Chen Lang was not idle after Liu left.

There are a total of five servers. The server has been transformed by Chen Lang. Any one is enough to support 20,000 people online at the same time, but now the mainstream RPG games are basically 10,000 people online. So after a little thought, Chen Lang decided to temporarily block some performance. This will not only be unobtrusive, but also ensure that there are no stalls in the game.

With the decision, the division is started.

Maple Town area: Soro Village, Zarku Village, Karoka Village, Milov Village, Xiur Village.

Twenty-five villages, Solo Village is the first area where Long Aotian played. Solo is talking about the elder man in the village with a horrified face.

The four other villages except Solo Village are all new districts.

Of course, it is not right to say that it is a new district, although the other four villages have similar gameplay with Soro Village, but the maps are different.

浪 Chen Lang is a game created based on the real magic civilization.

In the Principality affiliated with the Magic Civilization Human Empire, there are really Maple Leaf Towns and these five villages.

"It ’s okay. When you have strength in the future, you can directly join the area. The people's area is to increase the number of people in the area and avoid becoming a dead zone. Expand the in-game layout so that with the continuous breakthrough of technology in the future, this game world will eventually become a true virtual second world. "

Chen Lang muttered secretly, and then set up an update release.

After the setting is completed, Chen Lang will publish the official website that has been prepared and release it with the game update.

At the same time, Chen Lang edited a text and updated the details.

[Details of the first round of updates]

1, First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your support in crowdfunding. You have started to apply for registration of a company and purchased a server.

2. Four groups of new districts will be opened in this update. The old districts will be renamed Zoro Village, and the new districts will be Zarku Village, Karoka Village, Milov Village, and Xiur Village.

3. This update expands the maximum number of concurrent online users. However, due to the limitation of the map, in order to better serve everyone and avoid overcrowding in the village, whether in Solo Village or the other four new areas, the maximum number of simultaneous online players is 10,000 .

4. In order to express gratitude to crowdfunding players, after this update, crowdfunding players can go to the village chief to receive out-of-print fashion and out-of-print titles with the crowdfunding code.

[Second round update notice]

1, the first expansion of Magic World will be released in the next update. At the same time, Maple Leaf Town Map will be opened, and the maximum level will be up to 19.

2. In the next update, the recharge system will be opened. This game promises not to sell property props, everyone can buy fashion and mounts according to their preferences.

3. In the next update, this game will be converted from page games to end games. Players who have not registered can add registered accounts on the latest official website, one person, one number, and real-name authentication.

4. The market function will be opened in the next update. Players can freely trade all dropped items in the market, and the market only charges a 5% handling fee.

5, ...

A series of updated content and update notices quickly appear on the player's official website and game login interface as Chen Lang clicks on the release.

Before, there was a GM message from Chen Lang, so players knew that the collective disconnection was a game update.

In just a few minutes, when the game update appeared in the eyes of players, all players were shocked.

开 开 开 ..... What's the joke?

The game is stuck?

Five districts can accommodate 50,000 people online?

开 Newly opened four new districts?

Can you participate in crowdfunding before receiving out-of-print fashion and titles?

Look down!

real or fake?

的 The players who participated in the crowdfunding suddenly fell into ecstasy, while those who did not participate were almost crying.

You said that participation was rewarded.

Isn't this a pitman?

In the midst of sadness and joy, the players will look to the recent update notice, after reading, everyone suddenly realized a key.

I want fire!

This game can only achieve this level with page games. After the transition to end games, as long as it is not too garbage, it will definitely be a fire.

多么 How many people like to play games now? Much!

多么 How good is the game?

There are too few, either the picture quality thief is fun, or the fun picture quality thief is still an old game.

没有 I haven't created a good game that can explode the people for many years. In the eyes of many players, the magic world has become a real, fun and novel game.

Once transformed into a terminal game, then the trading market is opened, and then there are new expansion packs ...


A lot of players can't help getting scalp numb, they all understand that as long as the end game is not too bad, as long as the first expansion pack is not too pit, then this game is settled.

什么 What does a really good game represent?

Represents the influx of local tyrants, the influx of brick moving parties, etc.

多么 How tyrants like to play games? a lot of!

Even many people may not be willing to spend money in reality, but they can spend a lot of money in the game.

好 A good game is not just a game, it is also a market.

Smash money!

Aside from a word, some discerning players have already begun.

"High-priced players who participate in crowdfunding, register according to the account I said, one number, five hundred dollars!"

"Just set up a group, brothers who like to play the magic world add me!"

"Are there new brothers who cut people together?"

"Magic World Niubi, I blow it out, it's my brother who comes to chop me!"

"The new district has been updated, everyone plays the name of the new district, call friends and friends, come and do it together!"


The new official website, the UU reading website forum area is full, just ten minutes, hundreds of posts.

The first bucket of gold is about to be made.

Chen Lang nodded with satisfaction, then turned on the computer and continued typing.

真正 A real master can condense a few G codes, which not only improves the running speed of the client, but also saves the player's download time, and reduces the squeeze on the player's computer performance.

Chen Lang is a master, but he still has to keep self-checking and simplifying the code.

It's like the current version of page games. If it's not Chen Lang's simplification of the code, a map of that size alone would have to be buffered for more than ten minutes.

For a page game, who would be willing to buffer for so long?


Although the first expansion pack is about to be released, it involves too much content. It is only converted into a terminal game for improvement. It is only a map of Maple Leaf Town. It is still a 2D game. The quality is good. But the details are not enough, even if there are several Gs, this will not work.

Have to prepare in advance for the next update to 3D mode.

Otherwise, if the game is too big, you will lose many players.

That's all money!

I kept getting there until the evening. In the evening, Liu took a taxi to return to the villa and reported the situation to Chen Lang.

"Already in the process of applying for registration, the company certificate should be available tomorrow. The game review will be more stringent, but it should be possible within three days."

"Hard work."


"It's dark."


"What are you doing here? Wait for me to invite you to dinner?"


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