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Thinking of this, Angel’s vision changed.

When he takes the whole “wildness of dreams” as the basis of his vision, he can clearly perceive that the wilderness of dreams is floating in the dark space.

At the same time, in the boundless darkness, a huge eye pupil is staring at the wilderness of dreams.

In this huge eye pupil, it seems that there are stars in the universe, and the light flows down to the boundary wall of the wilderness of dream, and it seems to want to penetrate through it.

This scene reminded Angel suddenly that when the dream wilderness was formed, there was also an incomparable gigantic weird creature that coveted the dream wilderness. At that time, Angel discovered that the dream wilderness was just a boxy landscape.

But that time, the blonde silhouette in the nightmare world suspected of “Shawa” deterred the giant creature from advancing and made the dream wilderness smooth.

But this time, maybe not so lucky.

It was dark all around, and the only thing Angel could see was those huge eyes. Even the body of “it” can’t be seen, but it can be seen by eyes alone, this creature is definitely not smaller than the last one.

Continent-grade creature!

At this time, this superlife with unknown origin and unknown purpose is staring out through the eyes of the eyes, watching and trying to forcibly break through to the boundary of the wilderness of dreams.

Can it be stopped?

Angel didn’t know that he could only increase the power of the “gatekeeper”.

The effect of “gatekeeper” strengthened the defense of the boundary wall, and the starlight that came out of it was unable to break through the boundary wall for a while, but Angel did not feel lucky, because at present the other party almost broke through the sight only on the verge of collapse of the “Newborn World” boundary.

If other methods are used … While Angel is still thinking about this, he sees a black hand, which slowly covers the boundary wall.

This hand is also incomparable gigantic, and in appearance, it is very similar to the human hand.

Finger pressure is more terrifying than starlight diarrhea.

Almost instantly, Angel felt a crack in the “gatekeeper” power.

“Oops, I can’t hold it!” Angel was terrified, and his perspective changed suddenly, returning to his body within the body in the wilderness of dreams.

Sanders in front of him was puzzled: “What’s wrong with you?”

In Sanders’s eyes, Angel was originally elaborating some of the contents of the dream wilderness, from the very beginning of the idea, to the later establishment, and the gradual development … Originally speaking, well, suddenly, Angel stopped .

It’s like soul is out of it.

When Angel came back to his senses again, the calm expression instantly changed, and said to Sanders in the tone of loose one’s head out of fear: “Teacher, there is a powerful creature in attacking the boundary wall, we must immediately dream Wake up and leave here! “

As soon as the words fell, the whole sky suddenly broke like a broken piece of porcelain.

Endless starlight spilled, and at the same time, a golden-yellow pupil appeared in the hole.

The shapes of Angel and Sanders almost instantaneously turned into phantom and disappeared into the wilderness of the precarious dream.

After waking up from sleep.

Although Angel leaves the wilderness of dream, the status of “gatekeeper” is activated, so he can still pay attention to the condition of wilderness of dream.

However, this concern lasted only a few minutes.

Dreamer wilderness The whole sky is like a broken eggshell, peeled off a little bit. When the boundary wall was broken by more than half, Angel’s attention to the wilderness of the dream disappeared completely.

Angel is long sighed.

Already confirmed the new experimental results, Angel has even been thinking about the question of whether the “wildness of dreams” and “the wilderness of dreams” can be merged.

didn’t expect the final outcome, it was so and so.

Sanders lost his sight on Angel’s face and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Broken.” Angel shook his head helplessly: “My dream power is back to nothing again, and the wilderness of the dream is estimated to have been completely abolished.”

Sanders didn’t expect the ending to end like this, and before he left the wilderness of dream, he also saw the huge golden eye pupil. At that glance, Sanders felt an unmatched Power.

This feeling is like a mortal meeting a deity.

As you know from deep in one’s heart, there is no power to resist. This is also the first time Sanders had this feeling in recent 100 years. It can be seen how powerful the creature behind that huge pupil is!

“I remember you said before that when you first set up a dream wilderness in the Magus world, you were also attacked? Is it the same kind of creature?” Sanders asked.

Angel pondered for a moment: “It was indeed attacked. It was also when the wilderness of dreams happened to be independent. However, at the beginning, with the help of” his “, the attackers took the initiative to retreat. But now, it is not so lucky Now. “

After the emotion, he continued: “As for the creatures outside the box court, from the appearance, they are not the same kind. But they are not the same kind of creature, I cannot judge.”

In Angel’s in mind, the creature that is so large that it can’t be seen at the end is most likely the creature from the dream world.

Frode once said that although the dream world is an illusory world, according to the records of many dream systems Magus, although the creature of the dream world is extremely rare, there are also. And many creatures may be derived from “dreams”, not only huge to immense size, but also extremely powerful.

Whether it is the creature encountered when the dream wilderness was born last time, and the creature outside the wilderness of this dream, they all conform to the characteristics of the dream realm.

Therefore, Angel has this guess.

However, if it is really a Creature of Dreamland, it is not very common. Why does it happen every time when the dream wilderness is born?

Moreover, the timing is so coincident.

“Maybe like extreme sects, those creatures are the clearers of the dream world. For the existence of the dream wilderness that has both the dream world characteristics and is not controlled by the dream world, it will definitely be disgusted by Dream World Will. Therefore, Dreamland Creature will be dispatched to attack it. “After listening to Angel’s guess, Sanders thought for a moment, so he said.

Sanders is also guessing, but his life experience is much richer than Angel. Moreover, this kind of “Will level” thing, Angel can not understand, Sanders as a real knowledge Magus, how could not know. Summing up the situation, it is easy to draw some conclusions.

“If this is really the case, isn’t the wilderness of dreams also dangerous?” Angel was worried.

“It’s hard to say, but according to my guess, since ‘that’ helped you repel the foreign enemy last time, it should be worry-free in a short time. But if you look at it for a long time, it is difficult to say.” Paused, Sanders again Dao: “However, you don’t need to worry too much. When one day your strength is enough to force the retreat offenders, why do you worry that the wilderness of dreams is coveted?

Like the people of extreme sect, they are under the banner of “justice” and can be unscrupulous. But they really face super giants such as Munch and Ryan, and they can only succumb to their flags and run to the side.

“The strength is strong, and many previous worries will gradually become indifferent.”

Sanders’ words were heartfelt, and he really wanted to say Angel.

Every time Angel makes trouble, it is a shocking thing, and the benefits are amazing. It will definitely make people coveted. For example, mysterious figurative objects, and the wilderness of dreams.

But if Angel’s strength is very strong, it is a true knowledge of Magus, although these things will also cause some small plot against, but many problems can actually be solved.

In order to engage in trouble, we must also have the strength to match things. Now that Angel is in trouble, he is ignorant and fearful, and Sanders is the only one who is worried.

“Since the wilderness of the dream is broken, you should not try again for the time being. However, the wilderness of the dream should continue to develop, but the concealment must be improved.”

Sanders raised his forehead, and said: “The terrifying benefits of the wilderness of the dream, it is estimated that it will not be long before it will be spied by the prophecy Magus. So, there is not much time for you.”

Angel: “Even if it is found, if there is no nightmare illusion, I can’t go in? Even more how, I can use the power of dreams to refuse outsiders to enter.”

“Indeed, other people can be refused entry. But what if they put Target on you?” Sanders raised an eyebrow.

Angel hesitated.

In fact, he wanted to say that he had bloody night shelter, and relying on the effect of bloody night shelter, even the Legend-level prophecy Magus cast can resist once.

But think about it. In fact, if someone wants to discover him, he doesn’t need to put the prediction target on him.

There are more and more people in the wilderness of dreams. As long as there is a breakthrough, the follow-up will be like Domino Bone Token, even if he has bloody night protection, it will eventually point to him.

However, Angel’s bloody night shelter is not useless. At least, even if he is found to be the key to the wilderness of dreams, it is not easy to find him.

So, he still has a little time. As long as the core power of the dream wilderness is acquired during this time, it does not matter if the dream wilderness is completely opened.

Even more how, he is not alone in the fight against the entire Magus world.

Behind him is not only Sanders, but the entire barbaric cave! Of course, the premise is that they are willing to be their backing.

Angel is thinking about how to explain to Sanders.

Sanders said on his own initiative: “The value of Dream Conch has now been proven, and you must take it away. Also, you can stop for a while and stop doing big things.”

Obviously, Sanders’ statement showed his attitude.

Sanders can actually snatch the Dream Conch, but he does not at all do so. Because in his view, the potential of the wilderness of dreams is indeed very high, and the tasteless thing of dream conch also rejuvenated.

But compared to these, Angel is more valuable.

Even more how, Dream Conch is in Angel’s hand, in fact, it is also in his lineage. There is no need to give up more long-term benefits for a small profit.

This is Sanders’ judgment on the interests of this matter, but in addition to the interests, from the emotional point of view, the balance in his heart is gradually biased towards Angel.

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