"Bixida is a terrifying planet. His appearance was not formed by heaven and earth, nor was it made by man."

Sun Wuben spoke in a deep voice. He had seen the Dragon Ball theatrical version of "10 Billion Energy Warriors" and the official information of Dragon Ball. Sun Wuben knew a lot about Bexda.

"Do you know how this star came from?" The elder was very surprised. Dandy and the other elders also showed joy. Knowing themselves, knowing each other, winning in all battles, knowing the foundation of the opponent, it is easier to find a countermeasure.

"With the development of civilization, whether it should be said that smart or stupid human beings have created highly advanced technology, they have also created a lot of garbage. There are many cosmic cemeteries in the universe, and these cosmic cemeteries are floating. It's all human high-tech junk, such as scrapped spacecraft, interstellar ships, artificial satellites, etc., and Bixida stars are produced in these cosmic graveyards."

Monkey King's voice is heavy.

"The spacecraft in the space cemetery and the artificial intelligence computer programs in the ships of the interstellar fleet continue to use their own power to absorb all the energy and materials that can be absorbed around them, transform themselves, reproduce and grow, and thus continue to evolve, gradually Its swallowing power is getting bigger and bigger, and its computer computing power is getting stronger and stronger. After a long period of time, it has grown to such a behemoth as it is now."

"Today's Bixida star is terrifying. Wherever it passes, whether it is metal, rock, or even garbage, life, planet... In short, everything it can grasp will be absorbed, dissolved, and transformed. Become part of your own growth..."

Following Sun Wuben's narration, a terrifying monster planet appeared in everyone's minds, and Dandy, the Great Elder, and other elders felt even more heavy.

Sun Wuben's narration was a hundred times more detailed than what the Great Elder saw, but...the more so, the more desperate they were, because from the Sun Wuben's narration, the planet was too powerful, so powerful that it was completely invincible.

Even the 16th, 17th, and 18th on the side were dumbfounded, and their backs felt cold, because according to what Sun Wuben said, even if they took action, it seemed that they could not destroy the planet Bixida, and it continued like this. , The planet Bixida will become stronger and stronger, and eventually swallow all the planets and life in the entire universe, turning the world into nothing but it.

The question is is this possible?


When she interrupted Sun Wuben on the 18th, she looked at Sun Wuben with a smile but a smile: "Wouldn't you just ask us to deal with this planet this time? If it is this planet, I have to increase the price!"

Sun Wuben was speechless, he could see that the 18th did not believe in the terrifying power of Bixda Star he described.

Not only did he not believe the 18th, although the 17th and 16th next to him were shocked at first, they soon recovered calmly, and obviously they didn't believe it either.

"On the 18th, Bixstar is actually not as powerful as I put it." Sun Wu's face was full of smiles, "So, the price increase is invalid, and don't you want to fight such a powerful opponent? I think even if you are scared If you want to escape, you won’t leave on the 17th and the 16th, right, the 17th and the 16th."

The corner of No. 17's mouth turned indifferently, and his eyes showed strong confidence: "Although I hate trouble, I really want to see if this planet is as powerful as you described."

"If there really is such a planet, I will shoot, even if I don't give money." No. 16 buzzed.

"You two..." No. 18 was speechless, and she waved her hand, "Forget it, no price increase this time. Hey, Klin, what you just talked about was how terrifying the planet was, and you said that This planet is called Bixida, but why is it said to us that it is here to look for Kevlar?"

Everyone's ears are pricked up again, after all, this is also everyone's doubt.

"It's very simple. Didn't Bick say that the last time a guy named Kevela came to earth, he was finally destroyed by Monkey King’s tortoise school qigong? Actually, Monkey King’s turtle school qigong pushed Kevela into the sun, but The vitality of a frozen family like Kevila is indeed terrifying. Even if he was pushed into the sun, he did not completely die, but survived. Only one head was left. This head drifted in the universe and finally crashed into it. Bixstar..."

Sun Wuben once again explained how Kevlar merged with Bixida’s main computer and turned it into the core of the computer, controlling the entire planet.

"The Kevilla you mentioned should be one of the emperors of the universe, Frieza's brother." After listening to Sun Wuben's narration, the elder was very emotional, "No wonder that in the future picture I saw, the one that appeared with Sun Wukong, The character of Vegeta fighting is very similar to Frieza. It turns out that he is Kevlar, but a Kevlar in metal state."

"Uncle Klin, you are so amazing." Dandy said in admiration, "The elder did not predict as much as you." The other elders also nodded, and the pictures passed to them by the elder were very fragmented and could not be seen at all. There is too much content, they only know that there is a robot planet that will make the world immortal, and nothing else can be inferred.

But Klin...

Not only knows the origin and formation of Bixida, but even the fusion of Kevlar’s ​​brain and Bixida’s main computer occurred in the middle.

"Klin." At this time, the elder looked at Klin with bright eyes. His eyes were full of expectation. After all, this time Klin gave him too much shock.

"The ending I see is all destruction, it seems that this time the arrival of Bixida Star is totally unsolvable, I don't know you..." the elder asked expectantly.

"The ending I see is also destruction." Sun Wuben interrupted the hope of the elder.

"how so?"

Dandy's eyes dimmed, and the big elder and other elders also looked sad.

"Uncle Klin, is there no other way?" Dandy looked at Monkey King.

"Brother, aren't we here?" On the 18th, he said coldly, "If you can afford the money, the three of us will definitely solve this trouble for you."

Dandy glared at No. 18 with a dazed face.

"It's really a piece of wood." Number 18 muttered.

Sun Wuben smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I brought the 18th, the 17th, and the 16th this time to deal with Bixida Star."

"But since Bixida Star is as powerful as you said, they..." The Great Elder looked at the three artificial people suspiciously. The Great Elder was very shrewd. Bixstar possessed extremely terrifying energy. The energy is so great that it can create thousands of powerful men with a combat power of 400 million, or even 1.4 billion, or even higher in an instant.

In other words, Bixida Star can instantly create millions of metal warriors as powerful as No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18, and these metal warriors will replicate the martial arts of Kevera.

The Grand Elder doesn't believe that the 16th, the 17th, and the 18th can deal with Bixida.

Not only him.

Dandy and the other elders didn't believe it, and they were different from the 16th, the 17th, and the 18th. They had seen the pictures of the future, and knew that Monkey King's description of the horror of Viktor Star was not exaggerated at all.

"A bunch of idiots." No.18 curled his lips, and looked very upset at the eyes that looked down on them. No. 17 has a sneer at the corner of his mouth, but No. 17 has never liked talking too much, so he said nothing.

"They will do it." Sun Wuben smiled lightly. In front of No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18, Sun Wuben certainly couldn't tell the truth.

"But I think..." Dandy said crisply.

"Trust me, Dandy, and Great Elder." Monkey King cried.

The elder frowned, and finally nodded. After all, whether it is martial arts or predicting the future, he is not as good as Sun Wuben. In that case, it is better to believe in Sun Wuben.

"Elder, Dandy, it will take some time for Bixida to reach the precious star, so we will live on your planet for this period of time." Sun Wuben said.

No. 18 is not happy: "Did you not tell us when you were on Earth, it will be over soon, just one hour?"

The expression on the 17th is also abruptly sharp.

"Hey, No. 18." Ai Xinyu, who had been on the sidelines, couldn't help but exclaimed, "Aben just said it was possible before, but didn't say it would be an hour, and you thought 25 million would be so easy to earn. If it were me, others would be willing to pay 25 million, so I would wait a month."

"Xin Yu is right, Aben has his reasons for letting us stay here," Ai Xinjie also said.

Ai Xinjie, Ai Xinmeng, and Ai Xinyu looked at Sun Wuben’s beautiful eyes as gentle as water and shining with waves. Just now, Sun Wuben talked about the situation of Bixida star in front of the elder, and they looked at Sun Wuben and the elder. dialogue. It also gradually understood that it seemed that Klin, the Great Elder and others were able to predict the future through some abilities.

And Klin was stronger in this respect than the Great Elder and others.

But Klin, who was originally just a martial artist, actually learned to predict the future, plus teleportation, clone method...

Think about it again, this Klin, when he saw Monkey King got married, the first person who wanted to get married was the three sisters, but they refused him, then chose other girls, and finally married Marlen.

And now...

Although they have become extremely powerful and possess martial arts cultivation skills that ordinary people can't imagine, the men in front of them have reached a level that they can't understand at all.

The three women have been turbulent, and have not spoken until now, seeing the 18th going crazy, Ai Xinyu finally couldn't help but help Klin.

No. 18's face suddenly looked ugly, and she coldly looked at Ai's sisters.

"Number 18." Sun Wu didn't want to send the fire on the Ai family sister on the 18th, "I can't blame me, now I'm here, and I have calculated the speed of Bixida star. I'm afraid there will be some days before he can come. ~www.NovelMTL.com~ And Xinyu and the others are right. It is very difficult for me to get 25 million dollars. If you make it in an hour, I am not reconciled."

On the 18th, he took back the cold eyes of Ai Xinyu and Ai Xinjie, and turned to Sun Wuben: "You bastard! Don't think I don't know, don't you move instantaneously, a teleport can take us to Bixida Star, there is no need to wait so long."

"You are very smart, but I am not happy." Sun Wuben looked like a rascal, "No. 18, you have the ability to bite me."

"Do you think I dare not bite you?" No. 18 cheeks flushed, "Forget it, don't care about you bastard, anyway, I have nothing to do, just play with Namik."


Sun Wuben took the 18th and the others to stay on Namek. The elder sent Dandy to receive them. He and the elders still used prophecy to observe the situation about Bixida star every day, trying to find the future vitality, but What disappointed them is that the more they observe the future, the more tragedies they will see. The situation of Bixida Star is also as Sun Wuben said.

Is there any hope in the future? The Great Elder and others waited nervously.

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