Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 2: New start, crowdfunding

Creating a web game is Chen Lang's thoughtful plan.

First, make some money using web games and then switch to terminal games, and then switch to virtual online games and virtual communities. The virtual world is the second world of human beings. If you monopolize the virtual world, it is equivalent to monopolizing the human second life.

Secondly, from a practical perspective, as a poor man, he had no money to register a company, let alone buy a server. The only server was bought in the second-hand market, tinkering, and even internal procedures. Rewritten again, this is enough for him to open a page tour temporarily.

这 And this has spent all his money. After all, he is just a poor student who just graduated. Before rebirth a few days ago, he quit his job because of some small contradictions. The only money is not enough.

As for calling for help ... forget it.

His grandmother wanted him to go back to his hometown for development, but he was young and full of energy. After graduation, he had to endure hardships in a big city. The dad at home spoke, and starved to death outside when he didn't go home.


I still earn a little money first and have the confidence to go home.

爹 Anyway, my parents were long enough to live. In my previous life, I lived to more than ninety and caught up with the benefits of the eternal life plan. Not only did I regain my youth, I even received a re-education with Chen Lang's classmate.

Thinking of Dad's bad character, Chen Lang couldn't help shivering.

If my mother's kitchen knife didn't wave well, I'm afraid that the school flower will become my stepmother.

After careful inspection, it was determined that there was no problem, and Chen Lang began the final summary work.

After two hours, Chen Lang was relieved.

The next release is.


Suddenly, Chen Lang gave a hand, frowned slightly, and said to himself: "There is no registered company and no qualifications for development and operation. If you charge arbitrarily, you ca n’t go in for two years to eat a meal. It ’s free. If it ’s free, it ’s a share at best. The games I make are n’t too much of a mess, and they ’re free in name, so I can collect money in other ways. "

浪 Chen Lang quickly started making changes. After the changes were completed, he opened a crowdfunding website.

Apply for registration, fill out the information, and then start publishing crowdfunding information.

主题 Project theme: made a game, crowdfunded funds to buy servers and registered companies.

Project introduction: such as the title!

Crowdfunding: 300,000

Crowdfunding rewards: You play an egg without a server!


Then quietly wait for the approval.

Uh ...

Dream is located in Modu Hi-Tech Park. Because it is a recently launched crowdfunding website. Although all aspects of service are good, it can only be considered a small website. At this time, several young auditors are faint sleep.

As soon as a prompt sounded, one of the young people reacted quickly, patted his face, then picked up his glasses and started to review the project application.

I glanced at it. The young man thought he was not awake, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

See it later.

"Crazy ?!"

The young man exclaimed a few startling colleagues around him.

I even took their boss and general manager and almost lost my tea cup.

"Xiao Zhang, what are you talking about?"

Boss criticized slightly.

这个 "This ... this ...... boss, I don't know if this person's crowdfunding project should be approved by him." Xiao Zhang pointed at the computer screen and stuttered.

The Jain project is exactly the one that Chen Lang applied for.

Boss Wu got up and walked over. After looking at the crowdfunding project application, he suddenly became furious.

"Now? Think about money and want to go crazy? I want crowdfunding to buy a server to start a company without returning money? I also want to crowdfunding to buy an aircraft carrier to go fishing. I want money in this crowdfunding attitude? If he can crowdfund When it comes to money, even if it is a hundred dollars, Lao Tzu broadcasts shit! "

"I'll dismiss him then!" Xiao Zhang was startled.

"and many more!"

The boss suddenly raised his hand and then laughed: "Although it is ridiculous, I still agree. It can not only give us multiple projects on the website, but also allow the outside world to see our website's attitude. And such ridiculous things, in case of fire Isn't that a lot of traffic for us? "

"The boss is wise!" Now I don't know if it's too late.

Uh ...

浪 In the single apartment, Chen Langguo unexpectedly saw the approval. The small website has no bottom line.

He then copied the URL and pasted it directly into the code.

Internet addicted teenagers, toiled to 9th level, the road is broken, not surprised? Not unexpected?

Want to continue playing? Want to feel the charm of real games? OK, let's raise money for Lao Tzu!

Click, OK, Publish, and start running!

After everything was done, Chen Lang lit a cigarette. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

I took a deep breath, and then opened an attack program that he had written, and at the same time opened a fish live broadcast and began to find the target.

I have lived for so many years, and Jiuxiang is not afraid that the alley is deep. He has long believed it.

Advertisement must be played!

However, advertising has to be played, how to do it is another matter.

He spent most of his life studying, and all kinds of major events happened on the earth. As a result, people did n’t have time to quarrel with each other.

So he has lived for more than a hundred years, and he really doesn't understand enough about intrigue and humanity.

He prefers to be simple and rude.

I can be said to be naive or bloody, but this is the theme of that era.

At that time, you still engage in internal struggles, then you are tantamount to dragging the entire human race.

Everyone is very short on time.

Although human beings have all kinds of defects, there is no doubt that in the face of absolute crisis, human beings can really unite to a terrible state.

How many heroes are desperate? How much blood is splashing on the earth and stars?

The heroes like sparks ignited the blood of all human beings. In the era of sparks and fires, the people who had not experienced themselves would never understand the shock.

That was a shock from the depths of the soul.

The blood is ignited, then you do what you should do, and contribute even a tiny amount of power to the entire human community.

The blood is still cold? Then you will get torture from the soul.

人 No one cares about your laziness, and no one has the time to teach you. What really makes you uncomfortable is the moral and ethical ideas from the depths of your soul.

怎 How can you be so ugly?

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