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There are corpses in the periphery, and there are soft bodies of worms everywhere.

At first glance, Angel’s brows began to jump. Looking at this situation, the dream-weaver ants had intruded into the soft-worm’s nest!

Spiritual Force tentacles continue to probe inwards, but when Angel senses the situation in the nest, he sees a weird scene.

——The Nest Department, entirely different.

It’s like there is an invisible boundary that divides the interior into 2 camps, one side is the dream-weaver ants, and the other side is the soft-state worm that fights the dream-weaver ants.

Speaking of fighting, in fact, it is completely one-sided, more like a soft worm on dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

This sacrificial behavior is only to stop the dream-weaver ants from moving forward.

Whenever the dream-weaver ants want to step forward, there are soft-worms who take the initiative to fight, and finally the dream-weaver ants win. After the dream-weaver ants win, they begin to suck the body fluids of the soft state worms. When they are full, they retreat to the small compartment hu hu to sleep. After waking up, they continue to the frontline hunting.

But because of the active dedication of the soft-state bug, the dream-weaver ants have never broken through the “boundary”.

As for the other side of the border, Angel saw a lot of soft bugs.

“There weren’t too many eggs in the beginning, how could there be so many soft-state bugs?” Angel frowned, the number of soft-state bugs is so large that it depends on suicide attacks, and also prevents dream-weaver ants from breaking through that boundary.

Obviously, the number of soft-state worms is abnormal.

Angel intuition, that huge egg may be the source of everything.

When Angel reached the deepest point of Spiritual Force’s tentacles, no abnormalities were found in the compartment he had vacated for that particular egg, but in another more spacious hall, he saw an amazing scene!

The egg actually hatched, and it ran into the spacious hall!

However, when it hatches, it is not a soft bug, but … a lump of things like snot and plasticine polymer.

It has a transparent soft film, through which you can see the cyan-green viscous liquid inside.

Today, this “snot monster” occupies the entire hall, and its magnitude is at least 20 times that of ordinary soft-state bugs. It is not like soft-state bugs at all. Angel is a bit skeptical. Was the previous egg mixed with another creative egg?

However, when Angel saw underneath the snot monster, he suddenly froze.

Under the snot monster, there are a lot of soft bugs crawling out continuously! Take a closer look, these soft bugs were actually in the body with their snots!

Is the snot monster born a baby? Angel wondered, did he remember that the soft bug was not egg-laying?

When Angel put the Spirit Force tentacle closer, it was discovered that the snot monster within the body is undergoing various wonderful reactions. The final result of these reactions is the production of new eggs.

These new eggs were bred in the snot monster within the body, then hatched soft worms in its within the body, and finally crawled out of its within the body.

The newborn soft-state worms were divided into two groups, and one group went to another compartment, where there was Akzo sperm blood pre-stored by Angel. They transported the Akzo sperm blood to the hall to let the snot monster absorb. On the other hand, they went to the “front line” of the war and decided to fight against the dream-weaver ants, rather than let the dream-weaver ants go one step forward!

“This is the mystery of the change in the number of soft bugs? However, it can produce a large number of soft bugs …” Angel carefully looked at Nasal Mucus Insect. Could it be said that this Nasal Mucus Insect is actually the soft bug’s Insect Queen? !

At the thought of this possibility, Angel heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He had hoped that the special egg could hatch the deformed soft bug, but didn’t expect actually hatched the suspected Insect Queen!

Insect Queen’s value is much higher than the deformed soft bug! Metamorphosis is a temporary benefit, but Insect Queen is a long-term benefit.

Just say that these soft-state insects killed by dream-weaver ants are a large collection of magic crystals!

Now Insect Queen only hatches ordinary soft-state worms, but as long as Insect Queen can hatch a deformed soft-state worm, there will definitely be a second and third time afterwards … The value of Insect Queen will be truly reflected when the time comes come out!

Angel looked at the snot monster, and felt a little sick before, but now it looks so cute.

This is a sustainable source of vaults!

Thinking of this, Angel hurriedly used the Spiritual Force tentacles to roll out the dream-weaver ants, and put it back into the original nest when the dream-weaver ants were stunned.

Can’t let the dream-weaver ants threaten the survival of the snot monsters again, the soft-state insects that were killed before are also magic crystals!

After doing all of this, Angel actually had some doubts in his heart. Although he had already determined that it was Insect Queen, he not at all had seen the real soft Insect Queen, so even if there were too many clues, there was no final word. He was a little nervous.

Thinking of this, Angel stood up and walked to the door.

Angel is going to find Kanter. The eggs of the soft bug and the insect nest were given to him by Kanter. Maybe he can recognize whether the snot monster is Insect Queen.

As soon as the door was opened, biting cold wind was poured in outside.

I don’t know when, the sky is snowing. The snow was very heavy, and within a short period of time, the steel buildings in the fortress were covered.

Now the visibility outside the house has become very small due to flying snow, and the surrounding white area, even the floating star trees planted at the door, appear pure white snow tops.

The sky is still dark, but because of this snow flying, it adds a bit of awkwardness to the dull abyss.

Even the Overwatch Fortress has a little shadow of the fairy tale World.

Angel not at all Because the snow stopped, he still went out.

Just outside the yard, Angel suddenly felt Yu Guang seemingly glanced at Yin Hong. He looked up, but he saw scarlet light remaining on the tower not far away.

Angel frowned, did he look away? He seems to have seen a silhouette of Yin scarlet light flashing before?

Angel stared at the tower quietly for a few seconds, not at all any movement, he thought about it and did not pay attention. Even if there are really people, probably Magus or Apprentice in the fortress, there is no need to delve into it.

Thinking of this, Angel continued to move towards the outside.

At the same time, on the back of the tower, a man wearing a white robe was holding a chain of blood-red awns in his hands, watching the heavy snow in the Darkness World outside, and the floating light sweeping shadow glittering in his eyes.

Angel had not yet walked out of the territory of the Sanders house, and saw Kanter wearing a blue black Magus robe dropping from the sky, setting off a burst of snow and dust.

The Lanweihua 3-corner Magus hat worn by Kanter is now covered with snow, and with its long white eyebrow, it is a bit of a good match.

“Kant Lord, good afternoon.” Angel bowed respectfully.

“Sure enough, it was printed in a mold with your tutor, and I still remember the time in the abyss that is day and night.” Kanter pouted, and if Angel said “Good afternoon”, he had forgotten whether it was day or night .

Kanter: “Looking at you, are you ready to go out?”

Angel: “I just asked Lord for advice. Didn’t expect such a coincidence that I met Lord halfway.”

This is actually not a coincidence. Kant promised Sanders to look after Angel, so he deliberately left a Magus eye in the vicinity, and as soon as he saw Angel going out, he flew over.

Kanter not at all explained, but said: “I have something to do with me? Then, go to Sanders’ place and say slowly, I can smell the fragrance coming here, is it the fragrance he smelled before he left?”

Angel nodded, and Sanders really burned a bottle of incense before he left. It is said to be calming.

But Angel didn’t feel the effect, and even the taste was very light. Only when you smell it carefully, you can smell a faint fragrance.

“Yue Mianxiang is a good thing. Didn’t expect him to be willing.” Kanter said, moving towards Sanders’ house directly.

Halfway through, Kanter raised his head and moved towards the tower.

There was no one there, but Kanter had set up the Magus Eye before, so it was clear who was there before.

But thinking that the man was also a savage cave, Kanter no longer thought much.

Back in the room again, the warm breath assaults the senses, Kanter flicked gently, the snow on his body disappeared, and then he couldn’t wait to come to the side of the hall.

He found a recliner, leaned against Yue Mianxiang, and took a deep breath.

Very comfortable!

The effect of Yue Mianxiang is indeed not very obvious, but it can relieve stress. In the high-risk environment of Overwatch Fortress, Kanter has accumulated a lot of pressure in a large number of battles, so Yue Mianxiang’s effect on him is much better than Angel.

If Angel hadn’t said that he had something to look for him before, Kanter even wanted to take out the strange ring monument directly, taking advantage of the comfortable environment and relaxed mood to completely unlock the checkpoint that trapped him.

After lying down for a while, Kanter looked towards Angel at the other end, and Youzai said: “You just said to ask me something, what is it?”

“Canter Lord, do you still remember the eggs of the soft bugs you gave me?”

There was a trace of embarrassment on Kanter’s face. When he had nothing to send, he sent out this useless thing he had accidentally obtained. Later, if it were not for the replacement of a mother nest with the nature of Space, it is estimated that Sanders would be stingy for several hundred years.

Now Angel suddenly mentioned the egg, is it found that the soft state worm can not hatch, want to consult him how to hatch?

Kanter’s thoughts turned quickly, thinking about how to block the past.

However, what made him didn’t expect was that Angel not at all asked how to hatch, but instead asked: “What I want to ask is, Lord can know what the Insect Queen of the soft bug looks like?”

“Insect Queen? Why did you suddenly ask this question?” Kanter looked suspiciously.

Angel did not conceal, and took the nest of the soft state worm out of the bracelet: “The eggs sent by Lord have already hatched, and one of them is a very special egg. The hatched creature looks like Insect Queen.”

After listening to Angel’s words, Kanter’s expression froze instantly.

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