Basic materials technology, biological gene technology, energy and energy technology, artificial intelligence technology, machinery industry technology.

These are the five core scientific and technological systems that support the survival of mankind in the universe in the future.

In the future world, there are too many shocking inventions.

A robot that completely replaces human labor, the inertial intelligence used by most mechanical machines, stimulates the human brain's birth consciousness, which is the biochip of the intelligent brain, and so on.

Too much too much.

But unfortunately, there are very few technologies that Chen Lang can make now.

no way.

Lack of basic materials.

Why can basic materials technology become one of the five core technology systems in the future?

Because materials are the foundation of all technological products.

Like biochips, there is no way to achieve without living materials and fusion elements, as is genetic modification technology.

Involved in genes, living materials and fusion elements are indispensable. Although human scientists have already analyzed the manufacturing methods of living materials and fusion elements in the future, with Chen Lang's current strength, he can't play at all, at least he must control half The financial resources of each country are possible.

There are also war mechs, space battleships, etc., the basic materials needed in the current era can not find alternatives, you still have to get the materials first.

缺少 In the absence of materials, today's cutting-edge technology products in various countries are already the limit.

Like a fighter plane, where can you ascend under the material constraints?


Sighing, Chen Lang settled the various materials ordered in Wannengbao.

In this era, he has a lot of fun, not to mention, some advanced technology pushed forward a little step, and the money he earned was unimaginable.

But the risks are too great.

Without genetic modification, he did not have the superhuman steel body before rebirth.

He said that the missile nuclear bomb, and a bullet could kill him.

"Lack of money, if only there was a rich woman to support me, just a few hundred million every day to spoil me!"

Chen Lang muttered a word, then opened the programming software and checked the client written again.

A 2D client almost killed him, and his hands are still numb.

He doesn't want to continue to type the code. If he stays up late and dies, that's the shame of the rebirth.

The consciousness transmitter is what he will do next.

Now that you have money, then you start to get it. Others do n’t have a brain, but he does.

Zhi Zhinao exists in the human brain, and Chen Lang feels that his rebirth is caused by the crystallization of civilization. After all, that stuff can be made with the core goddess of magic civilization.

He was a little unbelievable. After all, the magical civilization was defeated by the earth, and even the old nest was burned. Can you have this kind of ability?

No matter what the reason is, there is one thing that only benefits him and does no harm.

After his rebirth came back, the brain also followed, and it now exists in the crystallization of civilization in his consciousness.

When I first came back, the crystallization of civilization was still a little faint, and my brain could still be connected.

At that time, Chen Lang thought long-term and let Zhinao transmit the information about Fengye Town in the crystal of civilization into his brain.

Otherwise, how could he know the details of so many magical civilizations?

But unfortunately, after transmitting the information, the brain will consume the last energy of the crystals of civilization, and will fall asleep together with the brains of intelligence and civilization.

I want to browse the content of the crystal of civilization again, only the power of faith, a power that cannot be explained by future science for the time being.

浪 Chen Lang is just an ordinary person now. The body can't bear the energy required by the brain. Therefore, Chen Lang has never let the brain return to his own brain.

The power of faith is now the energy required by both the brain and the core of civilization.

"How to gain the power of faith? Don't you run out suddenly? No, my brother sitting underneath!"

Be a celebrity? Seems to work, as long as you are famous and others are willing to believe in you, the power of faith naturally flows.

But the timing is not right now. Jumping out now is completely a clown jumping clown. Without great success, the ghost believes you.

Forget it, still think of a way in the game. "

Chen Lang secretly thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth, and twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "What's the use of this face?"

After talking, Chen Lang picked up the phone and patted him nonstop.

不 "No, the pixels are too poor, and the camera technology is also a bit touching. Go to a professional."

I said nothing and went out.

I first found a professionally-made clothing store and smashed 10,000 yuan, and in three hours rushed out to produce a magic civilization master set.

Then went straight to a acclaimed photography studio, and smashed 10,000 again. A group of people took a photo of Chen Lang around Chen Lang.

I go home to eat and sleep.

The next day, the photography studio staff sent Chen Lang the repaired photos.

After selection, Chen Lang found the one with the best temperament and the most pretentious. UU reading book directly revised the picture twice, modified it into a dynamic picture, and imported it into the client.

In this photo, Chen Lang occupies a third of the scene.

Chen Lang wears a sharp black mage hat with a broken edge and a black and red robe. The robe is covered with blood stains, but whether it is on the hood or the robe, it is densely embroidered. The rune is flashing red light.

浪 Chen Lang did not hold the wand, but held a suspended golden ball in his hand, the golden ball slowly rotated, and the surrounding was filled with illusive runes and light, dazzling.

Behind Chen Lang, a dense army of orcs was fighting warriors wearing armor, and dragons roared in the sky.

There is no word in the full picture, because this is the login interface.

Yes, Chen Lang shamelessly made his photo into the login interface of the magic world.

He is for that little power of faith.

"Boss, I'm back!"

The voice of Liu's first hand came. He was carrying a large package, and his clean suit was a little wrinkled.

"I have your courier at the door, I'll get you over."

I put the big parcel on the ground, and Liu picked up the glass with one hand and murmured and drank.

Chen Lang dragged the parcel back to his office, then came out, and wondered, "Why are you running again?"


Is this human?

Liu held his hand in one place.

特 My ​​mother-in-law's work here, what made me run again?

Taking a deep breath, Liu said with one hand: "The matter of registering a company has been done. I have even created a public account. I entrusted my friends to help me. I can get down the game operation certificate today. I can get it tomorrow morning . "

"Oh!" Chen Lang nodded.

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