Being po e ed by demons, slaying martial artist, etc… a series of charges made He Ping dizzy!

She can’t afford any charge.

Although he has been strengthened to the nine-star Great Martial Master by the evil spirits, it is still unknown whether things are good or bad.

After all, what she is going to take is the way Martial Sect Master enters the sacred with his fists, not just blindly raising the cultivation base.

“Um…little girl, your dislike is great. Although it will not endanger your life, I remind you in advance that you have no choice but to join Azure Dragon Academy.”

Han Yan narrowed his smile and said seriously.

As a Senior and Senior Sister, she doesn’t want her younger generations to feel too rigid.

But some things, even for her, were impossible casually.

You can only directly explain the entire process of development and how to do it.

“Join Azure Dragon Academy?”

He Ping was startled.

“Yeah, if you cause such a thing in Dalongtan, it is natural to ask our Azure Dragon Academy to help you wipe your butt. Then in return, you must join our Azure Dragon Academy. “

Han Yan said with a smile: “Do you say that what I said makes sense?”


He Ping was stunned, no Knowing nodded or shaking his head.

After all, in this case, nodded or shaking your head seems to be wrong!

“If you don’t join Azure Dragon Academy, then you must be a felony. If you join, you will be your own student, and you will be the 9-star Great Martial Master. Many things can be discu ed “

Lin Tian said lazily: “You see, although I am one of the top three, but many of my tasks have a small tail, and the Academy helps them to handle them… Why is this? The strength is one, I Its from Azure Dragon Academy, thats the key.”

Everyone suddenly realized.

“The key is you guys, who have added chaos to our Azure Dragon Academy, can’t you just let you go?”

Lin Tianyan returns to the subject.


Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and I think the same is true.

“I’ll talk about anything when I return to Azure Dragon Academy.”

Xia Feng’s final decision.

“But the selection will be conducted soon…”

Wang Zhong frowned.

If they cant make it, theyll be here for nothing!

As for becoming the discipline of Azure Dragon Academy, dont you think its so simple and straightforward to choose people?

After all, this kind of thing is unheard of.

“Its not surprising that you dont understand, dont know, because over the years, there are not many that can be like you, but there are not many… Let me explain this, and now I will bring you back to the Academy for review. If there are no problems, we will make arrangements.”

Xia Feng said with great certainty: “As for when the time comes, it affects the selection time, or how, we will make arrangements. Anyway, we Academy has some special channels and special enrollment quotas, so you can rest a ured.”

Seeing this, everyone feels relieved!

As long as there is an arrangement, I am afraid that people will be taken away and the selection will be mi ed.

“Several Senior Senior Sisters said that there are special channels and quotas, but I don’t know if it is……”

Fang Yu asked curiously.

“It means that you are very prominent in a certain aspect, such as refining equipment, refining medicine, etc., but generally speaking, you need a Grandmaster Rank. You are young, and there is still a distance from the master. section of the road Cheng.”

Han Yan glanced at Fang Yu and the others, and finally fell on Lou Zhang’s place.

Lou Zhan is a half-step master.

But God’s will is like a knife, who knows how long the remaining half step will be, and how far is there?

Therefore, Han Yang doesn’t think they can really enroll through these special channels.

However, there are exceptions to everything. Since this matter has nothing to do with the arrangement of the first dean back then, it is not impossible to adapt one or two measures to local conditions.

As everyone pondered, the transport boat flew farther and farther.

“Here, this is Azure Dragon Academy.”

When a short period of time pa ed in a hurry, Xia Feng spoke suddenly.

Everyone looked towards the outside, their eyes lit up!

I saw a huge island below the flying boat!

The island is very big, like a city-state, and its actually wrong to say that its an island, because there is still a vague way between it and the land, but it is often submerged by sea water, and there are many miniature islands in the middle. As if it were a complete kingdom!

“This is Azure Dragon Academy?”

Fang Yu’s eyes lit up.

To be honest, the layout of Azure Dragon Academy is beyond his imagination.

Apart from this, Fang Yu is also concerned about where is the Cave Mansion of the Void Martial Emperor?

There are so many islands here, and its not surprising that one of them hides the void Martial Emperor Cave Mansion.

Fang Yu looks more and more alike, the more he looks, the more powerful he feels. may!

“One of the characteristics of our Azure Dragon Academy is that there are a lot of Cave Mansion, too many for you to count…What you see now is only one hair from nine oxen, and the rest is covered by Formation Get up, if you become a formal student, especially when you come in, you get the evaluation above the star student, you can directly choose a place to build Cave Mansion.”

Han Yang introduced enthusiastically.

Obviously, in her opinion, Fang Yu’s few are good seedlings. As long as there are no major problems, they will be put back after a review.

Now the various advantages of Azure Dragon Academy are revealed in advance. Whether they are admitted by exception or directly participate in the selection, there are many benefits.

Because Azure Dragon Academy has a different attitude towards thorns!

The so-called stabbing head, in other words, is it someone who can make trouble?

In other words, their ability is not small.

Azure Dragon Academy is not afraid of you making troubles, just because you are not capable.

The transport boat landed, and Academy Elder was waiting for the handover.

After all, it was something left by the dean from the beginning of the year. If something really went wrong, they were equally to blame.

“Xia Feng, you guys come with me.”

An Elder with white beard and hair asked Xia Feng to take the Azure Dragon Sealing Demon Column with him: “Such a thing, if you dont put it in Land of Sealing, its hard for them to feel at ease.”

“Land of Sealing? Does it mean putting a lot of this kind of stuff? If something happens, wouldnt it be more Bad?”

Mo Ling asked with interest.

Fang Yu glanced at her, and found that when this girl was talking, she had a little excitement of being hard to describe, and she rolled her eyes in fear that the world would not be chaotic.

“We Azure Dragon Academy inheritance for many years, we have our own experience on how to prevent setbacks, but there is no need for a little girl. You worry too much…”

Elder He glanced at Mo Ling and said, “You are the discipline Mo Ling of Heavenly Knowledge Hall, right?”

“Oh? Do you recognize me?”

Mo Ling was slightly surprised.

Does she remember knowing Azure Dragon Academy Elder? Did she remember someone wrong?

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