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Angel could feel a hint of anger in Sanders’ words.

Now that the abyss has changed, everyone is in a state of self-defense. Did Angel come to the frontline at this time? !

Especially, it was not long ago that Sanders drove Su Mi Shi away. Didn’t expect to save dim sum, another trouble came again. The Abyss of Su Mi has at least self-preservation ability. Angel came to the front line and was purely impatient.

Feeling that Sanders’ tone was not right, Angel quickly changed the subject: “I came to the Abyss to have something to do with the instructor … cough, let’s talk about this later, in fact, something has changed on our side …”

“What happened? What happened?” Sanders is now on the lonely coast, but still some distance away from Angel’s position.

“I can’t tell for a while, I let Blu Fin Lord tell you.”

Blu Finn? Sanders was stunned. Was it the brown sugar follower who wanted to resurrection Evil God? How could Angel get confused with this dangerous person?

Just when he was thinking, he heard a strange male voice coming from the other end.

“Lord Magic Lord, I am Blu Finn, this time the Alchemy Warlock of the Frost Moon Supply Team.” Blu Finn briefly introduced himself, and introduced the situation in the cemetery in the sound of Sanders suddenly becoming indifferent.

After listening to Blu Finn’s instructions, Sanders didn’t reply for a long time, and it took a while to say: “You just said, is it a place of rest?”

“There is a grave that Knight did say so.” Blufen explained, and continued: “Sinaif means, Lord Lord Demon is looking for a stable Space outside, and then we should go together and build a bridge …”

Before Blufin finished, Sanders directly interrupted him: “What is the shop in the rest place like?”

“It’s a small wood house with lights on. There is no door, but there is a door bar. The cloth above the door bar has a word of wine in abyssal language.” Blu Fen frowned, describing the bar. Turn: “Lord Magic Lord, Space Transition …”

“What’s the name of Boss in the bar?” Sanders interrupted him again.

Seeing Blu Finn ’s expression a little impatient, Angel immediately went up and said: “Men, the bar Boss you said refers to the woman inside? She did n’t say her name, but Knight, who is now fighting Lord Sennafa, once said that she I hate humans. “

Sanders fell silent again.

Angel glanced at Blu Fen and continued: “Teacher, what do you think about Lord Sinaif’s advice?”

“You don’t have to worry about this, you pay attention to protect yourself, I will come over immediately.” Then, Sanders cut off the call.

The scarlet light on the essence blood gradually dissipated.

Blu Fen rubbed the temple: “No countermeasures have been arranged yet, is this the end?”

Angel was helpless.

Madeleine and Vettette, then returned to Doggy Bill’s back. Now that Sinaif and Knight are fighting in the dark, the other Knights and White Bone Army are only looting, and have not participated in the war. They stay in the center of the battle, but will cause Sinaif to trouble.

Moreover, they also noticed that Angel seemed to have contacted Sanders, so they returned, just to ask about the situation.

“Why are you looking so ugly?” Madeleine looked at Blu Fen in doubt: “Is there something wrong with Lord Illusion?”

“Nothing happened, it’s just …” Blufen shook his head and said the previous conversation with Sanders.

After Madeleine listened, she was also puzzled. Some rumors she heard, Sanders should not be this style of Magus?

At this time, Viffit said: “The Lord Illusion focused on inquiring about the woman resting in peace with the bar. I guess, does he know anything?”

Wiffett’s words made everyone think.

In fact, Angel had this suspicion before. They couldn’t even be sure that the woman was the bar boss. The instructor had already identified her identity, which was obviously a bit wrong.

Perhaps, he really knows here?

But “in peace”, have they never heard of it?

When they were puzzled, the battle at the scene continued. After Snaif opened the bloodline form, the battle strength soared again.

Originally she was cursed, her strength was less than ten, at most level 1 she really knew the level of Magus. But even if there is a real knowledge of Magus, there is also a gap in strength. Among peers, the Magus on the bloodline side is respected.

After Senna’s bloodline form broke out, although its strength was still limited due to the curse, its formidable power was already comparable to level 2 true knowledge.

The opposite Knight, whose strength is fixed at the level of the true knowledge of level 2, seems to be comparable to that of Sinai.

However, with the passage of time, the battle of consumption of the two parties, Sinai has already seen fatigue.

In bloodline form, her consumption energy will double, and it cannot be replenished in the abyss, which is her biggest disadvantage. The Great Sword Knight has been maintained at the same level, without fluctuations, plus he is not shackled by the abyss, so the longer the time delay, the greater his victory.

After a while, there were blood marks on Sinaifah’s body, his fatigue was obvious, and his successor was not enough.

Senna looked back, looked towards Duke Bill, and asked Blufin with his eyes, what happened to Sanders?

Blu Fen did not know how to answer, and finally only a wry smile appeared.

Seeing this, Sinaif didn’t know the meaning of Blufen, but she had already begun to think about the plan to retreat.

“Sure enough, it is a foolish thing to put all hope on others.”

Sinaif had no intention of fighting, and instead of confronting Knight head-on, he began to go around the corner and secretly signaled Blu Finn to open the plane lane.

Blu Finn was sighed, originally thought there was hope to escape, but now it seems that hope is slim again.

Despite the bitterness in his heart, Blu Finn can only do it according to the method of Sinai.

Blu Finn arranged the casting materials, and when he was about to cast the spell, Sinaifa sent a message again.

“Release … Cluley ??” Blufen looked over in shock and shook his head violently: “No, there will be a lot of trouble releasing it!”

Sneered: “I’m not the only one who loses. You let it go. If we can leave alive, I will apply to Lord Monge and give you a living tentacle of ancient Evil God.”

Blu Fen’s face appeared hesitant.

“If we die here, Cruelle will disappear with the broken Alchemy workshop. It is better to release it at this time.”

Blu Fin heard this and finally made up her mind.

He took a deep breath, and a door appeared out of nowhere.

However, just as he was about to get started, a rays of light suddenly pierced the night, illuminating this long and quiet graveyard.

Blu Finn’s footsteps also paused, looking up towards the position of rays of light.

But I saw a crack in the sky. From the crack, I could vaguely see the hazy sky outside.

When everyone wondered where the crack came from, one silhouette jumped in from the crack.

The silhouette fell lightly and fell over a tombstone.

“The long-lost night is indeed a resting place for the legendary.” The low, hoarse sound came into everyone’s ears.

When Senna looked at the past, her pupils shrank sharply.

A black gentleman suit, pure white lining, exquisite short boots. There is also the iconic walking stick, and the cloak with a bloody red liner.

Even if his face was covered by a hat that was deliberately lowered, but this dress alone had already revealed the identity of the person who came.

South Territory The famous War God!

“Phantom Master” Sanders!

“Obviously you can integrate us outside, but you ran in yourself, really …” Blu Fen shook his head and lamented.

Angel at Blu Finn’s side, although a little puzzled, looked at the familiar silhouette, and finally the tight heartstrings relaxed.

“What’s the matter, how did you come in?” Sinaif raised her head, looking towards the crevice that disappeared from the top of her head, frowning. “Did Angel not tell you what happened here?”

Sanders took off his hat, revealing gray green short curly hair and a handsome mature face.

He did not immediately answer Sinaif, but glanced at the frost church on the back of the giant Great White Bear, Angel was standing at the door of the church.

Sanders sighed inwardly before looking towards Sinaifah: “You asked me why I came in?”

Sanders stepped down from the tombstone and walked towards the center of the cemetery step by step: “It is a rare encounter with the legendary resting place, how can I miss it.”

legendary resting place? Whether it is Sinaifa, or everyone else is showing doubt.

Sneifa was waiting to be asked, but Sanders came to the center of the cemetery, looking at the bar with a dim light not far away, and his eyes glittering with a strange glory.

Sanders continued to take a step forward, but was blocked by a broken sword.

The roadblocker was Knight, the great sword who had fought Sinaif before.

A low sound came out from under Knight’s helmet: “It is Boss’s will to wipe out the humans here. Since there is one more person, you will also sleep here with the brigade.”

The powerful Strength, accompanied by the cold light, burst out of the giant sword.

“Be careful!” Sinaif couldn’t help but shouted. After the hard battle before, she knew that this giant sword was broken, but the strength contained in it was not inferior to the Alchemy weapon of high grade! If it cooperates with the great power of Knight itself, you can even split Space!

Sanders looked at the giant sword in front of him, but gently took the black stick in to act.

The giant sword was casually thrown to the other side.

The huge Strength was bound to the tip of the cane, and gently, the Strength was conducted through the earth. On the contrary, the army of white bones on the periphery has been pitted into the underground cracks.

The dust is rolling, and you can see the height in one move.

“I heard that there are also rules in the resting place. The resurrected Demoness never refuses any on-site business.” Sanders paused and walked to the bar’s door: “Am I right?”


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