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“What are you asking about Dong La?” Kanter asked suspiciously: “Why? Are you going to help Madeleine?”

When Kanter saw Madeleine appear on this time list, he basically confirmed Madeleine’s Target. You should know that the genocide that Dong La did was still rumored in South Territory.

Madeleine, as the only survivor of the tragedy, appeared in the Watch Fortress, and the purpose he sought was self-evident.

Kanter quite solemnly said: “You’d better not mix this matter, if you don’t participate, Madeleine may still be cautious. But if you participate, whether it is Madeleine or Dong La , Will not keep their hands. “

“If I don’t participate, what do you think Madeleine can do to Dong La?” Sanders asked back.

Tora is higher than Madeleine at the strength level, and Tora is also embarking on the road of true knowledge. The strength is even higher than Kanter.

Madeleine has absolutely no chance of winning against Tora.

“You made up your mind to blend in?” Kanter frowned.

Sanders did not answer, nor did he answer: “Relax, I will not really intervene between them, but Madeleine joined the barbaric cave after all, I must at least make sure she will not be killed.”

apart from this, what Sanders still has to do is try to isolate Dong La from Angel.

Don’t look at Dong La is a level 2 really knowing Magus, be regarded as a South Territory Peak character. But her Envy heart, from Legend to mortal, has almost no restrictions.

Some of her Envy had no reason at all, and even Sanders suspected that she was just stuck with Slaughter.

In addition, Dong La is a famous “graft maniac”. In order to avoid Angel’s awakening, his body is replaced by animals, which is a very necessary measure.

“It’s good to have something in your heart.” Paused, Kanter said: “As for the location of Dong La, she is not in the fortress now. It is said that she went to the inner layer to find new Demon material.”

Tora’s absence is good news.

“Let’s go and find Sinaifah first.”

An hour later, Sanders came out of the Chamber with frowning frowns. Although Sennafa had not stated clearly at the previous meeting, it was very likely that the reason for the martial law of Demon was the descendant of Demon God.

Not only that, Sinaifa also brought a message.

The martial law of Demon City is unprecedented, and even involves the entire black liquid watershed. Now the black liquid watershed under the critical forest is full of large and small Demon. Now that there is still a part of Magus trapped there, Samantha will go to Demon City to find out the news, but also to rescue these trapped people.

“At present, the situation is indeed very serious. Didn’t expect, we really have the chance to win the first prize, 8 front lines, how to choose the watch fortress.” Kanter lamented.

Sanders was frowns saying: “Actually, I think that the descendant of Demon God might not take this path.”

“Why?” Kanter wondered.

Sanders did not answer, but recalled the conversation with Balalaika not long ago in peace, he found that the information of the recovered Demoness transaction was actually closely related to the Demon God. According to Balalaika, according to that character, it should not be that kind of fanfare.

However, this is only Sanders’ guess.

When Sanders and Kanter reached an intersection, they were ready to part ways. However, at this moment, Kanter suddenly looked towards one direction.

“What’s wrong?” Sanders asked doubtfully.

“It’s a strange feeling.” Kanter frowned.

Strange feeling? Sanders looked down on Kanter’s eyes, where he lived temporarily.

From a distance, not at all, there is nothing wrong, only the leaves of the star tree in front of the door are shaking tremblingly.

It seems that the wind is up.


Time back to not long ago.

After Sanders left, Angel didn’t know what to do for a moment, so he strolled around. Then he discovered a situation in which there were no people in the surrounding hundred meters around the Sanders house.

In other words, there are not too many people who watch the fortress.

The vast majority of Apprentice are building defense facilities outside the door. And Magus, even in such a place, has its own territory.

As the most powerful Magus in the entire fortress, Sanders naturally has a small territory.

Angel confirms that no one is around, and an idea rises in her heart.

Before, after coming to the abyss, he tried to use Qimeng to enter the wilderness of dreams, and finally failed. At that time, he speculated that the radiation range of the dream wilderness had not reached the abyss.

Then he wondered, if the dream conch is used here, will the thing dragged in go to the dream world?

The reason why he has this idea is that according to some of his knowledge, he started using Dream Conch and never dragged the item into the real dream world.

He used Dream Conch for the first time in Yinlu Imperial Family. At that time, he used the Dream Conch to pull a table into his dream, and even nearly provoke Sliu.

At first, this was just a trivial matter, and it wasn’t long before Angel forgot.

It wasn’t until later that Angel discovered the wilderness of the dream, and had some knowledge of the wilderness of the dream, he discovered that the original Silver Heron Imperial Family pulled into the table in the dream, actually in the wilderness of the dream.

Then Angel asked Frode about some of his experiences with Dream Conch.

According to Frode, when he used dream conch to pull items into his dream, he went to the dream realm, not the wilderness of the dream.

From this, Angel actually has a vague guess.

Perhaps the birth of the dream wilderness is actually related to the dream conch? Even, it may be that he used the nightmare power to activate the dream conch, and then the mysterious Strength of the dream conch led to the birth of a mezzanine space connecting the dream world and the nightmare world.

And this mezzanine Space is the wilderness of dreams.

However, this is just Angel’s previous guess. After all, when he first discovered the mezzanine Space, the wilderness of dreams was born, so he could not confirm this fact.

Now that he has come to the abyss from the Magus world, where he can’t perceive the wilderness of dreams, he can do a small experiment to prove whether his guess is correct.

He is going to use Dream Conch and pull an item into his dream at will.

Exactly, there is no one around; moreover, the geometric lock can also suppress mysterious breath. It doesn’t matter if it is discovered, anyway, this is Sanders’ residence, Sanders itself also has mysterious things …

Thinking of this, Angel began to experiment.

First, he wants to select an experimental subject and drag it into his dream. Angel looked around all, and finally, the large bookshelf of the study was used as the experimental object.

Angel carefully took out the geometric lock and the dream conch. The two Alchemy products were opened at the same time. While suppressing the mysterious fluctuations, the large bookshelf was also pulled into the dream.

This little action, Angel thought that it did not make any waves. But did not know, noticed by Kanter’s keen intuition.

Not only that, in an eternally dark Bottomless Abyss, a great being suddenly opened his eyes.

“Dream of dreams?” The empty World echoed its whispered murmur, “Can’t catch, there is something covering up … Forget it, the dream world and the abyss are intact.”

Its sound gradually became low, and its eyes resembled stars, closing again in the darkness.

After Angel dragged the bookshelf into the dream, she was ready to experiment with Qimeng again.

However, before he started the experiment, he heard a footstep outside. Angel was taken aback, and took out his own handpieces, holding what he was writing with a pen.

After a while, Sanders and Kanter came in, and, without stopping, came to the study.

As soon as he entered the study, Kant and Sanders felt a strange feeling.

At this moment, Angel raised his head from the “Desert Book” and made a pure and confused look: “Teacher, are you back? Kanter Lord, good afternoon.”

Somehow, looking at Angel’s “hypocritical” expression, coupled with the strange atmosphere in the study, and Kanter’s inexplicable intuition before-

Sanders groaned.

Maybe, in just one hour when he went out to discuss, what did Angel do?

Sanders hesitated for a moment: “Have you done nothing before?”

Angel immediately shook his head: “I didn’t do anything. I’m recording a previous experiment.”

There was a suspicious look on Sanders’ face.

On the other side, Kanter did not pay attention to the conversation between Sanders and Angel, but felt the breath in the study room carefully. He always felt a little weird before.

After thinking about it, a glint flashed in Kanter’s eyes.

level 1 Spell, break the delusion.

Through the clues, review the disappearing truth.

After a while, Kanter suddenly wondered: “Why, how can there be mysterious fluctuations?”

mysterious fluctuation? Sanders also scrutinized carefully. After a while, he looked towards Angel with inquiry.

Two real-knowing Magus stared at themselves at the same time, and Angel felt a lot of pressure. He hesitated for a moment and admitted: “I was experimenting with mysterious things before …”

After a while, Kant and Sanders took the Dream Conch and looked at it.

Kant understands Angel very well. After all, it is said that Angel used to be infinitely close to mysterious level, so it is normal to want to study mysterious things. However, after all, mysterious things are not easily accessible, and their value is always high, and they are deliberately used to study really unwise.

It’s “Dream Conch on the Moonlight Coast”, a well-recognized mysterious thing, the most suitable for studying mysterious power.

Kanter pats Angel’s shoulder: “Hope one day, you can really refine a mysterious thing. When the time comes, let Qi Li marry you, that’s no problem.”

Angel looked puzzled. What did Kanter Lord make up?

After Kanter finished speaking, he said to Sanders: “I will not disturb. Today is my supervisor. I will stare outside.”

After Kanter left, Angel and Sanders were left in the study.

Sanders watched Angel continue to put on a good look, and a sneer was raised in the corner of his mouth: “Speak, what are you doing before? Study this dream conch? I don’t believe it.”

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