

They obviously felt something was wrong, and they tracked it down.

However, after they came, they were only confused.

“Oh? Did the induction just now disappear here…”

“It seems so, but there is a problem with Lian Xin Lin here, it wont be without warning. Yes.”

“Well…maybe it is Lianxinlin’s spoof. It has become more stubborn recently. Even Vice President Wang has been teased several times!”


Several breaths talked to each other and gradually faded away.

Lian Xinlin didn’t speak, but Fang Yu felt its triumph.

It is nothing more than to show that I am fortunate to be here this time, otherwise it would be great fun!

Fang Yu did not say anything, but thanked him.

“Fang Yu, this… how can it help you?”

The Dragon Soul asked in confusion.

It sensed it, and the few auras it had just chased after it were clearly due to the existence of Lianxin Forest, so it didn’t continue to investigate it.

Fang Yu is such a good fellow, he hooked up such a divine object as soon as he turned around!

It is really enviable and hateful!


Fang Yu answered casually, and then went back to the subject: “Yes, why are you so slow this time?”

hearing this, the Dragon Soul yelled for injustice: “I was wronged! I was really wronged! Although Dragon Sect has your authorization, it is temporarily obedient to me, but I am not a Master after all. When I take it away, There are many accidents to be prepared for, and the Supreme Treasure like Dragon Sect is flying in the sky, do you think there is no powerhouse to covet it? I’m also very difficult, okay?”

It turns out that the dragon soul just flew out. It was locked by a lot of breath.

However, the incident that Dragon Sect broke through, Sanjie has been reported to Azure Dragon Academy.

In other words, the powerhouse of Azure Dragon Academy will soon arrive and handle this matter.

These powerhouses who peeped secretly, always suppre ed their appetite.

The strength of these people is not bad, but compared with the local tyrant Azure Dragon Academy, they are still too immature.

Especially this thing claims to be left by the first dean of Azure Dragon Academy, so few people dare to provoke it.

The reason is simple. When Azure Dragon Academy was selected, many islands, including the main island where Academy is located, already had owners.

However, it is not easy to do something above the sea.

Sea Race, Dragon Race, etc., sometimes interfere.

If they are in trouble, they will be dry in a month.

However, these sea clan hooligans who cannot tell good from bad come to make trouble every one or two months. Who can stand it!

Therefore, under the strong buying and selling of the original dean, it was half-sold to get the current site of Azure Dragon Academy.

As for the later expansion, it was the grievances between the original dean, the sea clan, and the Dragon Race.

In short, the name of the first dean is a golden sign. If you want to weigh one or two, you may have to put your life on it first.

This kind of thing is too dangerous, no one wants to try, no one dares to try.

If this is not the case, whether the dragon soul can succe fully run down in this escape is two different things!

“Then you come to Azure Dragon Academy…”

Fang Yu asked curiously.

Actually, after he himself entered Azure Dragon Academy, he knew that this place is not simple. Dragon Soul wants to come in, I am afraid it is not simple.

So he basically finished his idea of going outside to solve the dragon soul, but he didn’t expect that the dragon soul still po e es great magical power came in.

Even if Lian Xinlin helped to cover up at the end, how about before?

Lian Xinlin did not participate in the previous part!

“Dont mention it, Im on the way of the Sea Clan!”

Speaking of which Dragon Soul is a bit depre ed: “This is some silly, but I call my brothers and sisters. They have a way to enter and exit Azure Dragon Academy freely. They dont know that their way is mixed with seafood. They were caught by the students of Azure Dragon Academy to have a meal! I just escaped from their pot, I was immediately locked in by some breath, you Is it miserable?”

“This is like the style of the four major academies…”

Fang Yu looking thoughtful.

If the four major academies are dignified, people just get in, what’s your face?

At this time, the voice of the system launching the task came again: “Ding! Task, get the heart of Longtan! Reward, 10% of the Four Sage Heaven and Earth Book!”

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