Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 812: [Action film in mind]

Wang Jun scored 42 points, 5 rebounds and 8 assists, two key goals plus key assists, is the team's top contributor to the reversal.

James didn't disappoint at the last moment. A lore can cover up the whole game and get a quasi triple double with 14 points, 10 rebounds and 9 assists.

After the game, the reporter interviewed Adelman and asked him how to arrange this tactic.

Adelman laughed: "I know there is a possibility of a lore, provided that Wang Jun must pass, he is best at passing this kind of ball, even the leopard can dunk the ball, let alone James?"

After being happy, James was still a little afraid: "Fortunately, I dunked in. If I don't enter, someone on the Internet may say that I am not as good as Garfield. Wang Jun's pass is perfect."

Wang Jun evaluated the performance of his teammates, and also evaluated Lopez and Rose. He didn't say much about himself. He felt that there was nothing to say about basketball technology. He was waiting for others to challenge in the high position.

The reporters did not ask too much about him. 40+ is not big news for him. He averaged 40+ per game. After his comeback, he taught many players to "become humans", everyone is used to it, and too many words of praise will get tired.

The King went one step further than breaking the original bull record.

After that, the King ushered in a more relaxed schedule, playing against the underdogs at home for four consecutive times, and Wang Jun had a break.

On this day, Bradley Cooper and his girlfriend Zoe Saldana came together and brought a new script.

Last year, Cooper was too smooth. "Hangover 2" didn't have much new ideas. The box office was not low. As long as the series continues to shoot, he will not worry about not working.

In addition, he also starred in Liang Liang to star in the science fiction movie "Neverending", which has just completed the finale. This movie is an adaptation of a best-selling novel, and it's definitely not bad.

The original starring role was Transformers Susie Labove. This little brother drove a non-deformable car to go out. Unfortunately, he suffered a car accident and suffered a serious arm injury. Cooper was replaced. What luck is this?

The playbook brought by Cooper is very simple. It is an action movie about a rich young man. The beauty who grew up with the golden key has been doing mischief all day long. He has witnessed a murder and became a witness.

The heroine's grandfather found her a bodyguard with great skills. The two made a lot of jokes, and the heroine gradually fell in love with the bodyguard. Later, the triad sought murderers to murder the heroine several times, preventing her from appearing in court, and the protagonist rescued him. In the end, the protagonist and the Super Killer battled for three hundred rounds and won a terrible victory.

Theron smiled and said: "Not bad, quite in line with Hollywood's personal heroism, mainly watching games, the box office should not be bad."

"Not bad? I feel this stereotype is extremely extreme. It is simply the very human trafficker Jason Stanson who protects Paris Hilton without a dog. Can these two people develop true love?"

All three girls laughed, and Cooper was a little embarrassed.

Wang Jun went on to say: "Lie Lijie used to have a Hong Kong film "Bodyguard in Zhongnanhai" that looked so similar. I suspect that the screenwriter had seen that film and then shamelessly copied it. I really wanted to give Li Lianjie a set of shadowless images for him. Feet. Man, you said that you are familiar with the screenwriter, who is that guy?"

The two stared at each other for two seconds.

Cooper smiled bitterly: "It's me..."

Wang Jun took a deep breath and smiled, "This script... is actually not bad. It's quite in line with Hollywood personal heroism. It's mainly for playing, and the box office should not be bad."

"You just repeated Charlie's words again! It's late!" Cooper covered his face and vomited: "You can't tell a lot of scripts, what kind of action movie do you have in mind? If there are only men, it's easy Shoot the "Dragon Team" kind of thing."

"Dragon Commando" is an action film starring Cooper and Lim Neeson. Four talented agents gathered together, were framed, and then counterattacked. Wang Jun watched it, and it felt normal. There was nothing to remember. .

Thinking of this movie, he was suddenly hit by an inspiration to his head, silent for a moment, he laughed and said: "I thought. Love is too vulgar, men are too vulgar, dudes are also vulgar, but if these are added together, It seems very good."

"How to add?" Cooper asked.

"I think this film should still be shot like this."

Wang Jun began to tell that the name of the movie could be "Agent Agent".

The protagonist of the story is a playboy, a wealthy second-generation Chinese, a family company listed in the United States, the world's financial resources can rank in the top 500, engage in real estate fortune, and have many investments in the world, with a background like Li Ka-shing.

The protagonist was kidnapped when he was a kid. For his safety, he found a master to teach Kung Fu. As a result, he became interested in Kung Fu. The more he practiced, the more he became a master of martial arts.

He fights too much in China, and he is well-known in the dandy circle. Many dandy children are picked up by him, including the red second generation with energy at home, the children of family business partners and so on. His family felt that he was a time bomb in the country and it was too easy to offend people, so he was sent abroad.

The protagonist does not know how to converge abroad, but still fights, entering the police station many times, from Europe to the United States.

In the end, the family was annoyed, and the trustee asked if there was any place to cure this prodigal. As a result, I found out that there was a small island in the United States, where there was a military base, and a group of rich second generations gathered for military training. The purpose was to make these people change and become useful.

This is a place specially established for the rich in the United States. American law protects rich people and makes civilians blame. But it is not enough to always protect the rich, and the rich have headaches. Especially those who are violent and have bad personalities are sent to the island for discipline.

Some people call it a "boyish training camp", and it is unclear how to train. I only know that after many people came out from there, they really became better, sensible, and no longer cause trouble.

Some people say that the instructor teaches well, and some guess that a group of **** gathered together, like looking in the mirror, and realized their own shortcomings.

The protagonist Wang Hao was sent to the island, worried about his escape, and found several bodyguards at home to catch him. As soon as he heard that he was going to the barracks and the agent training, Wang Hao didn't resist and agreed. He wanted to be a superhero, not to do business.

There are dozens of students on the island, and the three most famous are good friends who are rampant. Because he can fight, the family has the richest family, and no one dares to mess with it.

Australian mining king son Chris, a South African son Bernard who sells diamonds and oil, and UU reading books, an American IT giant, son Dylan.

These three people are always fooling around and like to tease the instructor's daughter and peep at the female students.

I heard that there was a Chinese coming, and the three immediately planned to get a bunch of people to tease him, thinking that China's rich second generation were very thin and nerdy, and speculated that Wang Hao should have some special hobbies, especially cowardice, so he was sent.

Wang Jun reported that the image shocked these people, the figure is the same as that of the special forces, and it is almost as strong as Chris. The trap made by the three failed, and all were cracked by Wang Hao.

Others looked at Wang Hao's skill and quit.

The dissatisfaction of the three leaders, to teach the protagonist the rules, the result is of course the beating of the fart beaten. In only one day, the protagonist became the boss, and several instructors singled out and were not his opponents.

The plot is enough to be YY here. Both the three girls and Cooper listen very hard, much more exciting than the previous script, and the protagonist's ability and background are very attractive.

PS (to be continued.):

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