“Deputy Dean Wang sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail. He often wanders around the world. It is rare for us to see the previous side.”

The leading girl helple ly said.

“Wandering beyond the sky? Spiritual Consciousne ?”

Fang Yu asked.

“No… it is said that after Martial Venerable, there is the ability to turn the fictitious into reality, and it can also refine the advanced External Body Incarnation. Of course, I dont know how to do it. , After all, I just became a martial spirit.”

The girl who led the way sighed and said.

Fang Yu looked more serious at this.

In some small places, Great Martial Master is already an important indicator of the strength of a family.

For example, the Three Great Families of Skydome City, at least a Great Martial Master can be used to stabilize the position.

However, in fact, Three Great Families, a family that lasted for at least dozens of hundreds of years, usually have two Great Martial Masters.

As for other martial artists of Wu Spirit level, it can be called an Old Ancestor Fang.

However, in Azure Dragon Academy, it’s just the pa ing line that’s all.

Although the students of the four major academies, at least half of the breakthrough cant reach the martial arts, but this is half, which is an average and approximate number, by no means constant, and the breakthrough is not available now, it does not mean that they will not be able to enter the fourth The Academy is already an outstanding character, no matter how weak it is, it will not be weak.

As soon as he thought of this, Fang Yu couldn’t help but feel hot!

If you want to become stronger, you should go to this kind of crouching tiger hidden dragon!

“Yes, I forgot to ask what Senior Sister is called.”

Fang Yu seemed to think of something, said.

“Me? My name is Chen Lingshan.”

The leading girl answered with a smile.

“Lingshan Senior Sister, I am Fang Yu.”

Fang Yu exchanges names.

Chen Lingshan smiled: “Fang Yu Junior Brother.”

“Vice President Wang, people have already been brought.”

In a magnificent building In front of the gate, the leading girl Chen Lingshan whispered.

Fang Yu also muttered in his heart, who is Vice President Wang, and he knows such a great character?

“Could it be…”

Fang Yu thought of a person and a kind of probability, but he quickly shook his head and denied it.

It should not be him.

Otherwise this time is a surprise!

“Come in.”

A voice without joy or sorrow came from inside the building.

Fang Yu’s heart chuckles.

“Go in, my mi ion ends here.”

Chen Lingshan said with a smile.

Fang Yu brace oneself pushes in.

In the building is a silhouette of Fang Yu.

Fang Yu couldn’t see the other’s expre ion.

When the door was closed, the silhouette slowly turned around.

“Old, Old Wang’s head!”

Fang Yu was speechless in shock when recognizing that this face was really Old Wang’s head.

It turned out to be the head of the old man!

Although he thought that it might be the head of the old king, he was still shocked to speak after discovering that it was the head of the old king.

“Why? Very surprised, very surprised?”

Old Wang, no, Vice President Wang asked with a smile.

“cough cough…Yes.”

Fang Yu did not deny it.

It was really shocking!

The shameless old man head, suddenly became the vice president of Azure Dragon Academy!

Are you sure you are joking?

“I am Vice President Wang, and I am also the head of the old Wang you know… Because this is an External Body Incarnation that I turned into reality, and your special invitation letter is for you Yes.”

Vice Dean Wang said frankly.

Fang Yu was helple .

You have said everything, what else should I say?

“Then you want me to meet in private for…”

Fang Yu’s heart moved, said.

“No, I never thought you would make such a thing before the selection.”

Deputy Dean Wang rolled the eyes and said: “You feel normal martial Will the artist go to Dalongtan to dig a hundred feet for no reason?”

“This…I am not? I am a normal martial artist!”

Fang Yu has a face helple ly said.


Vice President Wang chuckled.

“I don’t know what Azure Dragon Academy is going to do with us?”

Fang Yu went straight ahead.

Since I am an acquaintance, there is no need to hide it.

“First of all, I want to declare that I am the head of the old king, but the head of the old king is not entirely me. I turn the virtual into reality. The External Body Incarnation is only a part of me, not mine All.”

Deputy Dean Wang said seriously: “In other words, what you know is only a part of me, and as Vice Dean, I must be fair and just.”

“Then what is the total number of special invitations you sent?”

“At present, you are the only one…”

“Why don’t that end?”


Fang Yu spread his hands, leaving Vice President Wang speechle .

“In addition, I think these special invitation letters should have a certain meaning, right? It’s not as simple as sending them out casually?”

Fang Yu said again.

“you brat……”

Vice President Wang pupil shrink.

Why this kid knows everything!

“Yes…the special invitation letter actually has another meaning, that is, when the competition is over, the students who receive the special invitation letter from each academy shall be responsible for ranking for each academy.”


“Personal ranking is important, and Academy ranking is equally important. It is related to the distribution rights of certain resources jointly developed by the four major academies.”

“Of course, the students in charge of the campaign may not nece arily To join the Academy that is i uing special invitations, its just generally speaking. Joining the corresponding Academy will get the most benefits.”


Vice President Wang was silent for a long time, or the other party Yu confe ed: “Among them, the most important thing is that the distribution scope of special invitations from the four major academies is fixed, and we cannot go beyond this scope to find someone. Elder has not yet responded to other special invitations, but as far as I am concerned , I did find you.”

Speaking of which, Fang Yu still doesnt understand. Recently, Azure Dragon Academys jurisdiction area is truly outstanding, not many. .

At the very least, Vice President Wang has only found Fang Yu for the time being.

As for other people, if they are not qualified, it is better not to choose!

“en? Mo Ling, Lou Shuzhang them…”

Fang Yu seemed to remember something, said.

He admits that he is good, but he said that other people are not capable enough, which is too much.

“The forces behind them are not allowed. They don’t want to participate in the competition of the four major academies, even if I agree.”

Vice President Wang directly shook his head and waved his hand.

Yes, Lou Shuzhan, Lou Tianbing, Mo Ling, etc. are ready-made players. The problem is that the forces behind them are tangled and complicated, and they will not offend another for one Academy.

Feng Yaoguangs father, Duobao, Martial King, is actually the Azure Dragon Academy graduation discipline of Zheng Miaohong. If the problem is a special invitation letter, Feng Yaoguang is a little too close!

Rather than let half a bucket of water go, it’s better not to go!

Fang Yu…It can be said that it is a gamble by Vice President Wang!

He made a right bet!

Fang Yu is indeed terrifying, and he has risen to this level in just one month. This is something that Deputy Dean Wang absolutely did not expect.

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