The Void Rat sees the to disdain as beneath contempt in the opponent’s eyes completely.

But it doesn’t care.

Fang Yus terrifying can be seen casually.

If you are casual, with no difficulty, you can see the horror of Fang Yu, and believe that you will not stumble at the time.

“be that as it may, this Zheng He is really evil, not like an ordinary Great Martial Master…”

Void Mouse secretly thought.

Although it has been trapped in the broken hole for many years, it has been read all over the cla ics left by the Saint family in the past!

Naturally, it is clear that the various things Zheng He has shown now are definitely not just ordinary Great Martial Masters.

It is hard to say what point this kind of character will reach once it continues to grow!

So, we must cut weeds and eliminate the roots today!

Aware of the killing intent of the Void Rat rashly becoming stronger, Li Xiantian laughed strangely: “hehehe…you and I do it, arent you afraid of hurting this body? I dont have Li Xiantians consciousne . Swallow, because it is too late to swallow, so if you win me, there is still a good chance of saving him back. But you made too heavy a move, mi ing arms and legs, but its not easy to handle.”

< p>Smelling the threat between the lines in the other party’s words, Void Rat also smiled: “Oh? Is it…but it’s my shit? I’m not from Li Family, I’m just Fang Yu’s Spirit Pet, don’t say that I hurt Li Xiantian Fang Yu is responsible for killing, I don’t care!”


Li Xiantian’s discoloration changed for a while.

I’m really afraid of what is coming, this Void Rat is actually a tough one!

It is completely not afraid of Li Xiantian’s accident.

You must know that Li Xiantian is the martial spirit Old Ancestor of Li Family. It involves a lot of things. If something really goes wrong, it is a big problem.

How can this Void Rat ignore it!





Fang Yu kept swinging his knife and slashing towards Zheng He.

However, unexpectedly, Fang Yu lost every cut!

“Hey, hello, hello…what’s the situation with you, kid? Absent-minded?”

Dragon Soul couldn’t help asking.

If it’s not absent-minded, why can’t you get a hit?

Isnt it a joke?

“No, its not that I mi ed my hand deliberately, but he saw through my shot… he avoided every shot I was perfect!”

Fang Yu took a deep breath and said .

Thats right, although I dont want to admit it, the fact is that the other party sees everything through, and Fang Yus every cut is lost.

Zheng He took this to the extreme, and easily avoided Fang Yu’s attack without spending a little extra energy. Moreover, he took the opportunity to attack him several times, and Fang Yu almost had nowhere to go back!

Therefore, Fang Yu didn’t dare to go straight back and forth when he came and went, he was generous.

“Is it because of the Devil’s Heart?”

The Dragon Soul suddenly thought of Guan Jian.

The Devils Heart can instantly strengthen himself to an unprecedented level.

Zheng He is an eight-star Great Martial Master. Although he is amazing, no one believes that he is so amazing.

It can only be that Zheng He relies on the devil’s heart to become stronger!

“My cultivation base is not as good as him. If he is strengthened by the Demon Heart, it will be difficult for me to kill him!”

Fang Yu certainly does not look down upon Zheng He, But it does not prevent him from seeing Zheng He’s difficulties!

“System, is there a way to solve Zheng He…I don’t want to work hard anymore!”

Fang Yu directly asked about the super slaughter system.

It’s not that he really doesn’t want to work hard anymore, but because of the current situation, Fang Yu wants to break the game… it’s difficult!

Of course, if he joins forces with the Void Rat, trifling Zheng He, not to mention the Demon Heart, it is the real Demon Race method, it may not be able to avoid it.

However, the Void Rat was entangled, and Fang Yu alone wanted to force Zheng He, who had a devilish heart, to be too difficult.

“Ding! Consultation costs 2.0 [slaughter points]!”

“This…have you increased the price?”

“Ding! Consultation fee Decide according to the difficulty of solving the problem!”


Fang Yu was speechless for a while.

It’s not difficult, it’s all your super slaughter system says, what else can he do?

“Bought it!”

Neverthele , Fang Yu still reluctantly bought it!

It’s not his turn to buy it!

If you dont buy it, you just consume it!

Zheng Hes cultivation base is the eight-star Great Martial Master. Above Fang Yu, it will continue to be consumed. Unless the Void Rat ends the battle early, Fang Yu is still more dangerous.

“Ding! The previous host spirit and body unification unlocked new poses, including potential bursts.”

“Potential bursts?”

“Potentials Outburst… For various reasons, if every martial artist wants to display all his strengths at his level, vividly and thoroughly, it takes a long time to understand himself, but for most of Heaven’s Chosen Child, It may be faster to mention High Rank than the perception level.”

“In fact, it is not…For example, the five-star Great Martial Master can capture all of his potential and will not be weaker than the eight-star or even the nine-star Great Martial Master! There are too few and too few such examples to be evidenced.”

“Ding! Does the host purchase the potential burst? It needs to consume [slaughter points] 15.0.”

“I fuck “

Fang Yu wants to curse!

Is it not?

Its 15.0 [slaughter points] at every turn. Is it true that Fang Yu opened the [slaughter mall]?

Is [slaughter points] the same as playing?

“I bought it!”

Fang Yu can only buy it!

Now the super slaughter system is forced to buy and sell, and what Fang Yu can’t do if he can!

“Ding! The purchase is succe ful!”

“Ding! has stimulated all the potential of the host.”

“50%, 70%, 90%… “


When the system reported 100%, Fang Yu’s e ence, qi and spirit changed.

“Bang Bang…”

His imposing manner is like a mountain like a sea, like a War God coming to the world!


Zheng He was slightly surprised.

Originally, after using the Demon Heart, he concluded that the situation was reversed. Although Fang Yu was a genius, but under the ble ing of the Demon Heart, Fang Yu was in a short time, but he couldn’t help himself.

However, Fang Yu’s breath now changes like mountains and seas…what’s wrong?

“The next knife…killed you!”

Fang Yu spoke slowly.


Zheng Hehun didn’t care.

Others dont know how powerful Demon Heart is, can he not know?

Now Zheng He’s strength is basically the same as the nine-star Great Martial Master!

This is one of his greatest strengths against Li Family.

Zheng Hes trump card has always been on himself, not anyone!

This has been, it is now, and it will be in the future!

“The setting sun!”

Fang Yu slashed out. At this moment, the dragon tooth knife seemed to turn into a giant dragon, and the huge Fire Dragon shrouded Zheng He. Away.

“Devil’s Heart, Great Demon Zhentian!”

Almost at the same time, Zheng He without the slightest hesitation urged the Devil’s Heart to the extreme!

The Devils Heart is by no means an illusory thing, it is a real thing!

Almost his own heart, sacrificed into a powerful treasure!

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