Chapter 331

“That’s it…”

“Then I have a long way to go before opening the Suzuonenghu, and even fully realizing the Suzuonenghu.”

After listening to Yun Che’s opening explanation for Suzuo Nenghu.

Uchiha Sarana suddenly slumped ~ slumped, very unwilling.

“Well, you have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to go step by step. Even if it is a powerful kaleidoscope, it is impossible for you to reach the sky in one step.”

Yun Che touched Uchiha’s head and smiled comfortingly.

“Then… the power of the Ghoul?”

Uchiha Zorana raised her head in anticipation.

“Zoriana, the power of the Ghoul is not suitable for you. In other worlds, there are better ones waiting for you to acquire.”

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Now that it has been decided to embark on this road of warfare.

So the power of the Ghoul is not so important to Uchiha Zorana.

After all, the phases are different, and if you forcibly accumulate it, it will only increase trouble.

“All right……”

Although a little unwilling, knowing that Yun Che is for her own good, Uchiha Zorana, she nodded obediently.

At the same time, I am more and more looking forward to it.

What is better in other worlds, waiting for myself to obtain…

“By the way, Master Yun Che, the previous earthquake…”

At this moment, it seemed that something suddenly occurred to him, and Gongshan Fangcun asked tentatively.

“Well, I caused it.”

Knowing what Fangcun Gongshan meant, Yun Che nodded without shuddering.

“I think so. After all, if it is artificial, I am afraid that only Master Yun Che can do it.”

Gongshan Fangcun showed such a smile as expected.

The previous earthquake came very suddenly. Although the source was far away, even antique coffee shops were affected to a certain extent.

At that time, Fangcun Gongshan’s first thought was artificial, and it was caused by Yun Che.

After all, if it is a natural-induced earthquake, it is common sense that the relevant departments will first detect the frame rate and then issue an alarm in advance.

“But Master Yun Che, your actions that caused the earthquake will probably attract the attention of CCG.”

“Even the Hexiu family behind the CCG will most likely send a V organization to investigate.”

Fangcun Gongshan frowned and reminded.

The Hexiu clan was too powerful, and Yun Che caused an earthquake in broad daylight.

Even if there are no witnesses, they can easily obtain relevant information through various channels.

“Well, what are you afraid of, a bunch of trash fish.”

“I’ll leave it here, whoever will die, there are no exceptions.”

Yun Che shrugged and said nonchalantly.

“Hey, should you say that you have the courage or are you stupid, dare to look down on the Hexiu family and the V organization so much…”

Fangcun Aite spit out speechlessly.

“Why, do you think it is necessary to fear them with my strength?”

Yun Che couldn’t help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

“Yes, you are really strong, so strong that you can easily crush them, but no matter how strong you are, you are still alone. What about them?”

Yoshimura Aite said helplessly, and then looked at Uchiha Zorana and Uzumaki Sunflower with pointed eyes.

Her meaning is very obvious, you are strong to you, but the people around you are not strong.

Although the Hexiu family and their V organization are not as powerful as Yun Che, but they are extremely powerful.

If you can’t do it on the bright side, is it OK if you secretly play insidious tricks?

It’s easy to catch two little girls and threaten them.

You know, in the real life-and-death battle, there is no such thing as fairness and sinisterness. The winner is the one who can stand to the end and live to the end.

“Hehe, if Zoranna and Sunflower lose a vellus hair…”

After listening to Fangcun Aite’s analysis, Yun Che was silent for a while, with a sneer on the corners of his mouth:

“Then there is no need for existence in this world.”

His eyes were gleaming with bloodthirsty red light, invisible aura, sharp and sharp, stabbing people from the inside out with chills and pain.

“Hey hey hey, it’s too much, you want to take the whole world to bury it?”

Seeing Yun Che who was murderous, Fangcun Aite couldn’t help shaking.

“Is it too much? Not too much.”

“In my eyes, even if there are tens of billions of living creatures in this world, it’s not as good as Zo Liangna and Sunflower.”

Yun Che squinted dangerously.

Perhaps this is cruel to the aboriginals of Fangcun Aite and other in the canyon world, but he doesn’t care.

Yun Che is a very brave person.

If you dare to touch the hair of the people around me, I will dare to kill your whole family and ruin your world.

It’s just annihilation of the world, what’s the big deal, Yun Che has the courage to dare to save the world, and he has the courage to dare to destroy the world, and it is even easier to destroy the world than to save the world.

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

“Ms. Yun Che…”

“Brother Yun Che…”

Hearing Yun Che’s declaration, Uchiha Zorana and Uzumaki Sunflower were immediately moved to be undesirable.

Although the two of them are still young, they don’t have detailed and specific concepts in their minds about destroying the world and the like.

But even if you don’t understand, just think about it, it feels great.

“Well, although it sounds unpleasant, it is surprisingly manly. I don’t hate it.”

Fangcun Aite smiled lazily and stretched comfortably.

As if to Yun Che’s declaration of extinction, she didn’t care about the aboriginal people of the canyon world at all.

“Master Yun Che, please rest assured, even if I fight this old fate, I will definitely not let these two children suffer a little bit!”

……… … …….

Fangcun Aite doesn’t care, but her father Fangcun Gongshan cares.

After these days of getting along, he still knows a little bit about Yun Che.

This is a master who is not afraid of things, and who likes to cause trouble. Not to mention the trouble, the key is that he really has the ability to destroy and save the world.

So, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case?

If the world were really destroyed, there would be no place to cry.

“Well, actually you don’t need to worry so much.”

“Even if the time comes to change from salvation to destruction, I will save you first and then destroy the world.”

Yun Che waved his hand and smiled.

He doesn’t care about the trillions of creatures living in this world, because these have nothing to do with him.

But it would never be angry at Fangcun Gongshan and others.

Destroy the world, damn death, and perhaps death who shouldn’t die, but as long as Yun Che doesn’t want him to die, whether he should die or not, he will definitely not die.

The heavens and myriad worlds are just like this.

Morality does not exist at all. Whoever has a big fist is the truth.

“That…how does the atmosphere feel weird?”

At this time, since they came to the antique coffee shop, Touka Kirishima and Toshio Jindai, who had been nesting in the room, walked out.

Feeling the atmosphere a little strange, Goddai Rishike asked suspiciously.


And Kirishima Touka, for some reason, looked at Fangcun Aite who was lying lazily on the table with a hostile face.

That look, that expression, it seems…

Like to eat people? Four.

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