Chapter 330

Yun Che did not reply to Uchiha’s request.

Instead, he touched his chin, frowned, and began to think about the pros and cons.

Uchiha Zorana has the blood-line limit to write round eyes, and the advantage of writing round eyes lies in illusion, or in other words, mental attacks.

So at the beginning, Yun Che wanted to train Uchiha Zorana and embark on the path of Faye.

But Faye turned fiercely, but he always felt too monotonous.



Or battle mage?

“By the way, I always forgot to ask, Zolena, what is the power of your kaleidoscope?”

As if suddenly remembering something, Yun Che clapped his hands fiercely and turned to ask.

Faye, Fatan, and tactics, broadly speaking, are all good choices.

However, the one that suits Uchiha Zorana best may be the best.

In that case, it is better to compare and choose from the abilities possessed by her kaleidoscope!

“Kaleidoscope ability? I don’t know either…”

When Uchiha Sarana heard the words, she was stunned and shook her head and said.

She has never tried since she opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes in Yun Che’s moon reading illusion.

It is one point that there is no need to use a kaleidoscope.

More importantly, the kaleidoscope is not an eternal kaleidoscope. If it is used too much, it will cause blindness, so Uchiha Zorana dare not use it.

“Try it once or twice, it’s okay.”

“Moreover, I will find a way to solve your kaleidoscope blindness problem.”

Uchiha Zorana has no brothers and sisters, and it is obviously impossible to merge with another kaleidoscope and evolve into an eternal kaleidoscope.

Therefore, Yun Che can only find a way to solve it from other angles.

“All right.”

Uchiha Zorana nodded, and then switched to three-gou jade writing round eyes, spinning quickly to open the kaleidoscope.

Scarlet eyes stared at the empty corner on the side, the pupil of the right eye shrank, and a line of blood and tears shed:


A dark flame suddenly rose, crackling the wooden floor of the antique coffee shop.

“Tsk, it’s Amaterasu again…”

Yun Che slapped his tongue when he saw this, then waved his hand to extinguish the black flames of Amaterasu released by Uchiha Zorana.

Although in the Naruto story, Amaterasu’s performance is very general, but in the setting, it is the highest-level pupil technique of the Huo Dun system after all, and it is the strongest physical attack.

If you continue to let it burn, it is estimated that the antique coffee shop will soon become a sea of ​​flames.

“Ms. Yun Che, what’s wrong with Amaterasu?”

Seeing Yun Che seemed very dissatisfied with Amaterasu’s ability, Uchiha Zorana asked curiously.

“It’s not a problem, it’s just a bit tired.”

Yun Che shook his head.

Real TM is passed down from generation to generation.

Patriarch Indra, Amaterasu with left eye

Uncle Uchiha Itachi, right eye Amaterasu.

Father Uchiha Sasuke, Amaterasu with his left eye.

Daughter Uchiha Sarana, still has Amaterasu with the right eye.

The key is that this day’s photos are coming from the sky. The settings are so awesome, but I haven’t seen anyone burned to death. This TM is very painful.

“Where is the other eye?”

No longer caring about Amaterasu’s problem, Yun Che looked at Uchiha’s left eye, hoping that the other eye could bring some surprises to herself.

“Left eye…”

After hearing this, Uchiha Zorana once again urged the pupil power in her left eye.

A few seconds later, the pupils shrank, and another line of blood and tears shed:


With a thumping sound, several streamers of different colors suddenly appeared around Uchiha Zorana, looking as gorgeous as silk ribbons.

“This is… the element?”

Raising her hand, touching the streamer lightly, Uchiha Zorana murmured subconsciously.

“Elemental manipulation…”

“Ms. Yun Che, the ability of my left eye is elemental manipulation, and I can use natural energy to assist in combat!”

Uchiha Zorana explained excitedly.

Five streamers of different colors, blue water element, red fire element, cyan wind element, green wood element, golden earth element…

This is the currently known element.

But in the huge nature, there are definitely more than these elements!

“Elemental manipulation, very powerful.”

“Amateur on the right eye, and elements for the left eye, not bad.”

Upon hearing this, Yun Che nodded with interest.

Elemental power has a high upper limit and a very low lower limit, mainly depending on how the user controls it.

However, in this way, Uchiha Sarana’s position can be determined.

Faye, Pass; Fatan, pass.

The method of tactics, that is, the battle mage, is decided!


After receiving Yun Che’s compliment, Uchiha Zorana scratched her head and smiled triumphantly.

She likes this feeling of being recognized, especially, being recognized by people who are important to herself.

“Um… Sister Zoriana, wipe it.”

At this moment, Uzumaki Sunflower handed over a piece of paper towel, and then gestured to his face.


After hearing the words, Uchiha Zorana was stunned, took the tissue, and touched her cheek.

Moist, a little sticky…

Obviously, those two lines of blood and tears shed just now, and they haven’t dried up yet.

“Ms. Yun Che, why do I shed blood and tears when I use the kaleidoscope abilities?”

“Besides, it’s still a little uncomfortable, it feels weirdly tingling…”

While wiping the blood and tears on her cheeks with a tissue, Uchiha Zorana asked suspiciously.

It’s not that she has never seen her dad Uchiha Sasuke use a kaleidoscope, but she hasn’t seen him bleed either…

“Well, it may be the first time I used the kaleidoscope. I’m not used to it yet. When I use it too much, I shouldn’t tingle or shed blood or tears.”

“Of course, until I solve the problem of blindness in the kaleidoscope, I will not use it as a last resort.”

Yun Che shrugged, explained something, and then seriously exhorted.

The pursuit of power is okay, but he doesn’t want Uchiha Zorana to indulge in power.

If you are too indulged in the power of the kaleidoscope, the pupil power is used too much, and you are blind, then you can get a big deal.

“Well, I know.”

Uchiha Sarana smiled and nodded:

“Also, Mr. Yun Che, how can I turn on Susano?”

Regarding Susano, Uchiha Sarana has always been quite advocating.

Kaleidoscope is known as the strongest eye to see through the Three Realms, the earth-shaking pupil technique.

And Suzuo Nenghu is known as the power of the gods, and everyone in the world says that as long as he sees it once with his own eyes, he will inevitably die.

“Left and right eyes, one ability at a glance, and the combination of two eyes is Suzuo Nenghu.”

“However, the priority conditions of the complete need to be able to meet, the eternal kaleidoscope is needed, and you can’t do it now.”

Yun Che shook his head.

The conditions for turning on Susao are actually very demanding. Don’t look at Yun Che and Uchiha Sasuke’s opening of Susuke in the blink of an eye, it seems very relaxed.

But in fact, only those who have maximized the pupil power of the kaleidoscope and have a huge chakra themselves.

In order to have the possibility of opening up the complete body.

Well, yes, it’s the possibility.

It’s not that you can open it as long as you have a kaleidoscope.

Moreover, opening Suzuo Nenghu itself extremely consumes pupil power.

Before reaching the eternal kaleidoscope, even if you desperately open the Suzuoneng once, you will lose your sight afterwards. .

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