Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 3: Your mom eats the bark hungry

What is simple and rude?

浪 Chen Lang directly opened the live platform rankings and chose the two people with the highest popularity.

浪 Chen Lang has already investigated clearly.

One is a male anchor named Long Aotian who broadcasts lol or eats chicken on weekdays, and sometimes plays some simple and easy games, but because of his irritable temper, he can always spit against others, so watch His live broadcast is definitely not boring. Many people watch the live broadcast just for fun.

Another is a female anchor named Feng Nuannuan. The type of live broadcast of this female anchor is more mixed, outdoor, games, food, and even singing.

But because of his beautiful voice and cuteness, there are many people who see it.

Both of them are grass-roots origins. Although they are on fire, they have no background.

Identified the goal, Chen Lang 拎 produced the written program, and quickly operated on the keyboard with both hands. After a moment, he began to wait for an opportunity.

Five minutes, ten minutes, and finally, Long Aotian made the chicken to the finals, and his strength is undoubted. After six or seven years of eating chicken, the per capita instantaneous attack of 800 meters, no Opening can kill a dozen, really brave.

Suddenly, at this critical moment, suddenly, the computer crashed and the game crashed.

"I'm your mother, what's the situation? If you don't collapse sooner or later, will you collapse now?"

Chen Longaotian swears suddenly, and then quickly landed the game, but his client has been moved by Chen Lang, no matter how to get up.

After this wave, Long Aotian's mentality exploded.

I also blasted him with the audience in his live studio.


"There must be a high-tech plug-in on the opposite side, which directly makes the opponent offline, hahaha!"

"Aotian doesn't cry, stand up ...!"


"Cry your mother for selling, garbage game, brothers, here you go today, let's see you tomorrow." Long Ao said angrily, annoyingly.

Your Majesty?

Imagine the beauty!

浪 Chen Lang operated the keyboard again and got it after a while.

Xiaolong Aotian clicked the mouse, but the live broadcast couldn't be turned off. This wave really blew him up.

"Is this a virus in the computer?"

Just as his voice fell, a whole bunch of web pages popped up, one of which was the page buffering interface of Chen Lang.


He was so aggressive that he closed many web pages quickly, but when he clicked Chen Lang's page tour, the page tour was buffered.


A crisp voice sounded, scaring Long Aotian, and then the beautiful picture of page tour beauty appeared in front of him.

The background music sounds slowly, and the picture changes slowly.

First, an old man appears in the picture. The artist is absolutely five-star. Although the old man doesn't look very good, the kind of realism and the unique temperament of the old man are undoubtedly revealed.

The old man looked at the screen with his eyes straight, which made Long Aotian feel like being in a video chat.

Then the old man spoke.

"My child, your mother is eating tree bark hungry, are you still indifferent?" The old man's voice was bleak and sad, and he felt a sense of indifference.

方面 In terms of sound effects, five stars!

During the conversation, the screen turned around, and a loving look appeared. It was a middle-aged woman. The woman was in a ragged clothes, was thin, looked at the screen with a pained face, and said with a smile: "Child, mother is fine, don't listen to the village chief, Go after your dreams. "

"Did I go to your dream!" Long Aotian was stunned.

The picture is too real, he always feels that the two people in this game see him.

What kind of bed is this?

"Child, I heard that adults in the town have come to teach in the village. As long as you pass his test, you can get a weapon. With the weapon, you can go hunting, so that you can become a great one in the future. Professionals, your mother won't have to go hungry with you, "said the village chief in his vicissitudes.





At this moment, not only Long Aotian, but also led him to countless sounds in the live broadcast room.

What kind of game is this? Send a mom to start?

Who is planning? I can't wait to kill you. Are you really not afraid of death?

Chen Longao was stunned.

Subsequently, he saw countless barrage appearing in the barrage that allowed him to continue playing.

"Aotian, go find food for your mother."

"You're an unfilial son, look at how your mother is hungry. Has your conscience been eaten by dogs?"

刷 "Brush an airplane and play, this game is a bit fun."

给 "Give you the rocket, have fun!"


There are some people who squirt and laugh at the barrage, but many want him to continue watching the live broadcast.

Looking at the game interface, Long Aotian took a deep breath.

He knows that he wo n’t be able to turn off the heat today. Once the game is turned off, how many people may call him filial.


Planning, right?

You're chicken thief, can't I play?

The best quality of your game is really good, otherwise you will wait for Lao Tzu and spray you to death!

At this time, the game screen is still waiting.

的 The dialogue between the game character and the village chief is waiting for the player to choose.

1, [Grandpa, Grandpa, I'll take the test now! 】

2, [Dead old man is getting rough, don't bother. 】

Looking at the option, Long Aotian's mouth twitched, and Mom sold it. Was this option people's choice?

Choose one, and then Long Aotian pops up a pop-up screen.

Please choose a character gender!

Please enter a character name!


Long Aotian is a little embarrassed.

Emotional Lao Tzu has been substituted into the plot, but the result is that men and women do not know? And do n’t even have a name?

It's a magical brain hole.

Choose a male, enter Long Aotian, and then Long Aotian begins his game journey.

"Old irons, web games are all money, so let's play casually, okay? I really have something to do, UU reading. We did this task and got something for me ... , And then we will broadcast it, okay? "

Qi Long Aotian spoke.

Of course, the barrage screens are agreeable. After all, this is only a page game. Although the quality of the pictures is very good and the quality is rare, it is a page game after all. No one cares about it after everyone laughed.

随后 But then, Long Aotian felt what a routine was.

Professional Master: "You are really a waste. A small test has taken so long. Okay, choose a weapon, and then get out of here. I am upset when I see this waste."

Chen Longaotian flushed.

The elder of the village: "Long Aotian, you really ca n’t help the wall, you have been back for so long, your mother is starving."

It's only been a few minutes? Why are you starving?

Chen Long Aotian was angry.

Back at home, the undead mother of the character suddenly emerged: "Autumn, someone once pursued me. He was an imperial noble, a high-level mage. At first, he wanted to marry me, but I couldn't let you go, so he refused, promised me, don't Let me down, don't let mom be looked down upon, okay? "

Why are you looked down on?

Long Aotian is wrong and uncomfortable.

My mother just disappeared, and the mysterious man appeared: "Hahaha, I said you were a waste, your mother couldn't bear it, and now I'm right, right? Do you think I like her? No, I don't look down on you both, but it's a pity, With her death, the legend must have never been found. "

Phrenic neuropathy, where did you come from?

After the mysterious person disappeared, Long Aotian stunned his stomach.

Suddenly, at this moment, the game prompts an adventure. He finds a scroll called "Blessing of the God of Magic" under his mother's bed.

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