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Sanders is well aware that if Angel wants to study the power of mysterious, it is impossible to attract attention at this time. And according to himself, it has been a while since he got the Dream Conch, and the study has been studied for a long time, and it is impossible to be in a hurry.

So, in Sanders’ mind, Angel may have done something else.

“I am indeed studying Dream Conch, but I just want to see, where will the item dragged by Dream Conch into the dream go?”

Where will it go? Sanders froze.

Although he has not studied the mechanism of Dream Conch, he has heard some of it from some anecdotes. Isn’t it just being randomly drawn into the vast dream world, where can I go?

Angel: “I’m actually doing a small research, but the tutor came back before I could find the answer.”

Sanders looked at Angel carefully, and hesitantly asked, “What answer do you want?”

“It’s time to look at the results.” Angel paused: “Teacher, can you give me a few minutes and let me see the results of the research?”

Sanders was finally nodded. He still hasn’t figured out what Angel is going to do, so I might as well explore it.

After his approval, he saw that Angel began to exude strange energy fluctuations.

Sanders can see that Angel is building a trick model.

“However, it has lasted one minute, and it seems that this trick model is not familiar to Angel.” Sanders thought inwardly.

When Sanders guessed what trick Angel was constructing, he saw a weird energy mixed with the power of illusion, which enveloped Angel. In the next second, Angel entered a sound sleep.

“Huh, is it actually a dream trick ?!” Sanders raised his eyebrows. The dream trick was an extremely biased department, speaking of which. So far Sanders has never learned the dream trick.

No wonder that it took so long to build a trick model before, and within a year, the cross-system cultivation of the dream trick was possible. Maybe it was a forced trick model?

“The courage is not small.” Sanders murmured and looked at Angel who was sleeping, but was puzzled.

Before he used the dream conch to pull things to the dream world, could Angel directly encounter the previous things by sleeping like this? Obviously impossible.

Dreaming can actually follow the dreamer and enter his dream.

But Angel obviously did not use dreaming.

You have to know that the size of the dream world is boundless, and the dream world is still in a state of illusion and disillusionment. It can be said that it is as big as it is.

In such a big dream within the realm, Angel wanted to find what was dragged into the dream by the dream conch, which was more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Unless, Dream Conch can specify the position of item into the dream world.

But if the function of Dream Conch can reach this step, it will not be called the most mysterious thing.

The doubts deepened in Sanders’ mind until Angel woke up from his dream–

When Angel woke up, her expression was very weird, and she accidentally murmured the accidentally recognized words in her mouth.

After a long time, Angel slowly recovered slightly, and saw Sanders sitting at the desk with his eyebrows asked, “How is it? Seeing the result, you can see what you dragged into your dream?”

Angel shook her head and said honestly: “I didn’t see it.”

Sanders had some expectations. Angel could give him an “unexpected” answer. Obviously, not at all.

Sanders tilted his 2 legs, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, saying: “The results of your research seem to be not what you want?”

Angel continued to shake his head, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Although I didn’t see it, I felt its position …”

Eh? ! Sanders looked up sharply, looking towards Angel.


After a while, Sanders came to a dim world. Surrounded by boundless wilderness, there is nothing, and the sky above is gloomy and heavy, like day and night.

Sanders is no stranger to such weather and scenes.

In the abyss, this situation is more common.

However, this is not an abyss. Even if Sanders does not at all methods to manipulate any energy now, it seems like a mortal. But his strong physical qualities clearly told him that there was no abyss in his surroundings.

Sanders suppressed the accelerated heartbeat.

His eyes looked around all around in shock, and finally, his eyes saw a bookshelf not far away.

In the boundless wilderness, there is nothing, not even stone. However, such a bookshelf was stunnedly placed here, which seemed very incompatible.

He is no stranger to this bookshelf, which is the one in his study.

He hesitated for a moment, and moved slowly towards the bookshelf. When he was near the bookshelf, he could clearly see a book on the shelf, and he took out a black thin book from inside.

The title of the book is “Illusion technique prism application method”, and the author is himself.

He can recite the content of the book even if he recites it. So, he just turned 2 pages, and it became clear that this book is absolutely the same as the book in his study shelf.

This is exactly the same, not just the content, even the degree of dyeing of ink, the smoothness of the paper, and the small burrs.

“Here is the dream world? Is this bookshelf drawn into the dream through the dream conch?”

When Sanders came here, it was naturally the result of Angel’s use of Qimeng after surgery.

Sanders still thinks this is too strange. How can a mysterious thing that was previously labeled “chicken ribs” achieve such a degree?

He knows how terrifying it is if he can accurately position the dream conch into the items in the dream!

When Sanders was still in a trance, there was a footstep behind him.

Looking back, I saw that Angel also entered the world through the technique of dreaming.

Not only the location of the item is accurately located, but even people?

Sanders took a deep breath, is Angel still a fan of “Dream World”?

Otherwise, why can you achieve such precise positioning in the boundless dream world?

Sanders questioned his doubts.

Angel step one stopped, in fact, he is still very confused.

His guess finally proved that it might be right. For example, through the dream conch, there are indeed places similar to “the wilderness of dream”, or, “wilderness of dream” is more suitable.

But what surprised Angel the most was that he came here as soon as he entered. The “Dream Wilderness Power” that hasn’t been moving for a long time in my mind actually works.

“Dreamscape Gate” and “Gatekeeper” are activated at the same time! Therefore, he can dominate the position where the foreign object enters here.

At the same time, he can clearly perceive some overview of this new “dream wilderness”!

The wilderness of dream is different from what he imagined. This is not a mezzanine space, but also in other words. There is no channel connected to the nightmare world.

It is for this reason that the wilderness of dream is not at all.

There is no nightmarish breath, so it is impossible to achieve God’s perspective. The reason why Angel can be accurately positioned is still thanks to the power of the dream wilderness.

The area of ​​”wildness of dreams” is still very large, and it is even more than the “wildness of dreams”. However, here not at all is connected to the dream wilderness with the original heart city. Once the wilderness of the dream is born, although it is still anchored near the dream world, he at first is alone.

But, if you are not connected to the wilderness of the dream, why can you use the power of the wilderness of the dream here?

Does it mean that there is a difference between host and guest World between the wilderness of dream and the wilderness of dream?

The wilderness of dreams is the master, and the wilderness of dreams is the guest. They are essentially the same, so can power be shared?

Do they have a day of integration?

“How did you accurately locate here?” Sanders asked again, looking at Angel in a trance.

Angel came back to his senses, sighed: “Actually, this is not a real dream.”

“This is not a dream world?” Sanders frowned.

Angel sat cross-legged directly on the ground, and then slowly spoke about the “dream wilderness”.

“Actually, my right hand has changed, it is related to this matter.” Angel paused: “at first I just want to save Jon …”

Following Angel’s account, Sanders slowly understood the origin and birth of the dream wilderness.

But the more he understood, the more terrified Sanders was.

Sure enough, the big move stayed at the end!

The incorporation of Angel into Lucas’ skull affects a small number of people at most.

The emergence of Jon, a human from another world, is nothing more than a carnival of the Academy and Karabit.

But “the wilderness of dreams”! This can affect the entire Magus world!

As Frode said, the potential of the wilderness of dreams is much greater than Angel had imagined. In particular, Angel is not only working out the wilderness of dreams in the Magus world, but also making wilderness of dreams in the abyss!

Sanders was shocked by waves, and he was almost confused.

In the story of the wilderness of dreams, there are many places that Sanders pays attention to. For example, Angel is so brave that he went directly to the mezzanine Space! As a result, the person who suspected Shawa was attracted from the nightmare world, which led to an increase in his projection bloodline.

Apart from this, as well as the green patterns of right hand, didn’t expect is also a Great Killing Artifact, and can even help Angel gain the power to control the wilderness of dreams.

After listening to Angel, Sanders had a desire to beat Angel.

The bravery of these little brats is simply too fat!

You know, even if he is replaced by himself, in the face of a large space like “the wilderness of dream”, there is no guts to cut it.

Angel, this newborn calf, did it regardless!

This reminded Sanders of the situation when he was shooting in the twilight. Angel is also ignorance is a bliss, fighting to almost subvert the status of the Magus world, and almost released the queen of the nightmare world.

Sanders took a deep breath, and after a long time, he felt a little smoother before gnashing one’s teeth said:

“This matter must not be leaked!”

This is the third time he said the same sentence in one day!

Looking at Sanders’ slightly rueful face, Angel swallowed a little and nodded: “I understand …”

After speaking the warning, Sanders was ready to start asking in detail about the summary of the dream wilderness. Earlier, Angel only talked about the general process, but the details are not at all.

Although Angel can break through the basket every time, he has to say that the value inside is incomparable.

Angel didn’t plan to hide Sanders, so he started to talk about the wilderness of dreams in detail.

However, he said at first that it did n’t take long for him to change his life–

Angel felt the power of “gatekeeper” in his mind, and suddenly there was a change!

The power of the gatekeeper can dominate the foreign object into the wilderness of dreams. Also in other words, without Angel’s permission, the outside creature cannot enter the wilderness of dreams.

Since Angel got the goalkeeper power, this gatekeeper’s power has never been activated!

Now that the gatekeeper’s power is activated, is there any foreign body that wants to force a breakthrough? !

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