Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 814: [Recruitment, upset]

After talking about the movie for a while, Cooper found that he could not become one of the four main characters, too old to be a dude. He wants to act, unless he plays those instructors who have been killed, or villains.

When he was killed, it was like the retirees of the Tianlong agent team were killed... There is nothing in the role, and he does not need too many acting skills. He is not interested.

Zoe suggested: "I think that if you look for Lim Neeson to play the role of instructor, the script can be changed to that her daughter was kidnapped, and then Lim was injured and arranged to help the dudes."

Theron rolled his eyes. "Please, I heard that the "Super Warship" I'm going to shoot recently is that Liam's daughter was kidnapped by aliens. A group of people drove the battleship to save. Can he do anything other than save his daughter?"

Zoe laughed, and his face was horrified. "I was just kidding."

Everyone chatting from afternoon to dinner, Wang Junte is happy, not to make money, but simply fun. He didn't ask for any awards when making movies, only thought of playing cool on the big screen.

In his view, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a better actor than Tom Hanks. The reason is simple. Can Forrest be able to deal with the Terminator?

What he wants to do is the kind of "booming" special effects movie with 10,000 support.

Theron will not write the script by himself. He will find an old acquaintance to help him. He will call and contact you soon. In terms of details, professional screenwriters can also provide some suggestions to make the script more reasonable.

It is easier to find a movie to cooperate with a big company. At this time, Wang Jun will make another one while the iron is hot. Audiences will have a great sense of expectation. I am afraid that several major movie companies will rush to cooperate.

"Snow White and the Hunter" ranked the top box office in North America and the global box office for three consecutive weeks.

The movie has been shown in 3825 theaters in North America. The total box office revenue in North America has reached 220 million US dollars in the past week, and the word of mouth has not dropped. The people who like this film are mainly young people.

In mainland China, the film is released in 3D, IMAX3D, Chinese giant screen and other formats, which is expected to break the highest foreign box office record created by "Avatar" in 2010, and it is stable to break one billion yuan.

When the movie was released for a total of 10 days, it exceeded 600 million yuan, and it is still growing steadily.

There are Chinese audiences who have watched it several times, brushing it for the country’s first sports star, brushing it to watch the queen roar, Snow White shaking her chest, and conquering Europe and the United States for gourd baby and grandfather, come again...

The momentum of this work is no match for "Toy Story 3", "Alice in Wonderland", "Pirates of Dream Space", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1)", but it is possible to surpass "Shrek 4" in the future Yes, the box office is expected to enter the top five of the year.

As for "The Adventures of Tintin", although the overseas box office was good, it was also far behind by "Snow White and the Hunter".

The investment was 130 million US dollars, and the North American box office was 60 million US dollars in three weeks. The thunderous adventure of "The Adventures of Tintin" was very heavy.

The film is not yet offline, and the North American media is generally pessimistic that the film cannot exceed 100 million. The film that took Tintin off is almost another "Treasure Hunter", except for Peter Jackson's fascinating special effects, all that remains is Spielberg's old and poor action creativity.

With an investment of 120 million US dollars, Jay Chou and Seth Logan's "Green Hornet" were also released in January, with a box office of US$34 million in the first week of North America, but the word of mouth is average, I am afraid that the stamina is insufficient.

The audience who watched the movie in the mood of remembering Bruce Lee only saw Jay Chou. The "Green Hornet" filmed in accordance with the number of superheroes actively castrated his **** kung fu fights, and the comedy performances that were intriguing seemed to be even more addictive.

A Chinese actor who is expected to enter Hollywood, I am afraid that he will put aside the dream of rushing to the world, compared with Wang Jun, Jaylen's word of mouth is far from the same.

The film critic said that Wang Jun's most frequently used words are "tall and powerful, handsome and handsome", and Jay Chou's evaluation is only "slack and dumb." The heroine Theron has completely exploded on Cameron Diaz, who doesn't know how many streets. The **** goddess in "Disguise" was almost impossible to watch now, the only thing that remained unchanged was the big mouth...

Relying on a movie, Wang Jun became a new Hollywood actor and action actor. Today, the hottest things in Hollywood happen to be science fiction and action movies.

"Snow White and the Hunter" is definitely going to be a sequel. The film company has already sent someone to talk about it. Theron and Wang Jun clearly expressed no interest in the sequel.

It's not easy to write a script at all, it seems that only Huluwa vs. Snow White, how can there be a box office if this is so bloody?

Marvel also pays attention to Wang Jun, and has the intention of cooperation, which can stimulate the Chinese box office to a greater extent.

However, after the meeting, people found that there is no famous Chinese superhero in the comics, only the "Man" is set to be Chinese, or a very bad villain. If Iron Man's opponent, if Wang Jun acts as a villain, I am afraid that it will cause Disgusted.

To create personal things is too hasty, Wang Jun is destined to miss Marvel movies, at most cameo.

The schedule is tight and time passes quickly.

At the end of January, Theron officially put the shooting plan on the agenda and plans to make a long-term plan. As long as the first part is successful, you can consider the sequel. The name is going to be changed to "Master Story", because the four big guys are not people in the government department, the title is "agent" is not suitable.

Marvel's "Avengers" will be released next year, and it is a craze to team up and bombard, and this one is easy for audiences to accept.

The King lost two more games in January.

Lost to the Thunder away, the Thunder three less personal ability, James beat Durant, but Aldridge finished Yi Jianlian, Westbrook abused Curry.

Aldridge scored 42 points and 10 rebounds. His play was unreasonable. After pulling out the pick-and-roll, he shot. The singles also took a long shot. Once he found the feel, he was the big killer.

Yi Jianlian is also developing in this direction, and he has not yet reached his accuracy level. Ade is already the little prince of the league jumper.

Westbrook and Rose are of the same type, with superb physical fitness and breakthrough sharpness. Curry's single defense is okay. Once breakthrough by the pick-and-roll, Wei Shao misplaced against Miller and Yi Jianlian, and the king's inside line was deflated and always passed.

James and Wang Jun's defense is good, and can make up for some of the shortcomings, not when the other big man is hot. Yi Jianlian is not yet a super insider, although he leads the star vote.

On the 28th, the Kings defeated the Lakers on the road, and UU read fiercely.

Kobe Bryant scored 38 points, 4 rebounds and 7 assists. He shot 50% from the field and played well. Gasol and Bynum also scored double-doubles. The two sides did not decide the outcome until the last quarter.

Wang Jun and James scored again and again at the last moment and opened the score. The team of four scored 20+ with an average score.

On the 29th, the Kings lost 123 to 126 to the Wizards back-to-back.

This is a big upset, the Wizards are a group of newcomers, plus Rashad Lewis from the bull trade.

The youngster Nick Young blew his hands. He shot 7 of 10 from the field with 3 three-pointers. He scored 43 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists. He got rid of the cover and Wang Jun couldn't stare at him.

No. 1 Wall defended Curry, and the lesser-known Bletcher scored 18 points, 13 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 steals to break Yi Jianlian.

Every time he loses, there is a problem with the center position. Yi Jianlian still has to strengthen his training.

PS (to be continued.):

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