Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 706: Do a little favor

"Are you looking for Lord Zuno to ask something?" Jake's eyes lit up. As a galaxy patrolman, he naturally knew many secrets that ordinary people didn’t know. Just because it is so powerful, people in the universe who know him are hiding things about him, keeping a secret, and don't want outsiders to know.

It's like the Namekians will never reveal to outsiders that they have Dragon Ball.

Taysi hadn’t heard anything about Zuno, and she couldn’t help but cried out in doubt, "Master Zuno on the planet Zuno? Who is that?" After all, Jake had never talked about Zuno with Tays, let alone others. may.

"An incredible wise man who knows everything." Gak couldn't help but proudly said.

"All knowing? Really?" Taisi was full of suspicion.

"Know everything in the world, even your measurements, what color patterns and what materials are made of your underwear and underwear, and how much money you spent to buy." Jake said triumphantly.

"Jake, are you itchy?" Tays roared, but she also understood how incredible Zuno was.

"Jake, tell me the coordinates of Zunuo Star." Monkey King said.

"How could I remember the coordinates of the Zunuo star, but I have the coordinates of the Zunuo star in my spacecraft, I have to check it." Jake said and walked aside, where there was a ship with a galaxy patrol parked there. Logo of red and white spaceship.

"Wait a minute, Jake." Taisi glanced at Sun Wuben, a sly flash in her eyes, and then she shouted to Jake, "You don't really just tell Klin the coordinates, do you?"

"Why not?" Jacques couldn't help but wonder.

"Taisi, didn't I just say that you are beautiful, and you need to do anything wrong with me?" Monkey King exclaimed dissatisfied.

"Hmph, you didn't come here to see me at all, just to find Zunuo star." Taysi snorted, and then looked at Jake with a smile, "Jake, do you want to avenge Lake?"

The grinning face on Jake's face disappeared. Lake was one of his best friends in the Galaxy Patrol Organization, but he was killed by a terrible evil strong not long ago.

Lake was killed, and the entire Galaxy Patrol Organization was very angry from top to bottom, but no one dared to take revenge, because the detector detected that the evil strong man had a combat power of 300,000.

"Tais, what do you want to say?"

"Idiot, there is a free thug here." Taisi pointed to Sun Wuben, "You have water in your head, don't you understand?"

"You mean him?" Jake pointed at Sun Wuben with staring eyes. "Are you saying that he can beat a gangster?"

"Of course." Taisi took it for granted.

Gak smiled bitterly: "Tais, it seems that I didn't tell you clearly that the guy with the Rottentooth Tiger has 300,000 combat power. Do you know how terrifying 300,000 combat power is? That's me. 250 times its combat power value, people can kill me with a stare and a breath."

"250 times, I know Jake, you are very strong." Taisi nodded, her face still narrowed with a smile, "That's why Klin is required to go."

"Uh..." Jake stared, almost speechless, "Tais, this is not a joke, I took Mr. Kling there, one accident, we both have to die, we can't escape even if we want to escape. "

"Who is joking with you." Taysi banged her head. She turned her head and smiled and looked at Monkey King. "Klin, you shouldn't refuse to help with this little help, right?"

"Am I such an idle person?" Monkey King glared at Taisi.

"Don't be so stingy, you have time to run here to inquire about Zu Nuo's location. Is it so difficult to spare a little time to do us a favor?" Tays shouted angrily.

"Okay." Sun Wuben shrugged and looked at Jake, "Tell me, the coordinates of Rotten Teeth Tiger." For Sun Wuben, it is really simple to help Jake solve one or two people. After all, there is Teleportation doesn't take much time at all. As for who the rotten tooth tiger is, it is too lazy for Monkey King to ask, anyway, the Galaxy Patrolman, Jake, will not mess around.


Jake stared at Sun Wuben: "Do you know how to count, Rottentooth Tiger is a guy with 300,000 combat power, don't you understand?"

"You don't understand anything." Tays snorted, "Klin has more than 300,000 combat power, Jake, you can tell Klin the coordinates, listen to sister, you can't be wrong."

"He also has 300,000 combat power?" Gacker stared clearly in disbelief.

"Jake, Klin fought with Frieza, although Wukong killed Frieza in the end, but Klin was also very strong." Taisi said with a smile.

"Have you fought Frieza?" Gak stared.

"Of course, his brother is Monkey King, that is the most powerful Super Saiyan in the universe, if it hadn't died of a viral heart disease." Taisi said that here was a little depressed.

"Sun Wukong, Super Saiyan?" Jake still knew about Monkey King. After all, Frieza's death, no one would look for the cause.

"Well, although I don't think you are really that good, you might as well give it a try. If you... escape, if you can't win, you should be able to escape." Gak muttered, and then walked into the spaceship for a moment. Then he poked his head out on the spacecraft, "The coordinates of the planet where Rottentooth Tiger is located..." Jake reported the coordinates.

Sun Wuben nodded: "Taisi, Jake, come here."

"Huh?" Gak was taken aback.

"What are you going to do?" Tays cried out suspiciously.

"Put your hand on my shoulder." Sun Wuben was too lazy to explain, "You'll know when you come over and put your hand on my shoulder."

"I really don't understand what you are playing with, okay." Taysi walked to Sun Wuben and stretched out on Sun Wuben's shoulders, "Is that so?" "Well, Jake, come and do it too." "Okay." Well, what a strange person." Jake thought for a while, and after he came to Sun Wu himself, he put his hand on Sun Wuben's shoulder.

"Grasp it firmly." Sun Wuben said, and a white gas mask surged behind him. This gas mask directly enveloped Taisi and Gak. Although teleportation is still dangerous, once the coordinates are slightly wrong. , It will teleport to strange places, such as space, or enter the water. This is not a dangerous thing for Monkey King, but it may not be necessary for Taisi and Gak.

"Hey, what are you going to do? Tell you, if you kill me, our Galaxy Patrol won't let you go. Even if you chase to the end of the world, you will never die." Gak cried out with some fear.

"I'm so courageous." Taisi snorted, and there was also a trace of worry in her eyes. After all, whether the person here was really Klin, she was not 100% sure.

At this time, Sun Wuben started his teleportation, and then the three of them appeared above a snow-capped mountain in an instant.


"Huh?" Jiake and Taisi felt a flower in front of them, and they reached the white sky, and there were endless snow-capped mountains in the distance and below.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Klin, where is this, why are we here?" Jiake and Taisi cried.

"Continue to put my hand on my shoulder, hey, what a powerful breath, this breath is at least 300,000, and it seems that it should be the rotten tooth tiger." Sun Wuben felt the other side of the planet that he had just teleported over. Possess a strong breath.

Sun Wuben started teleporting again.

In a huge hall on the other side of the planet, a huge table was placed on a huge table with greasy roasted meat. In front of the table, a creature with a height of one foot and a striped hair on its skin was gnawing on these roasted meats.

Sun Wuben, Jake, and Taisi appeared not far in the air in front of the monster.

After Sun Wuben glanced away, he saw Zhanggao creatures who were still gulping the barbecue and didn't even notice the three people's arrival.


Monkey King floated to the ground, and then pointed to the tall creature: "Is it him?"


Jake also noticed the huge creature that was immersed in eating barbecue, and his face was pale. Although he hadn't met the Tiger Tooth, the pictures of the Tiger Tooth were familiar.

"Yes... it's him!" Gak stretched out his hand and drew out the light gun he wore around his waist, aiming at the huge creature.

Rotten Tooth Tiger also heard Sun Wuben's voice at this time, and even looked up, with doubts flashing in his eyes: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"You're a rotten-tooth tiger?" Monkey King said lightly.

"I'm looking for death, how dare you call Laozi Rotten Tooth Tiger?" Rotten Tooth Tiger grabbed the barbecue's hand and flicked it lightly, and suddenly the piece of barbecue dropped his hand and shot at Monkey King. The speed of the barbecue was extremely fast.


Gak was so scared that he shrank his neck, his combat power was not good, but his eyesight was good. At first glance, he knew that the barbecue was flying. It was not something he could Yes, this throw, combat power. People whose value is less than one hundred thousand are dead. "Sun Wuben estimated in his mind that he didn't move at all. He saw that the barbecue shot into Sun Wuben's protective cover, and then the speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped in the air in front of Sun Wu himself, as if embedded in a light mask.

Rotten Fanghu's face is ugly. Although he doesn't look very good, he seems silly and stupid, but his mind is actually very smart. The one that could block him just now, he had never encountered it in so many years, but now this person not only blocked it, but also blocked it with a gas mask.

"So, are you here to challenge Grandpa?" The Tooth Tiger's voice was low, like a beast about to fight for life and death.

Murder flashed in Sun Wuben's eyes.

"I just yelled a rotten tooth tiger casually, and killed me. If it wasn't me who stood here, I'm afraid I would be dead." Sun Wuben said in a cold voice, turning his head to look at Jake who was hiding behind him, "Jake, Is it okay if I kill him?"

"Ah, problem, you kill...can you kill him, or...we...flee...flee!" Gak's voice trembled, and he was a little confused now. , Before they were still on the planet of the Galaxy Patrol Headquarters, how could they suddenly reach the extremely distant Tooth Star, and in front of the Tooth Tiger.

It would take half a year to travel from the Galaxy Patrol Headquarters to Rotten Tooth on another ordinary spacecraft. Even if he took his spacecraft, it would take two or three days.

And even if you get to the Tooth Rotten Star, it takes time to find the Rotten Tooth Tiger.

Taisi, who was on the side, was also a little confused at this time, and suddenly arrived at this place and saw the huge creature in front of her.

And listening to the conversation between Sun Wuben and Jake, it seems that it is a rotten tooth tiger.

But in the blink of an eye, why did you get to the place where the fangs are?

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