Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 704: Namek has disappeared

"Neither Wukong nor the others came here. The strength of the cyborgs is too strong. Except for Wukong, the martial arts of others are really unsightly, and they are useless when they come."

The Northern Realm King couldn’t help but a weird look appeared on his face. Goku is of course very powerful. Compared with other people’s skills, they are indeed weak, but they are not too far into the destination. Moreover, compared to your Klin, Vegeta, Bik does not know how many times stronger than you.

However, the King of the North hadn't spoken yet, because he was wondering if Klin in front of him was telling him a cold joke.

Sun Wuben continued: "I just brought Bouma over here. Well, it's Bouma from my time and space. Because she is my girlfriend, I brought it here."

"That time and space Bouma is your girlfriend?" The King of the North yelled, and then smiled on his face, "If Vegeta knew, he would be mad with anger. Fortunately, he is dead, otherwise your kid has sins. Accepted."

"I'm not afraid of him while he is alive." Monkey King cast aside his lips. ..

The King of the Northern Realm was taken aback again. You are not afraid of Vegeta, but he watched the battle of Namek with his own eyes. On Namek, Klin was terrified of Vegeta.

"Oh, I see, you are telling a joke, ah ha ha ha..." The Northern Realm King bent his waist with a smile covering his mouth.

"Uh..." Sun Wuben was speechless. The Northern Realm King laughed for a while, and finally laughed enough, he straightened up and smiled: "But now you are really not afraid of Vegeta, after all, he can't turn over."

"Can't turn over?" Sun Wu raised his eyebrows, but he remembered that Piccolo had said to Vegeta, because Vegeta killed too many people and did too many bad things, so he would be dissipated after death. That is to say, go into **** and suffer until the memory disappears and become a clean soul, reincarnation and reincarnation. At that time, Vegeta is no longer Vegeta.

But in fact, Vegeta did not die after being killed by the demon. Of course, the reason was that the king of Yan considered that the demon Buu was too powerful, so he left Vegeta and his body.

"Vegeta is in heaven or **** now?" Monkey King asked curiously.

"Of course it was in hell. That guy didn't know how many sins he had done. How could he be allowed to go to heaven without special circumstances. In short, he can't turn around." The Northern Realm King carried his hands on his back and looked up and down Sun Wuben, "I believe you a little bit now. It's Klin, yes, you said you are here to deal with the artificial people, how about it, is there any solution to the artificial people?"

"No." Sun Wuben's voice was a little low, after all, this time he had done too much.

Looking at Sun Wuben's lost expression, the King of the Northern Realm couldn't help but wonder.

"Did you not find the cyborgs? By the way, the cyborgs are not angry, so it's hard to find them." Northern Realm said kingly.

"That's not the case, I saw them" Sun Wuben said solemnly.

"So it should be defeated." The Northern Realm King laughed. "You don't have to be discouraged. The horror of the cyborgs is indeed beyond normal. If not, everyone will not die. Even Gohan is dead. , Only Trunks is left, now that he is so strong, he still can’t help but get the cyborg, you should be fortunate.”

"Fortunately?" Monkey King looked a little weird.

"Of course I'm glad." The King of the North snorted, "With your Klin's ability, this time you can survive from the hands of the robots. It is already a great fortune. In my opinion, it must be the robots playing cat scratching. Rat, this time I deliberately let you go, otherwise, they really want to kill you, you will never escape."

"You are mistaken, Lord Realm King." Sun Wuben said solemnly, "I defeated them."

"Uh..." The King of the Northern Realm was taken aback for a moment, and then he covered his mouth and laughed, "It's so funny, Klin defeated the cyborgs, hahahaha, it's a real laugh at me, I will score 100 points for this joke... "

"Master Realm King." Sun Wuben was helpless, "I really defeated the cyborgs and then let them go."

"Let them go, ahhahahaha..." The Northern Realm King rolled around with a smile, "Even Trunks and Gohan can't beat the cyborgs, Klin, you defeated him, and you let them go, ahha Haha...I found out that you are the real joke master compared to Wukong and Yamucha...Hahaha..."

Monkey King was speechless.

"Master Jie Wang, don't talk about this, I want to ask about the coordinates of New Namek."

"New Namek?" The Northern Realm King stopped and smiled, "What are you asking about this?"

"What else can I do? Of course I want to borrow Dragon Ball and Shenlong to use it together." Sun Wu gave the Realm King a blank look.

"That's right." The King of Realm nodded, and he propped up his chin, "Actually, Klin, if you don't kill the cyborg, what can you do with the Shenlong? Resurrect the dead? That's useless. After recovery, the cyborg It is still possible to kill others again, and, except for a few people, billions of people on earth cannot be resurrected because they have died for too long and their bodies have been destroyed. Even if they are resurrected, All cities on the planet are now destroyed, farmland is barren, and they cannot survive."

"I know, so I will only resurrect Gohan, Tianjin Fan, Klin, and Piccolo." Sun Wuben said, "They are righteous martial artists, who can practice in the underworld with their bodies, and they can be resurrected no matter how long they die. ."

"That's true." The King of the Northern Territory raised his head. In fact, he didn't quite approve of the resurrection of Tianjin Fan, Piccolo, Monkey King, and others. Otherwise, he would have told Bouma and Trunksina through a spiritual call. The coordinates of Mekker are now only Sun Wuben's request, and he can't refute it.

"Master Jiewang, please tell me the coordinates of New Namek." Monkey King asked.

"Klin, as far as I know, although Gohan is practicing in the underworld, he doesn't like martial arts very much. Therefore, his progress has not been fast. Even if he is resurrected now, he is probably not an opponent of cyborgs. As for other people, no It’s worth mentioning that unless Wukong is also resurrected, but Wukong was sick and died, so Shenlong cannot resurrect him."

"Can't Wukong be resurrected?" Sun Wu raised his eyebrows.

"It's okay, as long as Gohan and Piccolo can be resurrected." Sun Wuben said. For Son Wuben, the resurrection of Gohan was to give Kiki an explanation. Of course, the resurrection of Piccolo was to resurrect the gods.

"Since you insist, then okay." The antennae on the forehead of the Northern Realm King suddenly straightened out. After a while, his brow furrowed slightly, and then the antennae turned another direction. After a while, the direction of the antennae's extension changed again. After doing this several times, the King of the Northern Realm said'Ah', as if shocked.

"What's the matter?" Sun Wuben asked puzzledly.

"Strange, how come you can't find New Namek?" The King of the North murmured.

"You look for it again."

"I got it." I saw a pair of tentacles of the Northern Realm King constantly changing the direction of straightening. In the end, beads of sweat appeared on his face. Finally, the Northern Realm King retracted his straight tentacles and said with a decadent expression: "Look for No, I can't find it at all, Klin, I can't help you."

"Is it really not found? Could it be somewhere other than the Northern Milky Way?" Monkey King muttered.

"It's very likely." The Northern Realm King nodded, and then he spread his hands. "My area of ​​responsibility is the northern galaxy. Although I can see other galaxies, there are none in the range that I can observe. You can find other galaxies. Jie Wang asked."

"I will definitely, but you can ask Master Yan Mowang for me first, King of the North. If there is a dead New Namek, you might know."

The corner of the Northern Realm King’s mouth twitched: "Klin, you guy knows a lot, okay, I’ll ask for you, wait..." After another moment, the Northern Realm’s eyes widened, as if surprised. .

"That's it, so that there are no Namekians, it's really unexpected that Namekians will disappear in the universe." The King of the North said a few words.

Sun Wu couldn't help but feel uneasy.

At this time, the northern king turned his head and looked at Sun Wuben: "Klin, I really didn't expect the Namek star family to suffer such a catastrophe."

"Oh?" Sun Wuben looked at the King of the North Realm, and he always felt that something was wrong.

"New Namek has already disappeared from the universe at this time, because a terrible evil powerhouse patronized New Namek several years ago." The King of the North said in a deep voice.

"The terrible evil powerhouse? Who is it?" Monkey King asked Benlian.

"It's a guy named Mander." The North Realm Wang said solemnly.

Sun Wu couldn't help but stunned. He had seen the whole set of Dragon Ball, even Dragon Ball Super. The evil and powerful BSS Sun Wu knew all about it, but he had never heard of the evil powerhouse Mander.

"It seems that it shouldn't be particularly powerful. It is a strong person with a strength of less than 100,000." Sun Wuben sighed in his heart. After all, Sun Wu instinctively remembers the real strong, and apart from those strong in the universe, it is impossible to There is no other powerful evil master.

"King of the North, can you tell me the coordinates of that guy Mande." Monkey King said.

"What are you going to do?" The Northern Realm King couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course it is to avenge the Namekians."

"But the man named Mander is also dead."

"Who killed it?" Sun Wuben asked.

"I have to ask Yan Mowang for this to be clear, but you don't need to take care of this kind of thing Klin." The Northern Realm King said, "I don't want to ask anymore. This is a trivial matter.

"Okay." The little character Sun Wuben didn't care much either.

"Master Jiewang, can you tell me the current coordinates of Galactic Patrolman?" Monkey King asked.

"Jake, what are you going to do?" The Northern Realm King was a little impatient. The Klin in front of him seemed to understand everything, just like Jake, except for a trip to the earth many years ago. Having been to the earth, it stands to reason that this Klin is impossible to know.

"Of course I was looking for something to do with him. Could Lord Jie Wang couldn't find his or he was dead too?" Sun Wuben said.

"Forget it, don't care about you, let me see... Jake is not sure, this guy's whereabouts is uncertain, usually on the mission, but... Hey, you are really lucky, he has not yet performed the mission. , The coordinates are..." The King of the North said a coordinate, and Sun Wu wrote it down.

"Northern Realm King, thank you very much." After Sun Wuben finished speaking, he started teleportation, and all of a sudden, his figure disappeared from the Northern Realm King's eyes.


The king of the north was taken aback.

"Where is this kid?" The king of the northern realm used his aura to probe, but he couldn't see it at all. He used his tentacles to search for it, but he still couldn't find it.

"This kid isn't a human being, right? He doesn't even have anger. No, he was mad before, but..." The Northern Realm King felt a little dazed. With his ability, who can disappear silently. In front of him?

"By the way, I just felt that the space fluctuated a bit, it shouldn't be..." The Northern Realm King suddenly flashed his inspiration, thinking of a possibility, his tentacles straightened out, and his spiritual sense explored the planet where the Galaxy Patrol Organization is located. A tall figure was found beside Jake.

"Movement, this kid teleported from here to the center of the Milky Way." The Northern Realm King's eyes widened and he found the answer to Klin's disappearance, but finding this answer was more shocking than not finding it.

"Although Wukong will move instantaneously, but he must sense qi to be able to teleport over, but this kid, from here to the center of the galaxy, this distance... actually teleported past."

At this time, the King of the North didn't understand why Sun Wuben asked him about the coordinates.

"He and Wukong's teleportation is different. It is teleported by spatial positioning. Where did you learn it?" The King of the North was puzzled, because in his memory, no one in the entire universe could locate it by spatial coordinates. Teleport method.

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