Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 707: Gak's surprise

"Escape?" Sun Wuben smiled slightly, "Jake, if I kill him, you should tell me the coordinates of Zunuo planet!" Although you can help Jake kill a few people, catch a few people, it's very simple as long as you have a coordinate address. But Sun Wu didn't want to be threatened by Gack to help him do things endlessly.

"What kind of joke are you talking about." At this time, Jake's panic was calmed down a lot. After all, he is also an elite of the Galaxy Patrol. Although the difference in level makes him feel instinctive fear in front of Rotten Tooth Tiger, this fear is only I'll get used to it in a while.

"You can kill him, I think you can be a big brother." Jake leaned out from next to Sun Wuben, pointed his light gun at Rotten Tooth Tiger, and shouted at Sun Wuben, "All members of the Galaxy Patrol from top to bottom. From old to young, from men to women, everyone is grateful to you. How could the coordinates of a Zuno planet not tell you? The question is, can you kill him?"


Rotten Fanghu's eyes fell on Jake, and soon he saw the sign of the Galaxy Patrol on Jake's chest.

"Who am I? It turned out to be a note from the Galaxy Patrol." Rotten Teeth opened his mouth wide, revealing his mutilated and ugly black teeth. "If I remember correctly, a Galaxy Patrol was caught by me last time. It’s roasted and it tastes good. Why, do you guys want to be roasted too?"

"Asshole!" Gak's eyes turned a little red, and he pulled the light gun in his hand and shot it at Rotten Tooth. At this time, the Rotten Tooth Tiger also moved. He lifted the table in front of him, and the whole table and the barbecue on the table flew towards the three people at an extremely fast speed.


Sun Wuben waved his hand, and a ball of qigong bounced toward the entire table and the overwhelming barbecue, directly clearing his eyes. At this time, everyone saw that there was no more rotten-tooth tiger in front of him.

Gak was taken aback.

He glanced away and found that the wall behind Rottentooth Tiger had been knocked out of a huge hole.

"Where's Rotten Teeth?" Jake cried doubtfully.

"If I guessed correctly, that guy should have escaped." Sun Wuben said lightly, his aura sensed that the Rotten Tooth Tiger had appeared ten miles away and was flying towards the distance.

"How could Rottenfangs escape?" Jake didn't believe it at all.

"Come with me." Sun Wuben stretched out his hand to grab one of Gake's arm, and then put his arm around Taisi's waist.

"What are you doing?" Taisi stiffened, her face flushed, and she shouted angrily, "You are Bouma's man, not my man, how can you do this, I haven't I have been with a boyfriend..."

Sun Wu ignored her, but directly hugged him and flew towards the direction of Fangfanghu's escape.

Over a piece of loess hills, Rotten Tooth Tiger flew madly forward.

"The galaxy patrol chased here, **** it, they can't do without knowing my strength, they dare to come, they must be sure, and that guy..." Rottentooth recalled the previous Sun Wuben just using his breath to stop. He shot the barbecue scene.

Although this doesn't mean that he will definitely be able to beat him, but it made him understand that he has encountered an unprecedented powerful master.

"As long as I reach the forest in front, I drill into the forest, and they won't be able to find me." The Rottentooth Tiger burst out with all his strength and ran wildly.

A black spot appeared on the horizon behind him. The black spot grew bigger and clearer. It was Sun Wuben holding Jacques in one hand and Taisi's arm in the other.

"That's the Tooth Tiger." At this time Jake had already seen the Tooth Tiger running ahead, his eyes were all surprised, "The Tooth Tiger seems to be really running away, my God, he has 300,000 combat power. Why did he escape? Did my light gun hurt him just now, or was he surprised by my superb gun skills?"

"I really convinced you." Taisi no longer struggles at this time, but quietly Ren Sun Wuben hugs her arms. Seeing Jake boasting about herself, she can't help it. After all, Taisi understands Klin. Of the strength, if Rottentooth was scared to escape, it must have been scared to escape by Klin, not Gack.

"Jake, your IQ won't drop to the level of a three-year-old? With your three-year-old skill, can you be scared to have 300,000 combat power points, and the master who once killed one of your companions escapes?" Taisi Taunted.

Jake's face turned red. After Tays ridiculed him, he also thought it was impossible, but if it wasn't because of him, could it be because...

Jake looked at Monkey King.

Suddenly he was surprised to find that the three of them were flying too fast, and in just a few words, he had already chased a hundred meters behind Rotten Tooth Tiger.

"You can actually catch up with Tooth Tiger?" Gak screamed.

Rotten Fanghu also heard the voice behind him at this time, and he even turned his head and looked back, his face suddenly becoming ugly.

"Damn fellow, don't think Grandpa is afraid of you, I just have to do something because I have something important!" Rottooth roared, "You chase it again, Grandpa is welcome, don't blame Grandpa for roasting you."

"You are naive." Taisi chuckled. "Actually, what you should do now is to stop, kneel on the ground and kowtow, and confess to the person you killed. In that case, we might...quickly kill You, not torturing you..."

At this time, Jake also wanted to understand. The Klin next to him could fly at such a terrifying speed. He was absolutely incapable of being weak, and he was able to bring them here from the Galaxy Patrol Headquarters in the blink of an eye. Even if he couldn't beat him, he should be able to. Escaped with myself.

So what is there to be afraid of Gak.

"Rotten Teeth, I now order you to put down your weapons, kneel and surrender." Gak exclaimed excitedly.

"Damn it, don't challenge Grandpa's limit." Rotten Fanghu roared, he was chased so close, how could he escape? Even if he escaped into that forest, he couldn't get out.

"Right, then why are you still running?" Jiake said with a light gun pointing at Rottentooth. "Rottentooth, I didn't expect you to be such a cowardly person. No wonder you have that ability. , Actually lives on this rotten tooth star and rarely goes anywhere else."

"You know what a shit, grandpa doesn't like to fight and kill, it's all those people, those people forced to come up, annoyed grandpa, and the galaxy patrolman, I endure it, but he wants to kill me, I missed Just killed him." Rotting Fanghu roared.

"Kill him by mistake?" Jacques sneered, "Rotten Teeth, do you treat us as three-year-olds?"

"The garbage in front." Sun Wuben became impatient at this time. "I can give you ten thousand moves. Within ten thousand moves, I will not kill you, nor will I take the initiative to attack you, but if you run away again, I can Will kill you directly."

"Ten thousand moves?"

The fleeing figure of Rotten Teeth stopped immediately.

"What do you say? It really makes me ten thousand moves? Don't fight back?" Rotten Fang said excitedly.

"Kling." Gark was anxious at this time. "You don't really want him to make 10,000 moves, do you?"

"Of course, I don't know what to say yet." Sun Wuben let go of his hand holding Jake, "Jake, you go to the sidelines and watch the battle."

"I believe you, and that the Galaxy Patrol can't speak like shit." Rotten Fanghu roared, and then he rushed to Monkey King.

Sun Wuben frowned, and he was still far away with rotten teeth, but he opened that huge mouth, revealing his mouth full of rotten teeth, and it seemed that there was still a puff of breath coming out of his mouth. Although Sun Wuben did not have a nose, he could imagine that. The breath must be very smelly.

At this time, Rotten Tooth Tiger had rushed to and around Sun Wu himself, and opened his mouth to bite at Sun Wuben’s neck. Sun Wuben suddenly got up and kicked Rotten Tooth Tiger's stomach, and immediately Rotten Tooth Tiger was kicked into the air.


Sun Wuben appeared on the ground next to Jake, let go of Taisi, and then flew to Rottentooth Tiger.

"Your words don't count." Rotten Tooth screamed angrily at Sun Wuben.

"You have a problem with your brain." Gak shouted, his eyes could clearly see the fighting moves just now.

"Klin didn't attack you at all just now, he just lifted a foot, and you rushed over by yourself and hit his foot. It was you who were too stupid." Gak shouted.

Rotten Tooth Tiger was taken aback for a moment, and then rushed to Monkey King again, also using his mouth to bite. I saw that Sun Wuben attacked him like this, and he was too lazy to even his hands. He just lifted his foot when he got close, and saw the Rotten Tooth Tiger. He was kicked into the air by Sun Wuben again and again, and he rushed up again and again. After all, he couldn't escape, so he could only fight, fight the opponent and keep his word, let him get 10,000 moves, and fight myself to kill the opponent within 10,000.

"so amazing!"

Gacker's eyes sparkled from the side, and he danced.

"Yes, kick him in the chin!"

"Klin, kick him in the neck, kick him hard, okay, this kick is good..." Jiake kept calling, Tays staring at the battle, after all, all of this is for her. You can use the material in the novel, but how can she see that kind of battle clearly at her level.


Tays hit Gak’s head with a fist.

"Why?" Gak stared at Taisi angrily, but he was watching wonderfully.

"Explain to me, explain how they fought." Taisi yelled.

"Didn't you just say that, kicking him in the chin, kicking his ears, this kick hit the arm of Toothy Tiger, who can't hold it at all..." Jiake shouted.

"You say something like this, who can understand it, please explain it to me." Tays roared. When the two talked, a cold murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Rotten Tooth Tiger, and he was biting at Sun Wuben. When he hit his neck, he suddenly punched and the speed of this punch far exceeded his previous speed.


Rotten Fanghu's face was grim, and he had been preparing for this one since Sun Wuben said he had 10,000 moves, in order to kill with one blow and kill the powerful enemy in front of him.

"That woman and the guy with the Milky Way Patrol logo on her chest should not be powerful. I can kill it at will. This guy is powerful. As long as you kill this bald head without a nose, you will be relieved this time." Yahu was already crazy at this moment.


Sun Wuben immediately felt the rotten tooth tiger's punch hidden under his body.

"I said that this guy clearly has 300,000 qi. How could he only use 200,000 power and speed before? It turns out that he has been preparing for big moves." Sun Wuben still raised his foot, but this time he did. The speed of the feet was correspondingly much faster, like a flash of light and shadow, the feet appeared in front of the fist of Rotten Tooth Tiger that blasted towards Sun Wuben's heart.


Rotten Teeth flew out.


Rotten Fanghu's face turned pale, and his eyes were full of panic.

"I've been punching for so long, and... I was also beaten back. How is this possible?" Fang Fanghu accelerated and flew backwards, at this moment he was truly desperate.


Sun Wuben's face turned gloomy.

"Well, I have already figured out this guy's martial arts, and I need to watch it again." Sun Wuben's 3 million qi was released, and then his figure disappeared in the eyes of Rotten Tooth Tiger.


The shocked look in Rotten Fanghu's eyes felt a pain in his neck as soon as he woke up, and then his head flew up, and the sky turned around, and a huge headless body appeared in his eyes.

"Do not!"

Rotten Teeth roared, his consciousness blurred. With a move of Sun Wuben's finger, a wisp of qigong projectile pierced his heart.

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