Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 705: Jacques and Tays

"It's no wonder that this kid dared to follow Trunks by the space-time machine to come here, and he could escape when he encountered a man-made man. The feeling is not that the man-made let him go, but that he escaped by teleportation." The king of the north was a little emotional. I was also very curious about what happened in the other time and space that allowed Klin in their time and space to have such a powerful teleportation?

"This kid can be considered loyal. I am afraid that he is here to find the new Namik and revive everyone, but what's the use of just resurrecting everyone!"

The Northern Realm King retracted his gaze, his expression a little sad.

All the Namekians were killed. This is certainly not a fact. The real fact is that the Namekians are still alive. It's just that the location of New Namek is very far away from the earth.

"Don't blame me for lying to you, it's really a cyborg that doesn't get rid of it, other methods are useless." The North Realm King sighed, then flipped his hand, grabbed an apple and gnawed it.

"Next, should I drive in a sports car or count grass roots?"


In the grassy garden, Jac looked at the tall figure that suddenly appeared in front of him in doubt. His most powerful talent of Jac was to have a pair of incomparably powerful eyes.

Although his Gak's strength is very weak, he can't even beat a slightly stronger Saiyan, but his vision, even if the combat power reaches tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people move, can clearly see.

But just now, he didn't realize how the other party came to him.

"Hello, Jake." Monkey King smiled.

"You know me? That's right, anyone who is as handsome as me with such a personality can recognize it." Guck smiled on his face, "Are you new here, what's your name? It's strange, I seem Didn’t you hear that the organization recruited new people?"

"I'm not a newcomer, I came here to find you on a special trip."

"Look for me?" Jake raised an eyebrow. "I Jake is very busy. Every second of time is precious to me Jake, and I charge a lot. Do you have any trouble for me to solve? "

"I just asked for a coordinate. In fact, I can ask others about the coordinate. Because you are an old friend, I found you."

"I'm an old friend? How do you say this?" Gak couldn't help but wonder.

"Get to know, my name is Klin and I come from the earth."

"Earth, I seem to remember... what is it?" Jake tilted his head and thought. Seeing Gak thinking for a long time and still can't remember, Sun Wu couldn't help but reminded: "Decades ago, Vegeta sent a Saiyan child to the earth. You were ordered to destroy that child, remember?"

"Exterminate Saiyan children, I have done too much of this kind of thing, which one are you talking about?"

"That's right, time has passed too long. You saved a girl named Taisi when you were on the earth." Sun Goben had seen Toriyama Akira's "Galactic Patrol Jake" and naturally knew something about Jake on the earth. .

"Ah!" Jake screamed at this time, "You are not talking about Taisi, the girl who never pays money on my spaceship all the year round, right?"

Sun Wu couldn’t help but laughed: “I don’t know if it’s that girl, but I know you were urinating and urinating everywhere, splashed on Taisi’s body, and she smashed the cliff off the cliff. As a result, no Saiyan spaceship was found. Then I just left. Don’t you know that if the Saiyans don’t kill them, they will kill everyone on that planet?"

"Can you blame me then!" Jake jumped up violently, "I have tried my best, but the earth is so big, where can I find the spaceship, and after so long, even if I find the spaceship, I can't find the kid anymore. "

"Your eyesight is so good, as long as you pay attention, it won't take long to find the spaceship." Monkey King snorted. Jake felt a bit hot on his face, and he even changed the subject: "Hey, you are from the earth, so you are Taisi's friend? Otherwise, you can't know this."

"I'm Boomer's man."

"Buma, is that the genius sister of Taisi? She actually has a man? Yes, if Taisi doesn't have a home, the children will be there." Gak muttered, and then faced the person not far away. The house yelled: "Tais, your friend on earth has come, so please come out soon."

"Friends of the earth? Who are they? How could friends of the earth come here?" A sweet voice sounded, and the door of the house not far away slammed open. A woman with short blonde hair and a crisp and neat looking woman came from it. Rushed out.

As soon as Taisi rushed out the door, her eyes fell on Sun Wu himself.

"You came from the earth?" Taisi ran towards Sun Wuben, her eyes full of curiosity.

Sun Wuben looked at Taisi, feeling inexplicably sour. In the memory of the previous life, both Taisi and Bouma went to the universe with Sun Wuben. At that time, Taisi was as tender and tender as a beautiful flower with dew in the morning. Although Taisi's face is still very delicate and her skin is also delicate and smooth, there are still traces of time left on her body.

"He said he was Bulma's man." Gak called.

"Buma has a man." Taisi screamed as if she couldn't believe it, her eyes widened, and she looked up and down Sun Wuben, "You are really Bulma's man, no, Buma is not with Vegeta. Are you together, how could it be you? Who are you?"

"He said his name is Klin." Jake interrupted again.

"Klin?" Of course Tays knew Klin, and knew that he was a very good friend of Bouma, and he was a very powerful martial artist, at the same level as Yamucha.

"No nose, and bald head, it looks like you are Klin, but how did you become Boomer's man." Taisi cried out strangely, "Bouma likes handsome guys the most, although Vegeta is not very tall, but Much more handsome than you, you don’t have a nose, you are missing something in any way, and your skills are far inferior to Vegeta. When did Bouma become so flavorful?"

"You can all look at Jake, I'm a billion times more handsome than Jake, why Bouma can't look down on me?" Monkey King teased. ..

"You are stupid. Jake and I are innocent. Who likes his masked man?" Tays shouted. Jake stared and pointed at himself: "You said I and Taisi? Are you wrong? It is impossible for me to fall in love with her, just like a swan and a toad, can't you see me? It’s not of the same race as her at all."

"That's it, but Taisi, you are not young anymore, should you find a boyfriend?" Sun Wuben smiled and looked at Taisi, "If you really can't find it, I can introduce you to one or two."

Taisi's face was a little stretched, her mouth pursed, and she exclaimed, "Don't worry about it. By the way, what are you doing here? I remember Bouma said that you were killed by a robot, right?"

"The cyborg killed another Klin. As for me, it was their luck if I didn't kill them." Sun Wuben said.

Taisi couldn't help but looked at Sun Wuben in doubt: "Could there be two more in Klin? Boomer didn't say that? And how could you kill the robot?"

"You will understand this in the future. By the way, Taisi, I should be back to Earth soon. Do you want to go back with me?"

"I won't say it in the middle of the story. Are you bragging? If you don't want to say it, then forget it." Taisi smiled, her face a little sad, she knows what the earth looks like when she returns to the earth, and her ambitions To become an SF writer, but now the earth has become a hell-like world, no matter how good she writes, what is the use?

"Perhaps it's okay to go back and see Bouma, but when I think about what the earth looks like now, I don't have the intention to go back." Taisi sighed, "Klin, when did you come from the earth? Why did you come here? Is it because you want to join the Galaxy Patrol Organization? With your ability, if you enter the Galaxy Patrol Organization, I am afraid you will become one of the best players in it."

"One of the best?" Jake snorted, "Tais, you are too exaggerated, I admit that he may have some special abilities, but special abilities can only play a supporting role, just like my eyes."

"What do you know!" Tays snorted disdainfully. She had heard Boomer say about Klin's combat power value. Although it was only Boomer's estimate, Klin's true value would only be higher, not less.

As for the individual combat power value of the Galaxy Patrol Organization, Taisi was also very clear because he followed Gak all the year round.

The difference between the values ​​of the two is tens or hundreds of times. Just like Gak, the combat power is more than a thousand points. Although it is very powerful in the universe, it is nothing compared to those of Klin on the earth. .

Taisi ignored the dissatisfied Gak, but looked at Monkey King with interest: "Klin, what are you doing here?" "The main reason is to see you, after all, you are Bouma's sister. I also want to see what this sister is like." Monkey King smiled, "I finally saw it this time."

Taisi's eyes lit up suddenly: "Why, am I more beautiful than Bouma?"

Sun Wuben was a little speechless, and it was difficult for girls to answer this kind of words, especially Taisi who was Bouma's sister.

"Why, want me to praise you? But it's useless, because no matter how much I praise you, you won't be my girlfriend." Monkey King winked at I still go back to please My Boomer. "It's cunning enough, but if you really praise me, maybe I really promise to be your girlfriend..." The two joked, and Monkey King looked aside Jake: "Jake, you should know The coordinates of Zunuo planet. "

That’s right, Sun Wuben came here this time to inquire about the position of the sage Zunuo. After all, Zunuo is the strongest sage in the universe. In the Dragon Ball Super, although the sage Zunuo is only a human, he is truly nothing. I don’t know, even the language of the gods, super dragons, and other things are known. Even the world’s top gods like the king of the universe need to ask him if they don’t understand. Of course, this also brought disasters for him, and was finally caught by the tenth universe. The reserve king **** Zamas was killed.

Sun Wuben asked about the location of the Northern Realm Wang Xinnamike. Although everything seemed to be normal, Sun Wuben always felt something was wrong.

So temporarily changed his mind and asked Jacques to inquire about the location of Zuno.

After all, in Dragon Ball Super, it was Jake who told Bummazuno that he was an ‘all-knowing incredible person’, a terrifying sage who knew everything in the world and could answer the **** patterns of people who had never met before.

It was also Jac who took Bouma to the planet of Zuno to ask about the spell to summon the super dragon.

"To restore the prosperity of the earth in the past, it is best to summon the super dragon."

The super dragon is different from the Namek star dragon, the earth dragon, it can realize any wish in name. Monkey King remembers that in the Dragon Ball Super, the earth civilization of the first universe disappeared for a few years, but Birus used the super dragon to make a wish and let the earth of the first universe Civilization reappears.

Compared with reappearing a civilization that has disappeared for countless years, and letting the present earth regain prosperity, this wish is too simple for the super dragon.

To ask about the Super Dragon, it is much better to ask Zunuo than to ask the King of the North.

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