Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 159

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Chapter 159 chapter pill thunder

A kind of spirit medicine was tempering, and the whole process, such as peers, was pleasing to the eye, attracting attention, but the attention of everyone on the scene was attracted to Mu Wen.

“Wow! What is this Pill Refining Technique!”

“Curious! Oh, that Ominous Beast! It must be the Ominous Beast that eats that rhizome!”

“This kind of technique is only seen in life.”

“roar roar!” is mixed in the snoring, and a beast is sent out.

At this time, Mu Wen is in front of the zoo. There are countless fierce beast souls. Whenever you need to quench the spirit refining medicine, you will have one or several beast souls, swallow the spirit medicine, and then smash it. The beast is in the middle.

This Pill Refining Technique technique is not only amazing, but also seems to be extremely efficient and quality.

“This Pill Refining Technique, I also saw it for the first time.” Elder Yuan Biao looked at Mu Wen, said with a smile with great interest.

“Elder Yuan Biao, listen to Mu Wen, this is the Pill Refining Technique that only he can use.” Tie Lazhen said.

“Elder Ming Fa, you are Soul Rank Peak Pill Refining Master, how do you see his Pill Refining Technique?”

Elder Ming Fa is silent, immediately opened the mouth and said: “technique sophisticated, accurate, precise control, throwing this strange Pill Refining Technique, not enough, can be called pill refining genius! If I am at this age, can have This kind of pill refining level.”

In the heart, Ming Fa is also full of emotions, and now is the world of young people.

“I speculate that he has won the Pill Refining Technique inheritance, otherwise it is impossible to be so clever, Pill Refining Furnace, Pill Refining Technique, and even Life Source Spirit Flame are exactly the same.” Ming Fa said what he thought, Leading the approval of the Elders.

“To the young Fellow, the one who yelled, Lin Xiao?”

Several people looked at each other in unison, and Tie Lazhen suddenly sneered and said, “This is called pill refining? How can I not know how pill refining is this way?”

Hear this, other people laughed too.

Without him, only because Lin Xiao is not only silent, even Lin Xiao’s movement is terrifying slowly. Ten or twenty breaths can make a coffin. The gray flame under the Pill Refining Furnace is really like firewood. Burning slowly.

It even gives a feeling that it can be extinguished at any time.

However, Ming Fa’s expression has become more and more serious, more and more solemn, until finally turned into a blank face.

“Lai Yinde, what did you say?” What the insider didn’t know was that Lin Xiao was a pill refining and talking to Lai Yinde.

“Young Master, Lai Yinde is saying that Mu Wen’s 10,000 beasts seem to contain a lot of high level beast souls, according to system speculation, which can be used to blend with Inextinguishable Thunder Soul, plus the evolution of Heavenly Cicada Thunder Spirit Spear ,refining Become External Body Incarnation !”

“External Body Incarnation!” Lin Xiao’s eyes are slightly brighter, blending Half Emperor Soul’s Inextinguishable Thunder Soul, which has been placed in the corner of the system space, and Lin Xiao has forgotten it.

At this time, Lai Yinde’s reminder suddenly felt that it was really feasible!

“But that Ding is in his hands, can’t I just grab it directly?” Lin Xiao licked his lips and said that he was embarrassed, but the expression was obviously not worthy of grabbing you.

“I said Young Fellow, have you forgotten this Mouse King?” Lin Xiao overhead, a locust drilled his hair.

“Voice!” Lin Xiao almost missed the coffin in his hand, and the nausea of ​​eating 100,000 flies, said with anger: “Can you change one? Ah! How do you turn into a pipa? Dignified Illusion Clam Mouse, actually a love affair? It’s a joke!”

Although Lin Xiao was extremely speechless, the emergence of Illusion Clam Mouse made the mind in his mind firm.

At this moment, the sky that was originally clear and clear, suddenly used to blossom thunder cloud, thunder cloud sounds amazing, slowly depressed, giving a heavy atmosphere.

“pill thunder?”

“Rely! It is actually pill thunder!”

“Only the Soul Rank medicine pill will give birth to the pill thunder, and it is the very special medicine pill in Soul Rank!”

“Mu Wen, what medicine pill he is refining! So terrifying!”

The crowd completely blasted the pot, and even the eyes of other areas were attracted to it. No way, the thunder cloud imposing manner was too strong.

Mu Wen is also heavy, because this is his first pill refining to attract pill thunder!

“I was just trying to refining Jade Rank’s Ageless Pill. I didn’t expect to play too often, but actually increased to Soul Rank, and also attracted pill thunder!” Deep took a deep breath, he knows, it is good to draw pill thunder, But to be able to survive the pill thunder, you can finally get medicine pill!

Otherwise everything is a mirror.

“hmph, arrogant Young Fellow, still want to compare with me.” Mu Wen disdain, a glimpse, but found that the other side is looking curious about looking yourself.

“It really is a backcountry Young Fellow, not even pill thunder.” Mu Wen is even more ridiculous, simply no longer pay attention to each other, look at the top of the pill thunder.

“roar roar!” Around the beasts of the beasts, at the moment, under the encouragement of Mu Wen, a sudden increase in the number of beasts, a large number of fierce beast souls emerged, and instantly broke through thousands!

“Condensed!” Mu Wen danced like a wheel, and under the sound of screaming, these fierce beast souls, in the skyrocketing divine light, slowly gathered together in the strange and surprised eyes of everyone, eventually turned into A huge butterfly with ten zhang.

“Scorpio, is this still Pill Refining Technique?”

“I have never seen such a beautiful Pill Refining Technique!”

“Pill Refining Technique is like a martial skill!”

“Open your eyes.”

“Elder, I think, I should help him fight the pill thunder.” Tie Lazhen worried about a fist, said.

“No, once the pill thunder is produced, it must be shared by Pill Refining Master and medicine pill. Otherwise, not only medicine pill refining, but even Pill Refining Master will be more powerful backlash, and it will be seriously ill!” Ming Fa Quickly shouted.

Just now he also discovered the strength of Lin Xiao Pill Refining Technique. I didn’t expect Mu Wen to give him a surprise again.

Being able to attract pill thunder, even the lowest pill thunder, is really proud at his age.

“If there is an opportunity, the two must be collected as a discipline.” Ming Fa, who never accepts the apprentice, first started the mind of the apprentice.

“What do you say?” Tie Lazhen angrily said: “Is it so that he is not pill thunder strikes? What if he is a little poor?”

“I will say one more thing. If you don’t want him to regret for life, pill damage is disabled, don’t shoot, just watch it quietly.” Ming Fa waved Tie Lazhen’s imposing manner and said indifferently.

“Well, pill thunder said, I have heard it, indeed, as Elder Ming Fa said, we can only wait and see.” Elder Yuan Biao said, Tie Lazhen is still worried, but there is no way.

“Damn! How is this pill thunder so strong!”

“bang!” is another shining thunderbolt, the huge butterfly wings flashing in midair, and the destruction of thunderbolt, the ray of light on the body dimmed a bit.

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