“You have a Senior Sister named Zhu Xingyao, right?”

asked Elder faint smile in the robe.

“This…Do you recognize me Senior Sister?”

Mo Ling’s face changed as soon as he heard the name, becoming very pale, as if the unearthly before him had nothing to do with him.

Fang Yu is a little curious, why does Mo Ling seem to be afraid of her Senior Sister?

“When I came back, I happened to meet. She said that her Junior Sister might come back to Azure Dragon Academy. If I do, please take care of me… I didnt expect you to come. “

Elder robe said with a smile.

“No, impossible! I, I…”

Mo Ling’s expre ion is ugly: “I was counted by her again? How is this po ible!”

“She counted it again?”

Fang Yu was puzzled.

“One of the reasons why I, the Senior Sister, has always been above me is that my every move did not surprise her. What I want to do, what I want to I gave it all to plot against, like this, how did you say I won her?”

Mo Ling smiled bitterly: “I thought I was going to a place like Dragon Sect, which could influence her I didnt expect that I would still…”

“This statement is wrong… Although your Senior Sister can infer that you will come to Azure Dragon Academy, but how did you become in Azure Dragon Academy? She can’t infer it.”

Elder said with a smile in the robe.

“What’s the answer to this?”

Mo Ling asked pitifully.

Looking at Mo Ling’s appearance, many people have rolled the eyes. I don’t know if she is really afraid of her Senior Sister or is she falsely afraid of her Senior Sister.

“Because the four major academies are guarded by descendants of Divine Beast, you Senior Sister unless you become a Martial Venerable, otherwise you want to force inference, it is very difficult, she has to pay a high price, you are Senior Sister Junior Sister is a competitor again, but for this matter, it got to this point…is it worth it? I don’t think she can do it for this purpose.”

Elder robe answered with a smile.

“so that’s how it is…then I can go to any one of the four major academies?”

Mo spiritual eyes turned and said.

Elder in the robe stiffened with a smile, but he didn’t know how to answer this time.


Elder lightly snorted in the robe, snorted away.

“Did you deliberately?”

Fang Yu asked.

“How can I say that I did it deliberately…I’m really afraid of my Senior Sister, okay? Hey!”

Mo Ling said seriously.

“Hey, Elder!”

After a pause, Mo Ling suddenly called Elder the robe: “Did my Senior Sister say, can I fight one afterwards? “

“She didn’t say this, but…”

Elder’s gaze turned around Fang Yu and the others, and said: “She said, Azure The younger generation of Dragon Academy has her lifelong enemy.”

“Lifetime enemy?”

Lou Shuzhang’s breathing became heavy.

To be honest, they want to be Zhu Xingyao’s lifelong enemy. After all, this is the strongest discipline of the younger generation of Heavenly Knowledge Hall. It is conceivable that they can become her lifelong enemy.

However, they don’t want to be Zhu Xingyao’s lifelong enemy.

Because Mo Ling is already enchanting enough, but Mo Ling has nothing to do with Zhu Xingyao!

Can they deal with someone who even Mo Ling can’t do?

As soon as they thought of this, their thoughts suddenly became contradictory.

“Don’t think about it so much. Although your innate talent is not bad, but in the final analysis, you haven’t even been selected.”

Another Academy Elder said indifferently.

She is different from Elder in the white robe. She always has a dark face, which makes people shudder even when she sees it. She is afraid to talk casually, for fear of offending her.

“Is the black face god…she is responsible for these newcomers who made trouble?”

“I can’t say that they are newcomers, they haven’t pa ed the selection yet!”

“But their cultivation base……tsk tsk! I don’t believe that they can’t pass the selection!”


Several Academy responsible for patrolling gates disciple whispered.

The selection of the four major academies is not simple, but there is also a conventional saying that the five-star Great Martial Master is basically more stable than the selection.

The question is what level of evaluation is ultimately obtained.

As everyone knows, the evaluation of the selection of the four major academies is three, but actually four.

Sun, Moon, Star and nothing!

Nothing is nothing, that is, just pa ing the grade. There is no grade evaluation. Even if it pa es, it is the one who is finally selected.

If you say it is meaningle , it means that you have entered the four major academies. If you say it has a lot of meaning…the bottom-most meaning, I am afraid that many people do not want it.

Because of the three martial artists evaluated by Sun, Moon, and Star, after entering the four major academies, they can get good rewards, and they can suddenly distance themselves.

It’s already a long way off, and it’s been separated. After that, it will definitely only move away.

These Academy disciples, who are responsible for gatekeeping, have barely been evaluated by the stars. After entering the Academy, they did get an opportunity to improve. Unfortunately, they were not able to grasp it completely, and the benefits were not many, so Yu was reduced to only doing janitor work.

Otherwise, they would be stronger, able to do more tasks, step by step, step by step, how could they end up in such a field.

“You don’t need to come with me.”

The black face god Elder pointed out Fang Yu and said: “Vice President Wang wants to see you.”

“Deputy Dean Wang wants to see me? Who is Vice Dean Wang?”

Fang Yu was bewildered.

Can he say that he really doesn’t know Vice President Wang?

“Vice President Wang?”

Lou Tianbing and the others were equally stunned.

Anyone who can be the deputy dean of the four major academies is at least the strength of Martial Sect, and maybe even Martial Venerable!

Fang Yu knows this kind of character, it’s really not a person to look like!

“You will know when you see it.”

The black face god Elder also didn’t mean much to say.

Fang Yu could only follow another student to meet with Vice President Wang in a daze.

“In fact, meeting Vice President Wang is not nece arily a bad thing, Junior Brother. After all, Vice President Wang has more authority. If you deal with it properly, you can directly become a member of Azure Dragon Academy. Its not surprising.”

The girl who led the way said with a smile.

She looks about the same age as Fang Yu, but she has already stepped into the realm of Wuling.

Obviously, she belongs to the other half of the Academy disciple.

“Senior Sister, I dared to ask, why did Vice President Wang censor me personally?”

Fang Yu thought for a while, said.

“I really don’t know this. Vice President Wang sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail. I don’t know why he did this.”

< p>The girl who led the way thought for a while, and said with some embarra ment, “But, it is said that at the Academy now, except for the contemporary dean who has already been wandering away, Deputy Dean Wang is strongest. It seems that he has reached the Realm of Martial Venerable!”

“Martial Venerable!”

Fang Yu’s expre ion became dignified.

Martial Venerable This is the realm of second only to Martial Saint, this kind of powerhouse looks at the four major academy compromise forces are not many.

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