Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 157

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The 157th chapter of the arrogant acting!

“Rely! It’s so expensive!” Lin Xiao almost jumped, but sighed then said: “I only have 800,000 spirit stone, I still have some medicine pill, can I redeem it?”

“Ding !system has been measured, some of the items in the player space, plus the spirit stone, just redeem these spirit medicine!”

“Mothers! A spirit medicine is going to be 100,000 spirit stone! It’s too pitted.” Lin Xiao summed up the importance of those items in the space. After all, they waved their hands and were all swallowed by the system. Instead, they were replaced by seventeen different types. Spirit medicine.

“It’s so poor! It’s too poor for me.” Lin Xiao wants to cry without tears.

“Young Master doesn’t have to be like this. The power of the All Purpose Exchanging System lies in the universal exchange. If you have the equivalent, you can redeem what you want. If Young Master wants to buy in the market, not to mention the price. Just saying that some things are priceless and market-free, they can’t be found at all, and the All Purpose Exchanging System has no such concerns at all!”

“Of course I know this, it’s not yours that you redeem, you certainly don’t know it!” Lin Xiao growled.

In fact, Lin Xiao has gone through the system to the redemption, but the outside world has only had a few breathing skills.

When Lin Xiao eyes opened, he saw that many people had pulled out Pill Refining Furnace and refining at hu hu pill.

Just a glimpse, Lin Xiao found that among the 100 people, at least 20 or 30 people, just a little fur.

When the eyes swept Mu Wen, the other party just looked over.

“hehe, Lin Xiao, I want you to know, what is the gap, what is genius!” Mu Wen sneered, the rays of light in the storage bag flashed, and a half-man high Ding fell to the ground.

“clang!” The sound of the rich texture spreads, and there are countless animal shadows floating around the body, making it like a roaring sky.

“roar!” When the beast came out, it actually caused a piece of pill cauldron to tremble. It seemed that he wanted the acknowledgment allegiance under the pressure of the device.

Many people are shocked, looked towards Mu Wen’s eyes in front of Da Ding, full of resentment and helplessness.

“I am a beast, I collect a lot of Ominous Beast soul refining, the grade is very high, and I can increase the success rate of the pill refining! I use the beast to make the perfect pill refining four times!” Mu Wen gently stroked Wan The beast is full of body, and the face is satisfied.

“Perfect pill refining!” Mu Wenbone barely fell, including the other three areas, all came to astonished low voice.

Yuan Biao eyes shined, a few Elder behind him: “Perfect pill refining, pill refining’s extremely high realm, this Young Fellow completes four pill refinings with high quality pill cauldron, but every perfect pill refining, against Pill Refining Master is not afraid of an epiphany, can make Pill Refining Technique advanced by leaps and bounds !”

“hehe, Mu Wen, this Young Fellow, I named them to bring them over. I heard that he once refining Jade Rank high grade medicine pill, the actual effect can be compared to Jade Rank Peak! Only one point can reach Soul Rank.”

“that is to say, it really is the genius.”

On the side of Ming Fa, the eyes flashed, looked towards Lin Xiao, expression is extremely tangled.

“In the description of Sun Yulong, Lin Xiao’s Pill Refining Technique should not be bad, plus Level 7’s root bone innate talent, and finally rated Level 9 innate talent, pretty close, but if so, there is no old man It’s used, this kind of person is also a genius. If it is done this time, it may be a boost later.”

Lin Xiao expression has accepted Mu Wen’s provocation as usual, and for his beast, to tell the truth, there is not even a little interest.

That pill cauldron, full of calculations, according to the Central Prefecture rank, is just a Jade Rank high grade weapon.

Not to mention the evolution of the Void Refining Spirit Cauldron, even before, can not match.

“Unfortunately, this Young Master is the person who wants to die the Numerous Spirit Cult. You, as my first stepping stone!” Lin Xiao thought, then stood up and looked at Mu Wen, loudly said :” Mu Wen! You and his mother have been against Laozi three times and five times. What do you mean? Laozi invites you to mess with you?”

Lin Xiao’s glimpse of this has caused many people’s eyes to come, including five Elders.

They didn’t even think of it, and there was a conflict in the innate talent.

“I am against you? What qualification do you have, let me be against you?” Mu Wen didn’t get up, and his mouth was even more disdainful. He thought that Lin Xiao’s performance is because he can’t do it on Pill Refining Technique. So I want to scream.

“Fart! How is Laozi not qualified?” Lin Xiao blinked and angered, pointing at him: “I have the ability to compare with Laozi. If I win, you will be my younger brother! Listen to me. !”

“Well stuff?” Mu Wen startled, slammed his ears, pointed to himself, and pointed to Lin Xiao, saying: “Let me be your younger brother?”

“Yes!” Lin Xiao had a chest, but his face was stunned and sullen. It made people feel like they were pretending to be strong. It was actually an embroidered pillow.

“Want to swindle me?” Mu Wen, a young and provocative arrogant, was hooked.

“I will pick it up, but if I win, you have to promise me a condition!”

“Ah? You, you promised?” Lin Xiao panicked and said, “You, how do you promise, I am.”

“Why, do you want to go back? Just after you made it yourself, there are so many people on the scene, Everyone is a Boss person, you are dignified a Martial Artist of Level 7 root bone innate talent, actually doing this without credit? Mu Wen has no mercy.

Lin Xiao looked around for a week, seeing everyone is full of optimistic about the play, heart coldly snorted, but gnashing teeth said: “Fart! Laozi will not renege! You, than than, Laozi is not afraid of you!”

If someone familiar with Lin Xiao is here, you must call on your acting skills!

This expression, this tone, in place, is in place!

Although this pit is not big, it can both deflate and earn reputation for yourself. What a wonderful thing.

“Hey, you are so bad!” In Dantian, Lan Shui didn’t know when to open his sleepy eyes, biting his fingers, frowning.

“You don’t call this bad, this is smart!” Lin Xiao dissatisfied.

What Lin Xiao didn’t know was that Elder Ming Fa at the table returned his eyes.

“Little Brat’s Pill Refining Technique is not as good as Mu Wen. Finally, I have a chance to help him. Why can’t I pull down Mu Wen? Too much is not, how can I help him? Well, that’s it.”

Lin Xiao and Mu Wen’s test, mobilized the atmosphere of the scene, there have been a lot of self-destructive people, surrounded by two people, started to come.

“Mu Wen, compare this young Fellow that knows the immensity of Heaven and Earth!”

“Mu Wen, we are quite you!”

“Senior Brother Mu Wen, later in Numerous Spirit Cult, you can definitely carry more, today I am here to support you all!”

“Hey, it’s obviously Lin Xiao root bone innate talent, why don’t you believe Lin Xiao?”

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