Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 5: The boss is in a mixed mood

Ding! Congratulations, the experience pool is full, but unfortunately, the expansion pack has not been opened and cannot be upgraded!


Eh eh eh?

Feng Feng Nuan Nuan looked at the prompt that popped up in front of him, and the whole person froze.

At this moment, the barrage of the live broadcast paused for a moment, and after a moment, the madness broke out.




"This Nima game is full at level 9?"

"Am I special, aren't the professionals waiting for me in the town? I'm still playing with a hammer after this level?"

"What a beep!"


It's not just the barrage. The most uncomfortable person at this moment is wind and warmth. When I think of my liver that has been around for three days and nights, I finally got such a result in the end. The more I thought about it, the more I felt wronged, and one couldn't help but cry, wow.


"Really crying?"

"Oh my God!"

"Well, she's just a child. Who can bear this kind of thing?"

"Love you warmly, don't cry."

"I'm so mad, I'm going to spray the maker of this game now."

"Where do you spray? People don't even have a website!"

嗯 "Huh? Huh? Look, another pop-up window pops up. There is a pop-up window with a URL."

"Warm, warm, look at the screen!"

"Warm, warm!"


The barrage screen began to brush the screen, and all the audience was excited. Many of them had registration numbers for such a fun game, but why not play it?

I was either unable to squeeze in, or could not stand the kind of stuttering, and they had also been aggrieved for a long time.

Warm and warm, you have to be strong, but it's just a game. It's a junk game. Just don't play it. The image is important.

She wiped her tears, Feng Nuan warmly comforted herself, and then smiled strongly to apologize to the audience, but when she looked up, she saw a pop-up window in the game interface.

[Congratulations, you are the last! 】

Every player who persists until the end really loves this game. As a producer, I don't want to report it. Thank you for your love. Please open the webpage and start your performance.

There was such a sentence in the pop-up window. In the second line at the end, a web site appeared in the warm eyes of the wind.

Click to open, all of a sudden!



"There is still this operation?"

"Nima crowdfunding?"

"What the hell? Part of the players playing the game are to save the mother? Is this a crowdfunding save the mother action?"

"I served it too!"

"The original real top-up 氪 gold channel is here!"

"The producer's mind is clear!"


I wasn't just the audience in the live broadcast room, I was dumbfounded even with wind and warmth.

原来 It turned out that we blame him by mistake. This game has no start-up company at all, and lacks funds, so it is stuck, so it is only a district, so there is no recharge channel.

During the conversation, Feng Nuanwen did not hesitate to register for the crowdfunding website, then fill in the information and scan the code to pay, 10,000 yuan!

"It started. It started."

"Wan Nuan is still too kind!"

"Brothers, don't you think this game is interesting? Let's go, support a wave."

"I'm fifty!"

"I'm a hundred!"

"The next two thousand!"

"Large lord, please bring, younger brother is poor, twenty!"


That's it. You were fifty and one hundred, and then the news came to Long Aotian's live broadcast room. Long Aotian took someone to start the action without a word.

300,000 crowdfunding amount, completed in just half an hour!

Successful crowdfunding project!

But it hasn't stopped.

Complete degree, 113%, 150, 300!

三 300%!

$ 900,000 in crowd funding.

Involved more than 20,000 people in crowdfunding.

Among them, there are local tyrants waved heavily.

Who can think of it?

浪 Chen Lang didn't expect it, even the employees and bosses who dreamed of crowdfunding did not expect it.

Uh ...

"Boss, you have to eat **** !!!"

In the small office of Dream, Xiao Zhang rubbed his eyes after seeing the amount of crowdfunding, then exclaimed incredibly.

"What are you talking about? Don't take a small company boss as your boss!"

The boss was furious when he heard the words, and he was going to PK with Xiao Zhang live!

"Forehead?" Xiao Zhang reacted, and his forehead suddenly sweated.

At this time, another female employee suddenly shouted in shock: "Boss, today there are more than 20,000 new registered users on the website, and all of them have recharged to participate in crowdfunding."

"What?" The boss shook.

"Yes, that's him!"

Xiao Zhang went over the computer screen and pointed at the screen with excitement: "Boss, look, this is the crowdfunding that you said three days ago if you can raise a hundred dollars, you will eat shit. He raised 90 How many! "

At this moment, the boss is very complicated. He wants to be excited and scream that he has succeeded, and wants to beat Xiao Zhang out of breath.

Uh ...

"Huh? 900,000? Enough!"

Chen Lang, who had just finished typing all the code, was in front of her eyes and then contacted Dream Crowdfunding.

Dream crowdfunding network is small and small, but the attitude of the service still has nothing to say. It didn't take long for the crowdfunding to end after the call and all the money was deducted from the service fee to Chen Lang.

浪 Chen Lang did not hesitate to open the universal treasure directly and buy materials and servers. The server is not the most expensive one, but it is definitely the latest hardware.

Regardless of whether it is expensive or cheap, it must be transformed anyway. To be honest, Chen Lang is completely indifferent to the servers of this era.

Because it is a local online store selected, someone will come to you in the afternoon after discussing with the store.

浪 Chen Lang disassembles the machine directly.

Armed with a variety of small welding materials and electronics, Chen Lang began to change the internal hardware of the server.

It took five hours. After the transformation, Chen Lang started to write the internal software driver again. When everything was done, it was already eleven o'clock in the night. UU Kanshu

Regardless of eating, Chen Lang transferred the client terminal into it, and then downloaded one to start the test. After the test, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The next step is to get a data line!"

为什么 Why does the game get stuck?

It's not just a server issue or a network cable issue. Although Chen Lang steals the Internet with future technology, his home broadband is almost the same as the average enterprise-level broadband even if it reaches the limit.

He is going to pull a data line!

However, the data line should not be cheap in this era.

I called the telecommunications company, and after asking, Chen Lang was silent.

What kind of calf are you yelling at?

The minimum rate is 3,000 months? Have to bear the application fee, labor cost, engineering cost, etc.?

The various expenses are counted more than 10,000.

加上 In addition, Chen Lang wants to install a high-speed data line to be a game company. The higher the better, the better. But what does that person say?

2.5gbps is 480,000 a month?

Let's go to your uncle!

浪 Chen Lang pouted his mouth, and then said the address into the mobile phone, and then said: "Faster, the cheapest is OK!"

"Sir, I'm afraid it won't work, we checked it, you can't install it there."


"You are a dwelling house, and it is a high-level building. Our data line is aimed at corporate customers. It needs to be fully laid. If you have to lay a line on a high-rise building, we can also provide services. You are personally responsible. "


I've changed places to live, right?

Telecom? You wait for me, and sooner or later get a telecommunications company to defeat you!

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