Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 782: Kevlar's Hate

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

In front of the big elder's huge white shell house, on the broad lawn, all Namek star people gathered together, and these people were quietly looking at the big elder, Sun Wuben and others in front of them at this time.

Although the great elder tried his best to conceal the news of the end of the world, but now that Bixida Star is about to descend on Namek, the Namek people have magical abilities, especially most of them can sense breath.

At this time, many Namekians felt the arrival of Bixida, and felt the evil spirit, and even had an ominous premonition.

Of course, there are many stupid Namekians who don't care very much. After all, the elder said that the matter is not serious, so their faces are relaxed.

"Everyone, our Namek star will once again become a battlefield. This time the opponent is the same as the last time. He is also the Emperor of the Universe, but this time it is not Frieza, but Frieza's older brother Kvilla." The voice was loud, "But don't worry, our friend from the earth, Klin...will lead these friends to kill Kvera."

One after another, their eyes fell on Sun Wuben and the three humanoids. As for Ai Xinjie, Ai Xinmeng, and Ai Xinyu, Sun Wuben had already sent the three back to the earth.

Sun Wu had a relaxed smile on his face, and this smile made many Namekians relaxed.

A month ago, Sun Wuben and the Great Elder said that they would play on Namek. This month, Sun Wuben did fulfill this promise and took Ai's sisters and three cyborgs all day long to wander around Namek. Therefore, At this time, all Namekians knew that he was the clone of Klin.

And Klin...

That was the terrifying powerhouse who killed Frieza last time.

Many Namekians can sense the aura intensity of others. Although the last time Sun Wuben and Frieza fought, they were not present at the scene, but Sun Wuben, Monkey King, and Frieza are as vast as the starry sky. The horror breath was sensed.

With such a strong presence, the Namekians are not very worried.

After all, this time only Klin came, and it was only Klin's clone. Monkey King did not come. If the enemy is really difficult, the Great Elder will definitely invite Monkey King.

Of course, there is another reason that is also very important, that is, because of fear of causing panic, the elder and Dandy did not tell everyone that this clone of Klin is not very old, and has not reached two years of age.

Therefore, ordinary Namekians don't know that Klin is actually very weak.

"It must be okay to have Klin here."

"Master Kling just came here as a clone. It's really arrogant, but it's no wonder he is so arrogant. Last time, his initial breath was not strong, but the stronger the Vietnam War, the final breath was stronger, I heard that there were 300 million."

Some Namekians were talking with smiles. Sun Wuben had a leisurely tour of Mannamek during this month. The ease is from the bones. Many Namekians have seen it with their own eyes, and even some even interacted with them. Monkey King has played golf and poker.

Since Monkey King was so relaxed, what else could they worry about.

"Although we don’t have to worry too much, but this time Kevlar is not here alone, but is driving an extremely huge robot planet and has a very powerful army. Therefore, in order to avoid hurting the innocent, we need to temporarily Transfer to another planet." The voice of the great elder was loud.


The Nameks were stunned. The last time they transferred was to summon Bolunga, are they going to summon Shenlong again this time, but... They remembered that they had already summoned Shenlong once.

"Now, please hold hands." The great elder shouted.

"Hand in hand?"

Every Namek star was puzzled.


In the void outside the New Nameck galaxy, a huge metal planet is spinning and advancing fast. The core of this metal planet is a huge space.

"I'm about to arrive on the planet Sakeri. According to the exploration of this planet, a large number of Namekians have appeared..."

The sound sounded, and then the huge dark space like a sky lit up, a large amount of metal gathered in the center, pipes and metal lines formed, and finally formed a huge mechanical creature with a long tail. This creature slightly raised its head and looked at it. To the front.

"There are Namekians on the planet Sakroy? the information about the Namekians on it."

"Show the information of Namekians on Sacred Star..." The voice sounded, and a screen appeared in front of the metal creatures. A huge picture was displayed on the screen. In front of the white shell house, there were a large number of Nas on the blue grass. Mekstar people.

"Sure enough, it's from Namek." Kevela's face showed a smile. Although Kevela's brain is integrated with Bixida's main computer, it has become the core of the computer itself, but this does not mean that Kewei Ra lost himself and turned into a part of the computer. On the contrary, Kevlar is still Kevlar. All Bixdastar computer programs are just his tools, just as humans use computers as tools.

"The Namekians are the same as the people on earth, they are all damned!" Kevela looked at the green Nameks on the screen, and there was a ray of hatred in his eyes. At the same time, two more appeared in his mind. The scene more than a year ago.

Because I heard that Frieza was killed by a strong man named Klin from the earth.

Kevela had to interrupt the conquest of Medenhastar and went to the earth, but what made Kevela very angry is that when he came to the earth, the earth monkeys actually said that Kelin was not there and went to another world.

"A person who can kill Frieza's idiot can never be killed easily. How could he have gone to another world?"

Kevlar never believed that Klin went to the world of the dead, but it didn't matter. Since those people said that Klin went to another world, he should send those people to see Klin in another world.

But Kevira couldn't think of it. He could not beat the man on the earth who looked like a maple leaf in any direction.

"That **** maple leaf head, it seems to be called Monkey King, it almost blasted me into the stars. If I were not strong enough, I would almost... really die."

Every time Kevera thinks about the situation at the time, he can’t help but tremble. If he didn’t explode at a critical moment, he would really be bombarded into the star. Once he was bombarded into the star, even if it was A rubbing of the edge of the star might actually kill him.

"But I'm a blessing in disguise."

Kevela slammed a punch, and the hand that fisted was interrupted, and the broken part changed sharply in the air, and it became another Kevela in an instant.

"Today I have endless clones, and the combat power of each clone far exceeds that of me at the time." A grin appeared on Kevera's face. In the past, he still needed to recruit his men and form a legion to conquer the universe. , But now he is an army by himself.

He can instantly conjure thousands of powerful warriors. Since he is so powerful, do he still need to subordinate him?

"If I run into Monkey King now, even if I only use a metal clone, I can kill that Monkey King with one hand. It's a pity that Klin went to **** early, otherwise, I will let him **** power. "Kevilla sighed in his heart. Since becoming the master of Bixida, he has always wanted to reach the earth quickly and seek revenge from Monkey King.

But Bixida is too far away from the earth, and it has only reached the Sacorius in front of me until now.

"It will take a while to reach the earth, but now I actually met the Namekians." Kevira remembers that there were some people who fought against him with Monkey King at the time. Among them was the Vegeta under Frieza's. Traitor, there is a three-eyed tribe, the son of Monkey King, and a green guy named Pic, who is from Namek.

"The little earth actually hides so many masters. Not to mention Klin and the Monkey King, the guy named Piccolo is so powerful that he can't kill you now, no matter what, let's start with your people... …" Kevlar licked the corner of his mouth, as if he could smell blood, he was about to order to turn off the screen display, abruptly, all the Namekians in the image on the screen disappeared.


Kevela was taken aback, and he blinked. In the image displayed on the screen, the white shell house was still there, and the grass was still beautifully blue, but there were indeed no Namekians on it.

"What's the matter? What about the Namekians on Sarcorius?" Kevela yelled, and at the same time he urged the main computer to detect and scan Sarcorris again, but his face became more and more ugly.

"Damn it, it's not a system malfunction, but the Namekians on Sakrís disappeared, all disappeared, the only life still alive is..."

Kevera looked at the three figures on the screen.

"These three lives are very strange." The computer sounded, "You can't feel the breath of normal life from them, as if they are dead, but if they are detected by the characteristics of dead people, they are living again..." The computer displays a series of analysis numbers.

Kevera's face was sullen, and the Namekians on the planet in front of him disappeared, as if there was a fire in his heart.

"Close it, I'm going to sleep for a while, and this planet will be dealt with as usual." Kevela said solemnly.


In this huge space, Kevera's body disappeared, and Kevera soon fell into a deep sleep. If he didn't fall asleep again, he would be mad by himself.

On New Namek, the grass in front of the House of the Great Elder is empty. Not far from the tree, No. 17 and No. 18 are standing alone, and No. 16 is squatting on the ground and teasing a squirrel.

Although the expressions on the 17th and the 18th are very indifferent, their bodies are a little tight and their heartbeat is faster than normal.

Sun Wuben took the Namikers and left There are only three of them left on the planet, whether it is the 17th or the 18th, I have to worry about it.

Worried that Sun Wu would never come back anymore, leaving the three of them on this planet.

I was worried that Sun Wu had set the game for them from the beginning, there was no Bixida star or Kevlar, everything was for this moment to leave them alone here.

They don’t move instantaneously. If they are really thrown here and they don’t have a spaceship, I’m afraid that in the future, there will be only three people living alone on this boring planet. How boring it would be, you can imagine And know, that kind of life is probably even more unbearable than with Dr. Gro.

Although so worried.

But when Sun Wuben took the Namekians to leave, neither the 17th nor the 18th could hold back his face so that Sun Wuben would also take them away.

The so-called death is a matter of face and suffering, so the three of them can only wait here anxiously, and they have to pretend to be indifferent.

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