Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 8: Intelligent brain, intelligent life

"How can it be, the first time I met, of course I invited it!"

Liu Liu smiled awkwardly in one hand, but already scolded.

大 Your uncle, how brave were you when you talked about salary before? Why can't I bear a meal now?

If it wasn't for worrying about you pitting me, and wanting to sign a labor contract with you, I would not be too lazy to run back again.

"Please? Speak early!"

After the rebirth, Chen Lang, who had eaten instant noodles for several days, was immediately happy.

I was too poor to eat the other day, I said that I was out of the restaurant and could n’t even order the takeaway. After getting the money, I had been busy for two days and had no time to eat well.

Now Liu is going to treat himself, that really fits Chen Lang's mind.

I casually went to the restaurant, and the two ordered a few dishes. Then Liu asked for two more bottles of wine in one hand.

"Boss, you can't drive after drinking ~" Liu groaned with a smile after touching a glass.

Chen Lang shook his head: "I don't have a car!"

Liu Liu's hand: "..."

怎么 How else are you talking about this day?

With an awkward laugh, Liu took out a stack of contracts from his bag and handed them to Chen Lang: "Boss, this is a labor contract that I have prepared myself. Please take a look?"

浪 Chen Lang took a moment's notice, took a moment to take a look, and nodded: "Well, yes, I didn't expect you to be very careful."

He said, Chen Lang picked up the pen on the contract and signed it.

I am careful?

Who can find a job and bring a labor contract with you? Isn't it because you're afraid of me?

Liu Liu drew a corner of his mouth and secretly vomited.

"Well, with you, I'm assured, let's not talk about work, drink!" Chen Lang held up his cup again.

No, no ... not talking about work?

Are you the boss or am I the boss?

Liu Liu was stunned.

I ca n’t help but think about it. Forget it, the boss does n’t care, what do he care about?

When I first arrived, nosy is a taboo, just mix it up.

Uh ...

一 In the early morning the next morning, Chen Lang woke up and continued typing.

Changing his fingers for several days in a row, even though he couldn't stand it anymore, rubbing his sour and stiff fingers, Chen Lang sighed.

‘It looks like we need to prepare the materials needed for the awareness transmitter as soon as possible. ’

Chen Lang said secretly, then opened the universal treasure and began to scan the goods.

The transmitter of consciousness is a great invention in the future, born from the era of escape.

In the future, although only a hundred years or more, human beings can be divided into several epochs based on major events.

Twenty-seven years later, the era before the planet impact, which is now, is called the era of peace.

The extinction crisis of the planet hitting the earth was resolved by human beings. Humanity took out all the ultimate weapons and jointly bombarded the asteroid. Then countries found in the asteroid meteorite materials and new fusion elements that the earth did not have.

发现 These discoveries have taken a big step forward for the earth ’s scientific and technological civilization. For example, fusion technology that has not yet been introduced has reached its peak in just a few years.

的 The abundance of energy has made mankind enter the Xinghe era.

In addition, there has also been a major breakthrough in biological gene technology. Due to the emergence of fusion elements, humans have been modified based on animal genes, and pharmaceuticals have been developed to repair gene perfect genes.

Since then, congenital diseases have never been missed by humans, and even children born of perfect genes are better than one generation.

Tatars are evolving toward God.

Subsequently, the biological gene technology turned around and began to study genetic modification, gene fusion, etc.

The Xinghe era is the beginning of the explosion of science and technology.

The subsequent outbreak of science and technology has made it possible for humans to discover the world's impending crisis of annihilation, and the energy and energy technology has exploded. As in the movie, a planetary engine has been developed to promote the escape of the planet.

But compared to the movies, humans are not so miserable.

爆发 The big outbreak of bio-gene technology has enabled human beings to survive in extremely harsh conditions. Even the genetic modification of plants such as corn and wheat and the genetic modification of animals have been developed, implemented and implemented at an extremely fast speed.

This era is the era of flight.

Crisis and opportunity coexist, and each major crisis has promoted the progress of human science and technology.

传输 In the era of flight, the transmitter of consciousness is one of the greatest inventions of this era.

The meaning of consciousness transmitter is to transmit the consciousness of human brain into the network.

At the same time, the use of awareness transmitters requires many auxiliary conditions.

First is the brain, which is the product of artificial intelligence technology. The brain is artificial intelligence, but not intelligent life.

The intelligent life has seven emotions, six desires, and active consciousness, but the intelligent brain does not exist. The intelligent brain is the wisdom that removes emotion and active consciousness.

The brain is a program, the program used by humans to develop the brain.

In the Xinghe era, the response capabilities and intricate control systems of mech warships were not controlled by ordinary humans at all. UU reading books

And in that era, the brain was born.

What is the nature of Zhi Zhinao?

Is a person's own brain, which can be said to be subconscious, or an unused part of the brain. The intelligent brain creates a consciousness by programming and then integrates into the human brain.

Because there is no active consciousness in the intelligent brain, it will not affect people themselves, and because the intelligent brain is created by programming, it is itself a group of program consciousness, which can transform human self consciousness into computer programs.

Can be said to be a biological computer, it can also be said to be a human second consciousness.

In the era of intelligent brain technology, intelligent brain is fully trusted by humans.

Because he has no active consciousness, only passive consciousness, even if the first consciousness of the human body dies, the second consciousness will not replace the human body to continue to live, because he cannot turn passive into active.

如何 How did humans enter the virtual world? It is the transmitter of consciousness and the brain.

First consciousness transmission--Intelligent brain receiving conversion--The consciousness transmitter imports into the virtual world--The virtual world receives and feedbacks--The consciousness transmitter exports--The intelligent brain receiving conversion--the first consciousness receiving.

This is the process that makes humans enter and live in the virtual world, which is indispensable.

There are many basic conditions for the production of the brain, the most important of which are the biochip and genetic modification technology.

Without genetic modification technology, the human body cannot provide the energy required for the full use of the brain.

Without a biochip, the brain cannot be integrated into the human body, nor can it lead to the birth of the brain in the brain.

Wisdom brain is the beginning of the full use of human brain.

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