Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 813: 【Agent Agent】

"You really should be a screenwriter. I thought about so much in a while? The plot is very fun." Zoe praised.

Theron laughed: "His mind is chaotic, and he often has strange ideas. Every time I discuss the script with him, he has some unique ideas."

Cooper asked: "Later, what is the main storyline?"

"The dumb agent combination, and revenge, I think the next content can be vulgar, because as long as the protagonist 1234 is handsome enough, the heroine is beautiful enough to attract young audiences, and it needs a little reversal."

Wang Jun paused for a moment and then said, "The story can be like this."

Seeing Wang Hao's super strength, the commanders of the special forces were very surprised, and the chief instructor was very pleasing to see Wang, thinking that he had the potential to become a soldier.

He formally joined the training camp to learn to use firearms, tactics, etc., and there are some truths in life. Solving problems cannot only rely on fists.

The character of the general instructor convinced Wang Hao. The specific character Wang Jun didn't elaborate and couldn't think of it. In short, there is a place for these guys to serve.

The three big guys have problems with their personalities. After Wang Jun joined, he had the motivation and the harder special training, compared with him.

The four of them have their own characteristics, they all keep up with the trend of the times, and soon became good friends. They were also very happy to play while training. They talked about their past and how they were sent.

Australian son Chris is a **** who doesn't do business. The classic incident was to be checked at the airport by plane and suspected of carrying a bar-shaped weapon. The result was not a weapon, but a big bird...

South African son Bonard likes firearms, fighting, and killing small dictators locally, causing international disputes.

IT son Dylan is a hacker who once hacked into the Pentagon and found a bunch of loopholes. Fortunately, he did not do too much, otherwise he would have been sentenced to life imprisonment as a spy. This guy has done a lot of things, done a lot of black technology, and also made some high-tech gadgets on the island with some scrapped machinery.

Wang Hao's family is relatively normal, but he is the most agent-like among the four. He has super fighting power, can drive a car, learns firearms quickly, and he knows everything.

The instructor's daughter likes Chris, but it is said that he is an unrequited playboy, daring not to associate with him and not responding to his pursuit.

Wang Hao did "Moon Elder" and told her that nothing is certain and that Playboy also has true love. If you don't try, you will only regret it in the future.

Near the "graduation", everyone proposed to go out for a party, drove a speedboat made by an IT son to another island, hunt, barbecue, and campfire party. Four people and two women drank too much and spent the night on the island.

In the early morning, an enemy attacked the ground with a plane.

It turned out that there was a villain undercover on the island, one of the instructors, and they prepared a big crime plan.

The instructor had enemies before and tried every means to find his place to take revenge.

A group of special forces terrorists killed the instructors, kidnapped the students, and wanted to take hostages to extort money from major companies and make money in this way.

The undercover villain was afraid of Wang Jun and others, but they were not on the island and had no choice but to leave.

A student named Han Mo hid in the secret passage without being arrested. No one knew what Han Mo was doing at home. He was more introverted and had a weak sense of existence. The instructor forgot his existence.

When the six returned to the island and found that the situation was not right, Hanmer told them what had happened.

The IT son made a radio contact with the outside, and the military got the news, but he had to meet first, formulate an operational plan, and understand the situation before he could act, and he would not preempt.

Wang Hao knew that the instructors were furious after being killed, and immediately decided to take revenge. The other three dudes are also good-blooded men.

Hanmer also expressed his willingness to help and contacted his family.

Two hours later, a seaplane came and brought a large number of high-tech weapons, much more advanced than the training guns at the base, all of which are currently the highest configuration, and four people were armed to the teeth.

It turned out that this Hanmer, who never speaks of family background, is engaged in arms business at home. The famous Hanmer Industry, Hanmer is actually his surname.

Hanmer couldn't fight. He didn't go with him. The two women didn't agree, and they were stunned by them. Then the four of them got on the plane and set off.

There was nothing new in the final battle. The IT guy determined the position of the enemy and hacked into the network. When you get to the place, don't talk nonsense, just start talking.

Heavy weapons are used. The three men contain the firepower and attract the enemy. Wang Hao saves the hostage alone.

Wang Hao used no firearms, kung fu added a flying knife, and many guards hung without making a sound, successfully rescued all hostages and let them transfer according to the content of the training.

One of the blondes confessed to the king and kissed him.

In the BOSS battle, the strongest bodyguard was taken by Wang Hao and others. After destroying the opponent's base camp, everyone contacted the official. The special forces arrived, and they did not see the mercenaries. They were a group of dudes, and they were all confused.

It is said that four young boys killed terrorists and there were zero casualties.

Because they killed many terrorists and successfully rescued the hostages, all four were commended and not convicted. The impact of this incident was so bad that it was not disclosed to the public, and the training camp on the island was canceled.

They are not short of money and are very happy to receive the medal.

The leader of the special department asked them if they were interested in becoming a real agent, joining the XX department or something, and the four people answered the same, "No department can afford us."

After that, the four went out and got on the four super luxury cars parked outside and took their respective girlfriends away.

Abby sighed: "What a arrogant ending, if you shoot like this, it's really wonderful."

Zoe nodded: "If the first episode is successful, it can even be made into a series of movies like "Mission Impossible."

Cooper walked to the corner and hit his head with his head, said: "Don't ignore me, I want to be quiet."

He wrote the script for a few months, and thought that he could show it to his friends when he got it. As a result, Wang Jun casually told a story, which was much more exciting and exciting than his script.

The protagonist is a movie of hanging bodyguards in Hollywood every year. The story of this dude turned into a superhero, saving alumni, and revenge for the instructor has never been seen.

Theron asked: "How did you come up with this story? Just thought for a while?"

"Yeah, I just integrated the movies I saw before, and then added the selling point and entertainment elements of commercial movies."

Theron paused for a moment and smiled, "I will find someone to write this script, and if it is corrected, we will shoot it in the summer."

"Make a decision so soon?" Abby opened her mouth in an O-shape. UU reading books

"He can come up with it so quickly, why can't we shoot? It's not too fast to prepare for half a year."


Wang Jun did combine many attractive things.

"Meteor Garden", the selling point is the four eldest son F4, the story of the grassroots heroine is cliché, and the plot is procrastinating. If F4 doesn't fall in love, it will be different to transform into the Tianlong agent team to go to war. Don't use the vulgar name "Tianlong".

The hostess must have it, as long as it is beautiful to make a vase. Handsome guys and pretty girls get together and start shooting in the summer, wear a little on the island, show muscles, show body, and definitely better than the dirty "Team Dragon".

Other selling points include hilarious, black technology, Chinese Kung Fu... It gathers all the elements of commercial films.

Neither Wang Jun nor Theron graduated from a professional film school, but they dare to think that many professionals are not up to par.

PS (to be continued.):

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