Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 161

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Chapter 161, Elder’s looting

Everything came suddenly, and it went quickly. A few breaths, the clear sky reappeared, and everyone discovered that he was sweating.

Even in other areas, I forgot the things in my hands and forgot that this was at the assessment site.

The blackness of the ground recorded the burst of the scene, and next to Dading, stood a silhouette.

The long body, the angular face, the breeze blowing, the clothes close to the skin, revealing the contours of explosive muscles.

“His refining?”

“medicine pill is made, Secret Technique, 80% is also made.”

At this moment, Lin Xiao’s silhouette is firmly imprinted on everyone’s heart.

“genius, this is genius.”

“There is a courage to have strength!” Yuan Biao clapped his hands and exclaimed.

Behind him, Tie Lazhen is like the one who eats 10,000 flies or the green head. It is ugly and ugly, but it is undeniable that this Lin Xiao is indeed more innate talent than the Mu Wen he brought.

Elder Ming Fa has a sigh of emotion and looks towards Lin Xiao’s eyes, full of kindness.

“My granddaughter is not too small. It is also time to find a Young Fellow to take care of her.”

“Well, the second evaluation, the time has come, you can take out the corresponding things.” Yuan Biao got up and sounded Lang Lang.

More than two hundred people on the scene recovered from the shocking scenes. Many of them took the ambiguous intentions and stepped back a few steps. Obviously, they knew that they could not take the initiative to abstain.

“Who are you, show your results first?” Yuan Biao smiled.

“shua!” Invariably, everyone looks at Lin Xiao at the same time.

“Amount, don’t be like this, I am embarrassed.” Lin Xiao scratched his head, really awkward.

“Senior Brother Lin Xiao, you should not be humble, the special ability of everyone on the scene, I am afraid that you are not high.” Ding Feng smiled and said.

“Senior Brother Lin Xiao, Mu Wen apologizes for the previous events and hopes that Senior Brother Lin Xiao will be able to show first and let us see and see.” Mu Wen took a step forward and came to Lin Xiao, cup one fist in the other Hand said solemnly.

“Young Master, this Mu Wen, dare to be a dare, can bend and stretch, is a character that can be made.” Lai Yinde commented.

Lin Xiao also flashed a trace of astonished in her eyes. I didn’t expect Mu Wen to throw away the young man’s arrogance, but it was not bad.

“haha, I think you are all looking forward to it, then I am respectful and reluctant to swear!” Lin Xiao nodded, in a pair of bright eyes, extended his right hand.

“Yi! This is.”

“There is still a flame burning.”

“Is it a gathering of pill? This is the technique that only uses the medicine pill that is extremely high level in refining.”

The opinions of the people were not loud, but the cultivation base was not low, and I heard a thorough.

The corners of the mouth rose, Lin Xiao removed the seven-color Spirit Flame in his hand, and eighteen gray mud pills appeared in the vision.

Medicine pill is unremarkable, and it is difficult to give a look at it at a glance. If everyone knows that this medicine pill must be out of the ordinary, it will not be treated like this.

“Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill, Soul Rank low grade Peak, only one step is middle grade.” A little stopped, Lin Xiao continued: “The role of Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill is not for the Martial Artist to swallow, but for Monster Beast. Edible!”

“Medical pill for Monster Beast?”

“This, for a long time, isn’t it something people eat?”

Lin Xiao stood in the spotlight and did not speak. His eyes clearly saw that the five Elders all showed excitement in an instant, especially Elder Yuan Biao.

“You don’t know, Monster Beast generally doesn’t swallow medicine pill. That’s because there are very few medicine pills that can affect Monster Beast. Once this medicine pill appears, it will be worth more than the rank of medicine pill. Several times or even ten times!” Elder Ming Fa walked around and explained.

“Elder Ming Fa.”

“Elder is good.”


Everyone has become saluted.

Nodded, Ming Fa looked towards Lin Xiao The medicine pill in the hand, asked: “I don’t know this Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill, what is the specific role?”

“Shape Transformation.” The words are pouring, but like the thunder of the thunder, Lin Xiao has not reflected it, and there are four more silhouettes in front of the body.

“Really!” Yuan Biao was so excited that she looked at the medicine pill in Lin Xiao’s hand and did not hide the fiery expression.

“Really.” The firm nodded, in exchange for ten different big hands.

“Hey! You! For the old, don’t respect, for the old, don’t respect! How can you grab something! Don’t grab it! If you grab me, you will scrap them!”

Lin Xiao repeatedly evaded the palms of his hands, but because they didn’t have them high, they couldn’t get rid of them. Finally, they couldn’t stand it. The temperament came up, and the colorful Spirit Flame burned and threatened.

“do not!”

“Never, no.”

“If you dare to do this, old man is not finished with you!”

Around a circle of people, looking at the scene in front of me, some stunned, some envious.

Being able to receive five Elders, regardless of the image, is enough to show that this is a great place for Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill!

“People are better than people, it is simply mad!”

“Take me all the stops!” Yuan Biao screamed at the other four Elder Roads and immediately turned his head and put on a face that laughed at Hehe. The voice was mild: “Little Friend Lin Xiao, how do you sell this Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill? As long as the price is reasonable, the old man is all inclusive.”

“Elder Yuan Biao, no!”

“Yeah, Elder Yuan Biao, the importance of Form Transforming Medicine Pill, who don’t know? You want to swallow it yourself? Impossible!”

Ming Fa is also blushing and arguing with a rough neck.

The result was that the five people, like the townspeople, began to argue again.

“Stop and stop!” Lin Xiao was really a noisy one. In desperation, a punch on the Void Refining Spirit Cauldron, the vibrating sounds suddenly suppressed their quarrel.

“So noisy, no trouble!” Lin Xiao was impatient and waved: “You five, each one is limited to one, and does not receive origin bead, only to change things.”


“no problem.”

Lin Xiao’s palms are vertical, preventing them from continuing to speak. “And you have to make a purchase after the assessment!”

“This.” Five people silently, look at each other, nodded.

“haha, indeed, many thanks Little Friend Lin Xiao reminds me that the assessment is important at this time.” Yuan Biao smiled and hit a haha, waving a big hand and taking everyone back to Elder.

“The following each and everyone come, remember, the speed is fast!” Tie Lazhen has not been just calm, the tone is a little rush and intolerance.

“I am refining the Jade Rank low grade medicine pill, called Swallowing Spirit Pill, which increases the absorption speed of 5%.”

“Jade Rank low grade? Garbage, Level 13.” Yuan Biao waved his hand and there was no chance for the other party to justify it. He wrote his name on the sky curtain and shouted the next name.


Perhaps it was to see the embarrassing mood of the five Elders. The progress was extremely smooth, one after the other, and there was almost no delay.

Soon, the 2nd Stage is over.

Not surprisingly, Lin Xiao’s name hangs high in the first place, followed by a special ability Level 5 rating!

The crown is full!

Just shot in the second, not Mu Wen, nor Ding Feng, but a dumb young Young Fellow in the array area, and this rank is rated at Level 7.

“Aray?” Lin Xiao touch the chin, looking at the man named Shi Bingdi.

“Young Master and array are the most embarrassing people. It is difficult for people who have great wisdom and perseverance to understand anything, but Young Master wants to learn. With innate talent Divine Light Appear, the future achievements will not be bad.”

“Divine Light Appear?” Lin Xiao has been very curious about this innocuous innate talent.

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