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The lifespan of the wilderness of dreams is short, but the information it leaves is enough for Sanders to understand its value.

So, though Sanders had another big deal with Angel, he was very worried. However, he was very concerned about the wilderness of dreams.

The next time, he began to ask in detail about the dream wilderness.

When Sanders listened to Angel, he also took out the notes and carefully recorded them.

When Angel said about the same, Sanders also began to put forward questions and personal suggestions on some vague points.

There are three places where Sanders focuses on enquiries: the original heart city, the power of dreams, and the infinite Alchemy.

In one question and answer, Sanders’ expression was more and more solemn.

Before that, I knew roughly that the potential of the wilderness of dreams was endless, and the news could be transmitted without end. But with Angel’s story, Sanders discovered more in-depth things.

He saw a complete system in the wilderness of dreams!

Creatures, living places, and natural laws of survival have constructed such a system. Even, the power of the dream wilderness can be understood and even authorized, which is very similar to the Law system of each World.

This is the germ of a complete system!

This system does not seem to benefit, but Sanders vaguely feels that this system may be extremely important in the future!

Today, this system can’t see any benefits for a while, so infinite Alchemy is the value that can be seen.

Infinite Alchemy is not only used to learn Alchemy, even ordinary Magus, it will consume various materials when doing research normally. If you have an unlimited amount of materials, it is enough for Magus to drive them crazy.

Not only that, Infinite Alchemy is also a weapon for training basic talents!

For any Magus organization, the basic talent reserve determines its future status. And unlimited Alchemy can maximize the potential of talents!

This function alone is comparable to the strategic mysterious thing!

However, Sanders still feels that the complete system of the wilderness of dreams may have greater potential than the infinite Alchemy.

Apart from this, Sanders is also most concerned about the “consciousness of consciousness” that constructs the creature of dream. If used properly, this can almost become an alternative immortality.

Sanders looked at Angel with a complicated look.

“It’s a little monster.” Sanders muttered in the heart, if the wilderness of dreams is fully formed, this is a super concept enough to subvert the pattern of the Magus world!

Although Angel stirs things up and brings shock to him, it also brings endless surprises!

Something happened here, Sanders temporarily put the shock of the wilderness of dreams in his heart, and then he asked Angel: “Don’t tell me, besides these things, you have prepared other big moves?”

Angel froze for a moment, not understanding what Sanders meant.

“Do you have anything else to say?” Sanders changed his words.

Angel thought for a moment, and took a research topic out of the bracelet and handed it to Sanders: “Teacher, you did n’t mean that you must add a topic related to nightmare within 50 years, and load it into Nightmare. “Mystery”, do you think this works? “

Sanders glanced at the cover: “The Nightmare Power and Dream Tricks.”

Just looking at the name, Sanders knew roughly what Angel wanted to study.

It took a few minutes to go through it, and what was recorded in it really was as Sanders thought, about some changes that the dream trick was initiated through the nightmare.

Sanders pondered for a moment: “Yes. However, you only made a conjecture throughout this topic, not at all to conduct actual research, so it is not perfect.”

Angel nodded, he also knows that this is just a problem, and it will take a long time to complete it. However, Sanders has enough time, and 50 years is enough for him to complete this task.

After returning the research topic to Angel, Sanders said again: “You should have nothing else?”

When Sanders asked, he didn’t even realize that he was cautiously.

Angel wanted to tell the story of the tide world, but he could clearly read a message from Sanders’ expression: “You better answer: no.”

Angel hesitated, “No longer.”

Not yet? Sanders can also see that Angel still has unfinished words, but he has been shocked enough today, and decided to let go of Angel for the time being if there are other things.

Thinking of this, Sanders nodded, picked up the hand notes that previously recorded the dream wilderness, and studied it.

After some time, Sanders suddenly heard Angel ask in a low voice.

“Teacher, can Jon’s injury recover?”

Sanders raised his head and found Angel leaning against the window, looking at the dark sky outside with a look of emotion.

“After a while, I will return to the Magus world, and I will go to see his situation first.”

The wilderness of dreams is such a big deal, Sanders actually wants to take Angel away from the abyss immediately, away from this dangerous place. However, the situation in the abyss recently changed 10000 1000, Demon City began to martial law again, judging from the current situation, he may need to stay for a while.

Seeing Angel’s face with worries, Sanders said indifferently: “These days, you will stay here for the time being to refine the sequel of the Monument of the Ring, I just comment on your illusion.”

Angel’s feelings lingered for a moment.


The quiet time is fleeting.

Since the last meeting, there has not been a day in the past, Sinaifa called the people again, this time the content is mainly about the follow-up rescue of those Magus trapped in the black liquid watershed.

According to the news from Samantha, there is a team of Demon following them, and there are at least 2 big Demon!

Samantha is about to cross the channel and return to the 3rd floor of the abyss, but Magus needs to be arranged to go to the critical forest for finishing.

The tail-sweeping work must inevitably have the best battle strength strongest person, especially the big Demon in the chasing soldiers. After Senna’s words were over, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally everyone’s eyes were on Sanders.

The most powerful battle strength present is probably Sanders. And he is still Illusion, can confuse and trap the enemy, he is the best choice to cut off the tail.

For this arrangement, Sanders thought about it, but did not refuse.

After the meeting, the crowd dispersed. Sanders was the last to leave. At the door, he met Kanter.

“Just now, I saw that Sinaif left you alone. Is there any secret mission arranged for you besides letting you cut the tail?” Kanter asked suspiciously.

“No, she just asked me where the resurrection sand is.”

In the previous meeting, Sanders told Kant about the resting place. So, Kanter reacted almost instantly: “Sinaif is going to go to Balalaika to trade?”

Sanders nodded: “Yes, I guess I want to solve the curse problem on my body.”

“Maybe I want to inquire about the descendants of Demon God.” Kanter coldly snorted.

“No matter what she wants to do, it won’t affect us at the moment. Moreover, the resurrection sand is not so simple to get.” Sanders paused: “Don’t talk about her, I’m going to the critical forest for the past few days, you help me Take care of Angel. “

“Take care of Angel? He is in the fortress, there should be no problem.” Kanter wondered.

Sanders was not worried about security issues, but about what Angel did in a short time. However, he is not very clear, just vaguely said: “Anyway, just pay attention to his movements.”

Kanter naturally agreed.

At noon that day, Sanders left the Watch Fortress.

Before leaving, Sanders arranged for Angel to continue his research on the sequel of the Strange Ring, preferably produced before he returns.

The purpose of Sanders is naturally to hope that Angel will focus all his attention on research and refining, and stop doing things.

Angel nodded, after Sanders left, obediently began to search for materials in the bracelet, ready to start refining.

However, while he was getting the materials, Spiritual Force tentacles inadvertently encountered the nest of the dream-weaver ants.

The nest rolled a few times and landed on the ground.

A few drops of Axor’s essential blood shook from it, but strangely, the dream-weaver ants were gone.

Angel took out the nest of the dream-weaver ants and explored it. Sure enough, we didn’t find the dream-weaver ants. A chuckle in his heart made him think of a possibility.

Before, the dream-weaver ants did not like their nests, but the dove occupies the magpie’s nest and ran into the nest of the soft bug.

At first, Angel didn’t care, because he found that the dream-weaver ants would actively feed Akzo sperm blood to the eggs of soft-state insects. Later, he discovered that the dream-weaver ants were not “gardeners” at all, but “butchers” waiting for the piglets to grow up and sharpen their swords.

Once the soft worms hatch, the dream-weaver ants will kill them and suck them up.

Thinking of this, Angel suddenly had a bad hunch.

Dream-weaver ants, shouldn’t they run into the nest of the soft bug?

Angel quickly took out the soft bug’s lair. He didn’t distress the soft bug, but the very special egg made him care.

If the deformed soft-worm that hatched from that egg was killed by the dream-weaver ants, the loss would be great.

Angel placed the soft nest nest on the table, and then reached out with a tentacle of Spiritual Force.

After a while, Angel’s expression appeared strange.

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