Now that Zheng He is so urging, one carele ness is the end of the demon’s heart collapse.

Without the heart, naturally it is dead!

Therefore, as long as Zheng He is sensible, he will certainly not be so gambled.

However, under the ble ing of the Demon Heart, Zheng He faced Fang Yu’s this blade, and only tried his best to resist this idea.

Unable to resist, Zheng He will die!

Anyway, it’s death. Compared to absolute death, it may be impossible to say what death is!

“hong long long!”

The flame engulfed Zheng He, and the momentum was mighty. Even the Void Rat and Li Xiantian couldn’t help but look over.

“This…is such a big noise?”

Li Xiantian was distracted.

He and Zheng He have known each other for a long time.

He knows exactly what Zheng He is.

It can be said that Zheng He is one of the most witty people he has ever met.

Such people are forced into the desperate situation when the cultivation base is higher than Fang Yu?

Is this kid so scary?

“Zheng He… is over!”

The Void Rat looked back after just one glance: “I said, Fang Yu is deep and unmeasurable, even I can’t see through How strong is his ability, a ghost, a Zheng He wants Fang Yu to fall? impossible!”


Li Xiantian felt guilty!

Void Rat’s innate talent is too terrifying. Even if he has Li Xiantian’s body, his hard support is the limit when he does not use it freely. It is basically impossible to help Zheng He.

Once Zheng He is killed, it will be his turn next!

He has worked so hard for many years, now he is about to be beheaded here, he is not reconciled!

The roar disappeared, and there was no Zheng He left in place, only a pile of black coal.

Zheng He…dead!

“This…Zheng He was beheaded by you? What happened to you just now? Why did you become so powerful all at once? I remember you weren’t that powerful before.”

The more the Dragon Soul asked, the more frightened it became!

If Fang Yu is an evildoer, it might still be acceptable.

The monster dragon himself is an unborn evildoer. The evildoer sees the evildoer, nothing is wrong, and there is nothing to be surprised!

However, Fang Yu is now much more than a monster.

It didn’t know how to describe Fang Yu for a while!

Fang Yu ignored the dragon soul, but asked the super slaughter system: “system, what is the potential explosion…? How do I feel that I have realized something!”

Yes, The feeling of potential explosion to Fang Yu is not as simple as taking drugs.

Taking medicine, once medicine efficacy is over, it’s over!

However, what the explosion of potential brings to Fang Yu is not only that, there are more and deeper things.

He even touched something in the short burst of potential.

It’s exactly what it is, he couldn’t say clearly!

What exactly is it?

“Ding! The potential explosion is a function sold by the super slaughter system. If you use the martial artist’s term, it is Ji Realm!”

“Ji Realm?”

< p>“Yes, Ji Realm…As the name suggests, it is the limit of every realm! Once the comprehend Ji Realm, whether it is a great realm or a small realm, it can release its full potential.”


Fang Yu was shocked!

Ji Realm, turned out to be legendary Ji Realm!

The legend of Ji Realm is circulated in Myriad Spirits Continent.

Of course, how extreme Ji Realm is, it is difficult to say clearly, because there are too few people who can realize Ji Realm.

Even if someone is lucky enough to realize it, it is difficult to clearly describe what Ji Realm is all about.

But just now, Fang Yu really fumbled for something in Ji Realm in a short period of time, that is, he came too fast, went too fast, and didn’t catch that’s all.

“Ding! The host still has a task to defeat Li Xiantian but hasn’t completed it.”

Hearing this, Fang Yu woke up and looked at Li Xiantian and Void Rat.

“Hey, why did you brat ignore me just now?”

The dragon soul is unhappy.

“I may have just entered Ji Realm state…”

Fang Yu said.

“Ji Realm? Is it the Ji Realm I know?”

Dragon Soul startled.

Even if the dragon soul evildoers, Dragon Race geniuses are as numerous as cows, but Ji Realm may come by with luck, but not by searching for it!

The rumor is that in the Martial Emperor, there may not nece arily be one comprehend out of Ji Realm among the ten.

Fang Yu said that he just realized Ji Realm…Is he really not joking?

“Yes, it’s the Ji Realm you know… However, I didn’t fully grasp it. It was a short-lived moment and entered the Ji Realm state.”

Fang Yu smiled helple ly.

If the super slaughter system said in advance that the potential explosion is Ji Realm, he will experience everything he says!

Where it’s over, forget it!

“However, the Super Slaughter System may have done it deliberately… If I comprehend Ji Realm, dont I need to purchase the Super Slaughter System service? For them, it is a loss busine ! “

Fang Yu humorously tries to figure out the intention of the super slaughter system.

“Ding! system has no such meaning. If the host understands Ji Realm, system can use this as an opportunity to unlock more new poses.”

“You can spy on me Thoughts!”

“Ding! Only when the host is maliciously trying to figure out the system, the system will feel. If the host is calm and has no bad thoughts about the system, the system will not perceive anything. .”

Fang Yu was skeptical.

Anyway, he didn’t see through the super slaughter system, what it said was and so on.

“But its a pity that Zheng He died like this…Huh?”

Fang Yu just felt that Zheng He was burnt to ashes and nothing was left. But there was something gleaming in this pile of black charcoal.

“This is…the heart of the devil?”

Fang Yu found out this thing, examined it for a while, and said in surprise.

Although it was very difficult to deal with by his knife, but the faintly discernable demon breath inside, this is not demon heart or something!

“The quality of Zheng He’s Demon Heart is not bad. If you cut it like this, you can still retain it. That’s all spirituality!”

Dragon Soul clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

“Its owner is dead, what’s weird about the spirituality being greatly reduced…The main reason is what is the purpose of this thing, I have a heart, I can’t continue to install the devil’s heart?”< /p>

Fang Yu curl one’s lip, think this thing is a bit tastele .

“Ding! The super slaughter system can recover the heart of the devil, the price is 50.0 [slaughter points]!”

“Huh? You want to recover the heart of the devil? I remember the last time you were Get the heart of the blood pool!”

“Ding! This is a matter of the system, and there is no need to disclose more to the host.”

Fang Yu wants to curse.

Speaking of which, his host really has no status!

The super slaughter system does not give itself any face!

“That’s all! 50.0 [slaughter points] right? I sold it…Anyway, this thing, I am temporarily usele .”

Fang Yu was silent for a little bit, but decided to let system Reclaim this magic heart.

Just as he thought, the Devil’s Heart is a bit tasteless to him now, and after all, it is an external force. It is still an unorthodox way. It doesn’t have much meaning. It might be better to sell.

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