Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 4: All routines!

Congratulations on getting the scroll of God's blessing. Is it used?

Nonsense, of course use!

Xun Long Aotian didn't hesitate. After clicking to learn, he found that his original attribute which was all 1s instantly became all 10.

Lying down, ten times?

这 At this time, professional adults appeared.

Professional Master: "It's my turn. I didn't expect you to be a peerless genius. This is a basic practice cheat for you. It was my task that delayed you to see your mother for the last time. I'm sorry, all these equipment were given to You, after you are tenth level, come to town and I will personally help you to introduce all the professionals, whatever you want to learn. "

After speaking, the professionals left.

Jiu Long Aotian was stunned. After opening the basic cheats, the options immediately appeared.

Please choose: Base Fighting, Basic Magic Meditation.

Choose vindictiveness and you're done.

Then he was promoted to the third level, and the head of the village jumped out, horrified: "I did not expect that you really are a genius, Long Aotian."


I'm right, I'm a genius! I'm a genius, of course!

Xun Long Aotian laughed: "Cool, really special, it's cool, after so long, it's finally starting to cool."

At this time, the village chief also said: "There are some low-level Warcrafts outside the village. They may drop the magic core. Devouring the magic core can increase the fighting spirit, and meditation practice can also increase fighting spirit. Later, you can ask Bishop Shenting to perform resurrection, and your mother will have hope at that time. "


Long Aotian was aggressive.

Can NPCs be resurrected?

赞 "Okay, this game, Niubi!"

"The brain is clear and strange!"

"I'll blow up this game, right? I'll play it too!"

"It's so cool, the suppression suddenly broke out for so long, the thief is exciting!"

"I want to be a magician and a professional adult, don't stop me!"



The barrage barrage erupted, and then Long Aotian laughed and didn't mention the broadcast. He copied and pasted the URL and laughed, "Brothers, come, let's save mom together!"


I'm a routine!

Chen Lang touched his chin, and then opened another live broadcast room. It was the female anchor who was warm.

Games, the routine is only temporary, with a girl can last long.

I also faced a wave of routines against the wind, warming up and finishing work.

After all, Feng Nuannun is a girl. Unlike Long Aotian's violent swearing, the depressed plot almost made her cry. The shocking reversal later made her face turn red, and she began to work hard to level up.

"I'm going to resurrect my mother !!!" growled softly.




浪 In a single apartment rental house, Chen Lang looked at the number of online servers, 273!

Huh, stabilize!

There are many people who are screaming to play this game, but there are not many who really give action. Although there are only more than 200 people now, Chen Lang believes that the number will soon be full.

After all, this is just the beginning. What is this routine? Behind are all routines.

Alas, Chen Lang is not in a hurry.

The server is a bit junk. The second-hand one is still the same as many years ago. Although he changed a lot, it is limited to hardware. At most, it is more than a thousand people online.

Tossed the game aside, and Chen Lang immediately started to tap the code.

The page tour code is only a page tour after all. In Chen Lang's plan, after the server is upgraded, it must be changed to a terminal game. Even a small terminal game must be changed. The end game and the page game will eventually be different.

The title page tour cannot keep people.

However, to say so, but the workload of a terminal game is not comparable to page games, data calculation, role skill balance adjustment, etc.!

Too much too much.

Fortunately, Chen Lang was prepared. Most of the code that I typed before was for the end game service.

忙 This busy work is another three days.

浪 Chen Lang didn't know what happened to his game during this period.


Stuck to the kind of explosion!

One card per step, uncomfortable, but still want to play.

How to do?

Of course it is spray game company.

However, when he started spraying, many players discovered that Nima could not find the name of the game company?

This is a black game.

Look down!

"No, brothers, we can no longer play games for free."

On the live broadcast platform, Long Aotian stood out and said aloud, "This game, everyone now understands the situation, one step at a time, but it is super fun, isn't it?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Yes, right, then?"


然后 "Then? Then what is the reason? Because this is a black game, there is no company, it belongs to the maker, and it is completely shared by the producer for everyone to play, everyone is happy, right? But I dare to say, the producer is unhappy!

First of all, this game is the hard work of others. As a result, we have so many people. This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing. The good thing is that people's works have been recognized, but the disadvantage is that too many of us cause the game to freeze serious.

I have been stuck for three days, why can't I solve it?

I guess it is because the producers have limited funds and cannot provide enough servers.

So, brothers, how about we give the producer a few servers? "

Qi Long said proudly.

"Okay, but how do you know where the top-up channel is? You haven't thought about saving money for three days after playing it? It's because this game can't find the channel for gold, isn't it? It's free!

In the live broadcast room, a local tyrant wearing the emperor's brand spoke.

Xun Long was arrogant, and then sat down awkwardly, smiling awkwardly: "Then we can't help it."

On the other side, the female anchor Feng Nuannu is also crazy about the game.

To be honest, regardless of whether they are the anchor or the audience, or the players who have played the game in person, they can not understand a little.

Brother Brother, are you a black workshop with limited abilities, and you made a mistake when adjusting your upgrade experience?

升级 It's so difficult to upgrade Mao?

I learned the secrets and went straight to the third level. At that time, we thought that the upgrade was easy. What happened? Nima's liver has been around the clock for three days. The highest grade is the female liver emperor with warm wind. UU reading www.uukanshu. com How much is she now? It's only 9th grade, even if the experience is not full.

Bullying too much!

When you do this, when can we become Archmage?

And, even if that's the case.

But can your game server be better? I wo n’t talk about this area. The server is still thief. At most thousands of people are online at the same time. Tens of thousands of people are lined up. They may not be able to squeeze in all morning.

However, the grievances of tens of thousands of players can never reach Chen Lang's eyes, because he has no official website or forum.

Only a playful attitude!

After half an hour, the wind and warmth that was so exhausted and even got rid of the dark circles suddenly became energetic.

各位 "Everyone, my experience is full. As long as I eat this magic core again, I will soon be tenth level. I can finally go out of Xinshou Village and become a professional in the town."

When it comes to here, the wind is warm and even tears are almost shed.

The barrage exploded instantly.

"The first person out of Novice Village in the magic world is about to be born!"

"Warm and warm!"

"It's been hard and warm for three days. Even if it's broadcast, it's still hanging on. It's a 72-hour non-stop experience."

"A well-deserved female liver emperor, the well-deserved first in the magic world!"

"To be honest, I'm really curious. A novice village is so big, it is made according to the actual village size and scaled down. The town should be bigger, right?"

"Yeah, a novice village is bigger than all other games. All the maps are larger than one another. Thousands of people are not crowded in a village. The map is really big, and the producer should be really powerful."

"It's time to witness the miracle!"

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