Dont see that the Void Rat hasnt returned to the top of Level 9, half-step Monster King, what it drew before was the energy from the dragon soul!

There are some e ential differences with its original energy.

So it wants to see if it is strong or weak!

This Li Xiantian came just right!

“It seems that you and I are still inevitable.”

Fang Yu said jokingly.

“It is a pity that you died here.”

Zheng He said sternly.

“Dont fool around with Profound Void here… If you really regret Zheng Yuanzhis death, you should directly attack the Void Rat. You also need Li Xiantian relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers? Tell me this now, it’s useful?”

Fang Yu sneered.

He couldn’t see that Zheng He wanted to use his heart attack technique to disintegrate his defenses.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu doesn’t eat this set at all!

Does he have a super slaughter system, and he needs to be jerky with Zheng He?

Zheng Family?

Skydome City?

Underground black market?

What can you do!

“Hao Ran…The Black Demon Sutra!”

When Zheng He’s conversation turned around, he was full of black energy!

“Black Demon Sutra? Black Demon Sect’s cultivation technique?”

Fang Yu’s eyebrows moved.

The Black Demon Sect is a force at the same level as the Treasure Building.

Even if overall it is not as good as the Treasure House, it cannot be denied that the Black Demon Sect is strong.

It was precisely when Zheng He got the Black Demon Sutra that he got on line with the Black Demon Sect.

Unexpectedly, Zheng He’s fellow practitioners decided to fight the Black Demon Sutra!

“Are these two cultivation techniques compatible?”

Fang Yu said to himself.

“What cant…right and evil, who defines this? Martial Emperor? Even the Martial Emperor is not qualified to define good and evil, right.”

Zheng He Kyogen.

“This person is out of the ordinary…A Great Martial Master has such an understanding!”

The Dragon Soul was shocked.

The road to cultivation is like rowing a boat upstream.

The dragon soul aptitude out of the ordinary, but when he was young, he hadn’t thought of the level Zheng He said.

It wasn’t until a hundred years of silence that I gradually realized all the truths.

Of course, its not that you dont think so or you are wrong. If you think this way, you must be right.

Everyone has different pursuits.

Some have become Martial Saints and are no longer in vain, while others are determined to become Martial Emperors.

For example, Fang Yu, who now often considers himself Martial Emperor in the future.

Dragon Soul can only say that Zheng He is really amazing!

Although there is no shortage of nonsense, his ideas are really strong!

“It’s so…I can’t keep him even more!”

Fang Yu said solemnly: “Now he has such a threat. Let it go, God knows he will arrive. How far! Will it be beyond our control!”

“So, our sincere cooperation is the best…”

“No need!”

< p>“…”

Zheng He found that he could no longer see Fang Yu this child.

To be honest, Fang Yu was aware of his out of the ordinary.

If not, Fang Yu would not be so serious!

However, Fang Yu’s attitude is extremely resolute… absolutely not to cooperate with Zheng He!

This makes Zheng He a little puzzled.

“Zheng He, I must kill you today and avenge my mother!”

Fang Yu shouted.

Even if there is no task of super slaughter system, he is impossible to let Zheng He go. This is a bloody hatred, which is impossible casually.

“That’s all, let’s do it.”

Zheng He pondered a little, and finally gave up lobbying Fang Yu.

Even if the Void Rat and him have a murderous vengeance, if Fang Yu is willing to cooperate, Zheng He is the biggest winner today. Letting go of the hatred for the time being is not a bad idea.

Because of his son, he could give birth to a second and a third if Zheng He originally intended!

However, Fang Yu is different.

Fang Yus mother is Fang Yiyi only.

Fang Yiyi is dead, people cannot be resurrected from death, Fang Yus side has only one choice from beginning to end… One battle, death battle, nothing more!

“The heart of the devil!”

Next moment, before Fang Yu’s move, Zheng He pursued it with victory, a pitch-black as ink heart, faintly discernible in his chest!

“en? Demon Heart…Be careful, this thing is not simple!”

Dragon Soul is very jealous: “This is a method that imitates the Demon Race… Unconsciously, I confuse the other party and let the other party be unfathomable mystery. It can also greatly improve my strength, intelligence, etc. I said that Zheng He is out of the ordinary, but I didnt expect it to be so out of the ordinary, Lian Mo My heart is cultivation succe !”

Just like Fang Yu’s knowledge of Myriad Spirits Continent, here, all spirits meet!

There are Fiend races, descendants of Demon Race and Human Race, as well as unfathomable creatures like ghost races.

So, even if there is a cultivation technique that simulates Demon Race, it is not surprising.

Actually, the various methods of Demon Race are favored by people, and there are really not a few. Since ancient times, there are powerhouses who want to imitate, take the e ence and discard the dro .

For example, the heart of the devil.

Its origin should be a cultivation technique that extremely strengthens oneself and then extremely hurts the enemy.

It’s confused even to the point where the enemy and us are not distinguished. While deceiving the enemy, it also deceived itself!

After all, I can’t even confuse myself, so why do I confuse the enemy!

The magic of Demon Race is very deep. They often don’t care about being confused or confused, they just want one result and only one happy.

However, this method in Myriad Spirits Continent is too cold and ruthle , and will be resisted and rejected by everyone.

Therefore, the Black Demon Sutra appeared, which weakened the ability to strengthen oneself, and at the same time reduced the chance of losing oneself!

“Martial King didn’t know that you became the heart of the devil, right?”

Fang Yu asked suddenly.

“He doesnt know… Demon Heart, except for the Sect Masters of the Black Demon Sect, its good to have one or two comprehend. Comprehend people can become the right arm of the Black Demon Sect, but I am different. , Although the Dark Demon Sect is good, it will not be my hometown of Zheng He.”

When Zheng He spoke, the feeling he gave had changed!

Become gloomy, become very ruthless and ruthle !

This is the magic!

Forgetfulne !


Fang Yu stepped out and killed with a knife!

It should be said, he is finished, next, it is the enemy!

Seeing this, Zheng He didn’t dodge or hide, he didn’t panic, he showed a weird smile!



Li Xiantian and Void Rat occasionally fight, and occasionally be wary of each other.

Because the current Li Xiantian is not only Li Xiantian, but also descendants of Ghost Clan!

“Don’t you worry about this kid? He is not Zheng He’s opponent.”

Li Xiantian said with a weird smile.

“Isnt Zheng Hes opponent? Can Zheng He kill me? Can he kill the Demon Dragon?”

The Void Rat didnt even look at the other party, but just said something for Li Xiantian If I feel unfathomable mystery!

It’s easy to understand how to kill the Void Rat, but what does it mean to kill the Demon Dragon?

Has Fang Yu still killed the dragon?

No way!

Dragon Race is the top overlord of Myriad Spirits Continent. How could it be killed by Fang Yu casually? This Void Rat is playing around!

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