The end of science is theology?

Yes, Chen Lang, who was born again, knows better than anyone. In the near future, under the pressure of world destruction, how powerful wisdom and creativity can be erupted by mankind.

If theology represents that all beings look to the gods, then science is everyone like a dragon, and all beings are gods.

What is the most obvious difference between gods and mortals in ancient myths?

Is not an exaggerated power, nor is it a magical means that people imagine, but life.

Yan Chao died on the night and evening, and people are like ants, but the gods are high above them, and they have been long-lived for a long time.

Human beings do not lack scientists with great wisdom, but in the face of life, no matter how great a scientist is, after all, just mortal.

Longevity is the biggest source of limiting human development.

Unlimited knowledge, but limited life.

Saying that I'm old, my brain is not flexible, I can't move, how much bitterness has been done?

I never escaped a dead letter.

But in the not-too-distant future, human beings have broken the life-span, which has been the root cause that has restricted human development, in a scientific way.

Longevity is long-cherished, not a dream.

The elders regained their youth, and the younger ones struggled to catch up.

The accumulation of knowledge from generation to generation finally ushered in a blowout.

Uh ...

"Teacher, no, no, you can't do this. For 57 years, I think I can apply for graduation. I'm going to the front line. They need me, even as an intern ... No, no! "


I woke up from my dream, Chen Lang almost fell off the computer chair and sat down with his armrest. He looked at the computer screen that had been dormant, and took a deep breath several times before slowing down.

It turned out to be a dream!

He stood up and rubbed his sour legs and waist, which had not been injected with any genetic medicine, in the most original version. Chen Lang moved a few moments and then walked to the bathroom behind him.

This is a single room. In short, it is a single apartment. The bedroom and kitchen are in a house of less than thirty square meters. In addition, there is a small separate bathroom.

Wash briefly, then Chen Lang took out two packets of instant noodles from the debris pile and began to boil water.

浪 In his free time, Chen Lang turned on the computer again.

Looking at the dense code on the screen, Chen Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

I was finally finished.

"I have been born again for three days. I did not expect that I would still dream about going to school. It seems that it is not a good thing to go to school for too long. The re-education of 57 years, 甭 said that people are worldly, and they can really give everyone a fool."

Chen Lang laughed at himself.

He is a rebirth, coming back from the future.

He is now 2023, and his rebirth was 2150 years, a full 127 years.

As a rebirth, he knows all the big things in the future, the planetary collision seven years later, the sun destruction crisis more than 20 years later, the survival war on the road of escape and mechanical life 30 years later, and even the immortal life of humans 50 years later. It is planned that the magical civilization invasion more than 70 years later, or even the divine war when the earth was destroyed one hundred and twenty-seven years later.

War between man and God!

The reason is ... human beings touch the realm of the gods.

Long life!

But he knew all kinds of big things but he didn't know about lottery, gambling, etc.

I was born again, my brain fell asleep, and I was unable to protect myself. I could only work hard to make the first bucket of gold by typing the code.

Goo Goo Goo Goo ...!

The boiled water boiled.

浪 Chen Lang made two packs of instant noodles, waited for a while and quickly ate them. Then he sat in front of the computer again and sorted out the code.

"If you type these codes in a future programming language, you can do it in half an hour? If you have artificial intelligence, you only need to order, scan, change, and it can be completed in a few minutes.

It's a pity that there is no self-protection strength at present, there is no genetic medicine, and there is no combat robot. In order to protect itself, we can only continue to use this old programming language. "

I groaned, Chen Lang turned the mouse wheel and carefully checked the program that he had typed on the keyboard for three days.

This is a game, a page game in detail.

The game is not big, and even said that this game is not a complete game at all, it only has the level of 1-9 in the novice period, and level 9 is the full level.

This is a magic game. There are five types of professions: mage, warrior, knight, assassin, and priest. Of course, this is only the current stage where Chen Lang is preparing to announce in the game.

Do you think you can play after it is announced?

No, grades 1-9 are novice periods, that is, apprenticeship periods. Even trainees are not considered. Want to use magic? Ha ha, UU reading dream, go, there is everything in the dream.

怎么 How to describe grades 1-9?

Two words, violence!

Fortunately, the knight warrior knight assassin said that at least there were large swords, lances and daggers, and the mage and priest simply poke the monster with a stick.

Can this game be hot?


At least Chen Lang thinks so.

Because the background of this game comes from the magical civilization of more than 70 years, it is real. In short, the development of NPC and major events in this game are real events recorded by the crystallization of civilization.

What is the crystal of civilization?

产物 The combination of the core of future earth technology and magic civilization.

In the future, human beings will eventually defeat the magical civilization with science and technology, and even defeat the magical civilization, which will directly plunder the core of the magical civilization and the goddess left by the magical god.

Using godheads as materials, mankind has created a crystal of civilization, a storage of information and information that carries the ultimate hope of human civilization.

The godhead does not need energy, or even energy, as long as there is faith to recharge.

As long as it is charged, you can view the information in it.

Jain contains all the technology of human civilization, whether it is low-level technology or core technology of cutting-edge technology.

Finally, Chen Lang visited the Tower of Human Civilization as an intern. At that moment, the world disappeared silently, human civilization died in an instant, and the crystallization of civilization in the Tower of Civilization was integrated into Chen Lang and Chen Lang. Together, we are back today.

This is the confidence of Chen Lang.


The new book is released, asking for collection support. This is a story of a little person reborn to the era of peace, madly hanging, developing technology, reversing the future, and taking advantage of the sky.

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