Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 780: Looking for Kevlar

"Dandy." Sun Wuben smiled and looked at Dandy. "Now you know who I am?"

"Could it be that you are..." Dandy's expression became excited, he strode to Sun Wu himself, and looked at Sun Wuben with bright eyes, "Uncle Klin, your breath has changed so much, is this your clone? ?"

"Uncle Klin?"

The 17th, the 18th, and the 16th can't help but be taken aback.

Then the faces of the three changed. Dr. Gro has been instilling a goal in them all the time, that is, killing Klin and Monkey King, and even implanting this goal in their genes. Of course, this kind of implantation was unsuccessful, because after they were born, their goal in their hearts was only to defeat Monkey King and Klin. As for whether to kill these two people, it was completely out of their goals.

Of course, this does not mean that they will not kill these two people, because if the opponent is too difficult, they don't mind killing them in order to accomplish their goals.

"Boy." On the 18th, she reached out and grabbed Sun Wuben's shoulder clothes and pulled Sun Wuben over. She stared at Sun Wuben with beautiful blue eyes, "What's your name? What's your relationship with Klin?"

Sun Wuben smiled and looked at No. 18: "If you want to defeat me, it's very simple, just a light push is enough, because I with this body is not your opponent at all."

"Asshole!" On the 18th, she was angry. She stared at Sun Wuben fiercely. Of course she wanted to defeat Klin, but Klin in front of her... made her unable to lift the urge to shoot, especially now that Sun Wuben has beautiful and heroic eyes. Looking at her so close, coupled with the masculine aura coming on her face, it made her feel a little feverish in her heart.

"Boy, so you are Klin?" No.17's eyes were full of murderousness.

"No.17, No.18, this Klin is completely different from the Klin in the information." No.16 stretched out a hand and stopped him in front of No.17. After all, he is a peace lover, and he doesn't want to see No.17 and 18. Number to kill.

"Asshole, you said you are a clone of Klin, why is it like this?" On the 18th, Dr. Gro asked them to kill Monkey King and Klin, and naturally gave them all the information of Klin and Monkey King. , Including looks, in their data, Klin is a bald head without a nose, but the person in front of him is beautiful and comfortable at the first glance, like the sun shining, like the blue sky, that unique and perfect and close to nature temperament, people At first glance, the heartbeat was inexplicable, and the deer bumped randomly.

"No. 18, what you said is strange. Since you are choosing a clone, of course you have to choose the most perfect one." Sun Wuben smiled and pushed away No. 18's hand holding his shoulder clothes. "Well, you have to decide the outcome with me. Wait for the future."

"Why not now?" No. 18 said coldly.

"Because my deity is not here." Sun Wuben shrugged.

"Huh, who cares if your deity is here or not, Klin, let's go to fight on it!" No.17 shouted. Although he didn't want to make a move, defeating Klin was his goal and must be executed.

"Wait a minute, on the 18th and 17th, as far as I know, his body may not be a modified person, nor is it a man-made person. If this is the case..." No.16 analyzed, "His strength should be very weak, because it is normal. It takes a long time for human beings to cultivate to be very strong."

"What do you mean?" No.17 looked at No.16.

"In other words, it should be a very simple matter for you to defeat him." No.16 said lightly.

"Is that so?" No. 18 looked at Monkey King, and No. 17 also looked at Monkey King.

Sun Wu's face was full of smiles, and he didn't say anything.

But this expression on the 17th and the 18th seems to be the default of the 16th.

On the 17th he hesitated, defeating such a weak clone of Klin didn't mean much to him. But on the 17th, he glared at Sun Wuben and shouted: "Then where is your deity, take me there."

"That's impossible." Sun Wuben waved his hand. "Because my deity is not in this world at all, he is in the future time and space."

"Then when will he come back?"

Sun Wuben grinned: "On the 17th, if you can defeat Wukong, then I will take you to the future time and space."

"Hmph, I will definitely defeat Monkey King." No.17 snorted, but he sighed in her heart. The clone of Klin in front of her was very weak at first glance. He was not easy to shoot, not to mention that he remembered that this kid had told him about it. It's a relative, which makes it hard to get started.

"Uncle Klin, are they?" Dandy asked suspiciously.

"The three of them are called No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18," Sun Wuben introduced one by one, pointing to No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18. "They are three new masters of horror level on our planet. Don't look at them. Aura, but their weakest combat power is 400 million."


Dandy looked at No. 18, No. 17, and No. 16 in surprise.

The Great Elder and all the elders next to him were also very surprised.

"You have so many masters on the earth." Dandy regained his gaze and said with emotion. He looked at the Ai family sisters aside, and asked in confusion: "These sisters?"

"Don't get me wrong, their skills are very rubbish, and they are similar to the martial arts masters of Nami Kexing." Monkey King said with a smile. Ai Xinyu glared at Sun Wuben: "People are also very skilled, but they can't be compared with your perverts." When she said this, Dandy, Grand Elder and other Namike star people agreed with her. Nodded, Namek's martial arts master is very **** compared with Klin, Monkey King, No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18, but they are also truly top masters in the universe.

"They are the three sisters, the eldest sister is Ai Xinjie, she is the second sister Ai Xinmeng, and she is Ai Xinyu." Sun Wuben pointed to Ai's sister again. Dandy's eyes showed interest: "They came here with you, aren't they your wife?" After all, Dandy has also heard that many planets in the universe are polygamous.

Ai Xinjie, Ai Xinmeng, and Ai Xinyu all blushed at once, but the three women did not speak, but lowered their eyelids, not knowing what they were thinking.

Sun Wuben glanced at the three daughters, then looked at Dandy: "Dandy, I haven't seen you in a few years, I never thought you grew up like this."

"Although our Namek people have a long life, they still grow up very quickly." Dandy said with a smile, "Klin, how does your clone compare with your breath so much?" "I am Two souls, there are two souls in the deity, and this clone has only one soul." Sun Wuben explained.

"That makes sense." The elder smiled, "Klin, you suddenly appeared here just now. Didn't you, like Wukong, have learned the teleportation of the Yadrats?"

"It's teleportation, but I didn't learn it from the Jadrats." Sun Wuben said.

"Isn't I learned from the star of Yadrat?" The elder was a little surprised, because in his knowledge, only the star of Yadrat could move instantaneously.

"Uncle Klin, will you move instantaneously?" Dandy exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, not only I will, but Wukong will also." Sun Wuben said.

"You and Uncle Wukong are really amazing." Dandy said crisply. At this time, the elder interjected: "Klin, I think you should have gone to the Temple of the Three Treasures. This time... is it because of Bolunga?" Of course, this sentence was spoken in Namek. Others are so mature, you can see that No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 seem to be not exactly the same as Monkey King.

"It's not because of Bolunga." Sun Wuben smiled slightly, "I just took a few friends to play in the universe. Wouldn't you be unwelcome?"

"Welcome." The elder smiled, his eyebrows raised slightly, his smile narrowed, "Klin, I really want to entertain you personally, but there are still some things I can't get away from. Would you like to let Dandy entertain you first, and after this month, I will accompany you personally?"

There was a movement in Sun Wuben's heart, the great elder couldn't get out of his body, and he had to be free for a month, so he had to make Sun Wuben think of Metal Kvilla.

"Kling bastard, what do you mean?" At this time, the 18th was already mad. "Didn't you say let us help you beat that guy called Kevlar? Why let us play on this planet again?"

"Are you looking for Kevlar?" The great elder shook his palms and exclaimed in surprise.

"Uncle Klin, there is no one named Kevela on our planet?" Dandy asked in doubt.

Sun Wuben was a little hesitant. After he came to Namek, he did not feel the breath of Kevela. Although Sun Wu was more than 90% sure that the plot of Metal Kevela would not change significantly, when Kevela would arrive, Sun Wu couldn't grasp the accuracy.


Suddenly, Sun Wuben's heart moved, and he sensed a breath that was heading towards Namek.

"This breath is extremely evil, a bit like Frieza, but it's different from Frieza..." Sun Wuben thought in his heart. After all, he hadn't seen Kevela, at least in this life, so he was very concerned about Kevela's breath. Also not sure.

"This guy said that Namek has encountered an unprecedented terrible disaster, and that disaster was caused by an invasion by a man named Kevela." No.18 said coldly.

The elder body trembled.

"Kevilla invaded?" Dandy looked at Sun Wuben in surprise, "Uncle Klin, is what she said is true?"

"Yeah." Sun Wuben nodded, after all, now Sun Wuben has sensed the evil aura coming to Namek, and that aura is likely to be Kevela.

"Elder, I think you should be able to sense a little bit with your supernatural powers." Sun Wuben said solemnly, "If I am not mistaken, Namek will usher in a disaster."

The elder looked at Sun Wuben in shock: "I do feel that our planet will encounter a disaster. It's just Klin. What disaster are you talking about? Please elaborate."

Although the Great Elder saw the picture of the future, he did not know Kevela, and he was not sure that the metal form creature that defeated Monkey King and Vegeta was Kevela.

"There is a machine planet named Bixida coming here..." Monkey King said this. The Great Elder, Dandy, and the elders next to them all started to breathe quickly. Although they didn't know that it was Kevlar, they knew that it was a robot planet.

"Klin, what you are talking about should be the disaster we have The voice of the great elder is sharpened. It is impossible for Namek to suffer two catastrophes at the same time, and it is also impossible for both of them. Disasters are all machine planets, so the Great Elder has been able to affirm that what Sun Wuben said was the same thing they saw.

It's just that the great elder also wondered that he is a Namek, and he is a non-combat genius among Namek, so he can see the future and sense the disasters of his planet.

But Klin is an outsider.

Moreover, in the impression of the great elder, Klin was a real martial artist with extremely terrifying skills. It is impossible for a person to be proficient in everything unless he is a god.

Although the Great Elder felt that kind of supernatural aura in the Sun Wu himself, he never believed that Klin was a god.

"Klin, can you elaborate more?" the elder yelled, although he was sure that what Klin said was what he saw, but the elder still had to confirm it, and the elder also wanted to know, Klin sees What is the difference between what I saw and what I saw.

After all, predicting the future is too exhausting. The Great Elder tried his best and relied on the help of Dandy and others. In fact, the picture of the future he saw was so pitiful that he didn't even understand the causes and consequences of things.

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