Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 160

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Chapter 160—Thunder and Fire Dark Star

Mu Wen looked pale and breathed a little.

According to this progress, I am afraid that Pill Thunder has not finished yet, and he will be finished himself.

“bang bang!” The thunderbolt in the thunder cloud did not drop at any time. The sound of the thundering sound scared everyone around, but Lin Xiao seemed to be uninterrupted.

After “pu!” took over more than a dozen thunderbolts, the huge butterfly shape of the sky has collapsed, and it may disappear completely at any time. He himself is exhausted, forcibly mobilizing spiritual strength, causing meridian pain, spits out mouthful The blood came out to feel a lot better.

“I can attract pill thunder, I can kill this pill thunder! I want to achieve allegiance, no possibility!” Mu Wen expression Hey, suddenly looked up, scarlet eyes staring at the lightning-filled thunder cloud.

“Tear it!” It was three blazing Lei Guang, and Mu Wen was in the heart. Although he was determined, it was a bit difficult to pick it up.

“Put it out, you have to stop it!” Mu Wen bit his teeth, reaching for a finger, the broken beast soul giant butterfly greeted the thunder.

However, just as the butterfly was about to touch the thunderbolt, the amazingly powerful Lei Guang was actually stopped, and the top was lifted, like a flexible thunder snake, swinging a few times, then puzzling at Mu Wen. In the eyes of the other, look to another place.

“Damn, is this awkward? Even God is helping me?” Mu Wen stunned, and when the ear suddenly sounded far beyond the shackles, a very bad feeling in his heart rushed.

Looking up, it’s outside 1000 feet, eating the gaze of the audience, looking down the line of sight, Mu Wen almost soul destroyed!

“Dan, pill thunder? He, how can he attract pill thunder?”

Suddenly appeared on his face, Mu Wen only felt cold and stiff neck.

Lin Xiao looked up and looked at the thunder cloud, which was twice as big as Mu Wen’s side. It was both happy and helpless.

He just added Azure Origin Fruit, and the result was pill thunder. The thunder cloud was bigger than his head. It seemed that it seemed to attract Mu Wen’s pill thunder.

What the fuck isn’t it a big deal?

No, isn’t this a big loss?

Let this Young Master help you withstand the pill thunder for free, and you don’t have backlash, the delusion is so beautiful!

“Domain Shield!” is a dual-use, Lin Xiao right hand stretched out, ocean blue rays of light flashed, a layer of hemispheres shrouded the whole body, extremely dazzling.

Just at this time, several thunderbolts attracted from Mu Wen hit the Domain Shield film.

“zi zi!” Then in the stunned crowd, the thunderbolt rebounded to Mu Wen at a faster rate, and even formidable power increased faintly.

“I am going! What is the situation!” Mu Wen turn pale with fright, stunned to want to dodge, but with regard to medicine pill, biting teeth forcibly smashed with a butterfly that is about to disappear completely.

“pèng!” A loud noise, the butterfly burst, re-formed as a lot of beast soul, but each beast soul is a big hurt.

“pu!” Mu Wen squirted a blood and angered Lin Xiao: “Lin Xiao, you bullly intolerably!”

Lin Xiao under Domain Shield, there is no fluctuation, just faintly smiled, said: “I am bully intolerably? Everyone has seen it, obviously you are commanding pill thunder to attack me, and I just use a protective cover to block it.”

“You! Bloody mouth!” Mu Wen feels that the lungs are exploding, this is completely innocent!

I didn’t move myself, it became this bird.

Seeing that Lei Guang was coming down the top of his head, Mu Wen’s voice suddenly sounded Lin Xiao’s voice.

“Would you like life saving? Want to live under pill thunder? By your Pill Refining Furnace for two days, I can save you and leave you without any loss backlash.”

Lin Xiao’s voice is unremarkable, but full of demons and temptations.

“I want my Pill Refining Furnace! I don’t think… Ah!” Mu Wen said that he hadn’t talked, and he was hit by a sudden thunderbolt, letting him pull out his body and even smell the meat.

“Okay, okay, lend you, lend it to you!” Death is in the heart, Mu Wen has long thrown his face to the topmost clouds!

Live it!

“as you wish!”

At this moment, Mu Wen actually felt this sentence like a scorpio.

Under the Domain Shield, Lin Xiao corner of the mouth slightly raised, backhand took the Inextinguishable Thunder Soul from the system space and threw it to the middle of the two thunder clouds.

“There is an Inextinguishable Thunder Soul to do the traction, attracting his pill thunder without triggering Mu Wen’s backlash, how this Young Master is so genius!”

Lin Xiao is very satisfied with the danger of her own hand, but her face is dignified.

“bang!” Inextinguishable Thunder Soul broke out with a blazing pair of Lei Guang, linking two pieces of thunder cloud, hong long long sound, Lin Xiao head thunder cloud suddenly doubled again, that power, seeing everyone shocked.

“What, what? Lin Xiao led Mu Wen’s thunder cloud?”

“Is he in courting death?”

“It’s like the end of the world! Too terrifying!”

“What exactly does he want to do?”

“He wants to take Mu Wen’s pill thunder with his own strength!” Elder said, Elder Ming Fa stood up violently, his face showing tension and anticipation.

“Be timid.”

“Young Master, thunder cloud energy has increased to a terrifying degree, be careful.” In the mind, Lai Yinde’s dignified voice.

“Very good, the more the better.” Lin Xiao screamed out of the coffin, while looking towards the sky, the light in the eyes gradually became abundant.

“Extinguishing World Fire Phoenix, come out!” A sneak peek, the original gray firewood under the Void Refining Spirit Cauldron suddenly burst into a colorful fireworks, and instantly turned into a huge colorful Fire Phoenix, spreading its wings. high altitude.

“Young Master, you want it”

“Yes, I am going to cultivate Thunder and Fire Dark Star Body !”

Thunder and Fire Dark Star Body, Holy Nirvana True Demon Secret Art 2nd layer Secret Technique, more than the Diamond Body’s Secret Technique, cultivation condition is to have enough thunderbolt and a strong enough flame.

At this moment, under the fine plan of Lin Xiao, or in the wrong place, gather together!

If he does not take the opportunity to cultivate, he will not let himself go.

Thunder and Fire Dark Star, communicate with Earth Fire, tempering yourself, bring fleshy body tempering to the extreme, without any effort, thunder and fire, Thunder and Fire Dark Star, only by strength of Fleshy body , the same order is almost invincible!

“Come on! Come more violently!” Lin Xiao’s overall imposing manner suddenly skyrocketed, and the development base of the Life Development Realm Middle Stage turned into a stormy, diffuse void.

The outer ocean blue light film was revoked by him in a flash, and the whole person was completely exposed to the fierce thunder cloud.

“bang! ka!”

The endless thunder cloud seems to finally find the target of the attack, creeping, gradually drooping, and the thousands of thunderbolt spurt down.

“Extinguishing World Fire Phoenix, fire!” shout out loudly, the colorful Fire Phoenix swelled in the sky, squirting a thick bucket of hot fire, and thunderbolt with the sky, while hitting Lin Xiao’s body.

“Hey!” The intense pain, constantly washing his nerves, at this moment, he feels that the soul seems to have left the body, the ants are phagosome, mixed with the tingling of the flame burning.

Lin Xiao gritted his teeth and forcibly opened his fuzzy eyes. With the help of system vision, he moved toward Void Refining Spirit Cauldron from time to time to play a few coffins.

Everyone was shocked, stunned, and stunned.

When they came back to his senses and saw Lin Xiao still being attacked by endless thunderbolt and fierce fire, a horror gradually climbed to his face.

“Good heart!”

“I, in my life, I saw someone so embarrassed for myself for the first time!”

“Using pill thunder and Life Source Spirit Flame, tempering cultivation technique? Really, it’s wise!”

In the original mind, the prejudice against Lin Xiao, and at this moment, silently produced an offset.

Especially Mu Wen, the mouth of the horror has not been closed, and he has been attacked by genius.

“Good guy, it turns out that he is deep in hiding.” Yuan Biao’s body has been sitting upright, staring at Lin Xiao’s silhouette with a gaze, and has already made a decision.

Elder Ming Fa is faintly sighed, not for anything else, just for himself and can’t honor the promise of 30000 origin bead.

“Sun Yulong, you Fire Wood Sect, but there is a bad person.”

The sky thunderbolt still, Fire Phoenix screams, and the Void Refining Spirit Cauldron in front of Lin Xiao also trembles violently.

“Pill success!” Someone exclaimed, nervous.

“He is confident in himself, and he dares to refining, tempering the body, cultivation Secret Technique!”

“Young Master, after the 13th meeting, the Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill will be completed, and at that time, it was also the most intensive and intense time for the pill thunder strikes.”

“I, I know.” Lin Xiao’s mouth is bleeding, his body is already black and he can’t see any good skin.

But he is still insisting that he can feel that with the addition of thunderbolt and fireworks, a powerful feeling of fullness in his with the body, he believes that as long as a moment, it can be turned into a sea.

“Hey, come on! Come on!” In Dantian, Lan Shui bit his finger and looked up nervously.

“Do not worry, you yell at me, it is not so easy to die!” Lin Xiao smiled and opened the Diamond Body.

But this time the opening of the Diamond Body is different from the past, there is no Three Heads and Six Arms, there is no golden light, just the surface of the skin, a golden glow.

These golden glows, under the tempering of thunder and fire, are slowly solidified like the smelting steel, and there is a state of excessive to the spirit.

“Young Master, after the three interest, Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill will be practiced, and then the strength of thunderbolt will reach its peak, and the Young Master will win!”




As soon as the word fell, the head had dissipated most of the thunder cloud, like being irritated, rolling, turning into a thick and fierce thunderbolt beam of light, pouring straight down from the top of the hundred miles.

Lin Xiao violently eyes opened the eyes, the eyes are shining, the palm of the hand shot Void Refining Spirit Cauldron, the slanting cover tilted, a group of bright Ying Ying group flew out, was grasped by Lin Xiao!

In the next moment, the thick thunderbolt light column is inserted directly into the top of Lin Xiao!

“weng!” The head screamed, Lin Xiao’s eyes suddenly screamed. In the outsider’s view, Lin Xiao was surrounded by the thunder and fire ocean, and it seemed to be a thunder and fire giant demon.

This moment, it seems to be 10,000 years, Lin Xiao souls, like a giant hand, violently pulled, and then fiercely stuffed into his body.

When the soul merges, the faint golden light on Lin Xiao’s body surface is completely solidified, turning into a layer of very rich dark golden flowing enamel.

“Ding! Congratulations to the player, successful tempering Thunder and Fire Dark Star Body, Thunder and Fire Attribute immunization is turned on, Thunder and Fire Attribute skill doubles, strength of fleshy body is invincible, and skill is activated: Thunder and Fire Heavenly Punishment! ”

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