Chapter 332

“I was discussing such a heavy topic as the extinction of the world. Isn’t the atmosphere strange.”

Seeing that Shindai Rishi was a fan of his own book, Fangcun Aite lazily explained to her.

Then, turning his head, he looked at Kirishima Touka with a smile:

“Look at me with this kind of eyes, I will dig out your eyeballs and smash them, and then take out Hebao and eat them!”

It is indeed Fangcun Aite.

It is really amazing to say such horrible words with a smile on his face…

However, it’s normal. After all, although she has always been innocent and lazy and doesn’t care about anything, after all, she is always the leader of the bronze tree.

It is the top SSS-level and one-eyed owl among the Ghoul species.


He gave a cold snort, although he was still very upset.

However, due to the pressure of Yoshimura Aite’s 937, only the S-class Kirishima Dongxiang turned his head and looked away.

It’s really shrimp and pig heart.

Although the flute mouth as a daughter is very young, the ending is pretty good, but she is only a young child, this experience…

Gee, it’s bumpy enough.

“Miss Ryoko, Hina, you must be hungry.”

At this time, he finally found what he was looking for, and Fangcun Gongshan took out a tightly wrapped bag from the cabinet.

Disassemble the surface, there is a pile of blood-stained raw meat inside.

That bloody smell, that kind of fleshy texture, I guess, is human flesh.

“These meats were only brought back not long ago. They are quite fresh, and the taste should not be bad.”

Gongshan Fangcun put the meat on two dinner plates, and smiled and gave them to Dikou Ryoko and Dikou Hina.

“That, the store manager, they…”

Looking at the human flesh on the plate in front of him, Fukuchi Ryoko swallowed, obviously starving.

However, Yun Che and others who were scrupulously aside, she was too late to speak.

It’s not that she is shy and embarrassed to eat in front of strangers. It’s just that she smelled a human smell from Yun Che and others.

Although it’s a little strange, overall, the taste of humans is indeed correct.

In front of humans, eating human flesh or something, Fukuchi Ryoko always feels weird…

“Well, don’t care about us, eat.”

Yun Che waved his hand and smiled.

Flute mouth Ryoko is okay, just a little restrained, but the flute mouth is really young, and his face is almost touching the meat, and the corners of his mouth are salivating, looking pitiful.

“Good, good…”

Although I don’t know why Yun Che has a nonchalant expression on his face.

But under the temptation of hunger, Dikou Ryoko couldn’t take care of that much.

Just raise the knife and fork, cut the meat into pieces, and put it in your mouth, tasting the delicacy that you haven’t eaten in a long time. .

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