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While Sneifa was still thinking about what Sanders said, the woman in the bar finally responded.

“The rules do exist, but if you are a guest, it is hard to tell.”

The beautiful voice made Sanders stunned for a moment. But soon, he adjusted back, and then stretched his act finger to lightly rub, and saw a small amount of fine dust leaking from his fingertips.

As soon as the dust fell, it was blown to a distant cliff by an inexplicable wind.

The cliff is still far away from the cemetery. If someone is on the edge of the cliff at this time, you can see a silhouette of lithe and graceful slowly appearing here. She took it in her hand, and she was pouring out of Sanders before The dust of sand was wrapped in the palm of her hand.

“The quality is not bad. It looks like Jiao Zhilin from 6-Layer. Oh, the courage is quite big.” She whispered, and threw the sand dust down the cliff.

Under the cliff is the endless sea.

The sea water was calm and without waves, but when the sand and dust fell, it set off a low dumb wave.

Looking at the subtle wolf head, the woman’s eyes flashed nostalgia and hummed a minor tune gently.

The tone at first sounds gentle and gentle, but after careful exploration, you will find that there is still a touch of melancholy in the bright tune, which cannot be turned away and cannot be forgotten.

The minor melodious, not only soothed the splashes of the waves, but also spread to the cemetery.

“Hey, is that woman humming? It just sounds like, why doesn’t it seem to be in the bar anymore?” Madeleine frowns saying.

“What makes me more curious than this humming is the words that Lord Illusion had said before. Also, what exactly does the man in the bar say about qualifications?” Wiffit glimmered.

“The most important thing is that Lord Illusion’s coming to this resting place seems to be taking the initiative.” Blu Fen also expressed the doubt in his heart.

Sanders is here and saving Angel should be certain. But to save Angel, in fact, you can cooperate with them inside and outside, there is no need to enter the resting place.

Obviously, Sanders not only had to save Angel, he also had his own claims.

After listening to their previous conversations, it seems to mention “business” and “guest”. What did Sanders take to take the initiative to rest in, to deal with something?

Today, most people have doubts in their hearts. There are few people who really listen to the minor. On the contrary, the boneless army and the tomb Knight, listened carefully to humming, and even slowly returned to the ground with humming.

The white bone burrowed into the ground and continued to sleep.

The tomb Knight returned to the coffin and rested together.

When the humming reached the end, the entire cemetery was back to at silence and empty when they entered. Only the gravel in that area and the large number of fissures prove that a fierce battle took place not long ago.

Although the humming has stopped, Yu Yun still echoes in the cemetery.

When everything came back to Lan Ran, the woman on the cliff finally took a deep look at the calm sea, and then the silhouette gradually disappeared.

At the same time, the crowd heard the sound from the bar again.

“The transaction is completed, come in.” This time, the sound is a little less frivolous, and a little more unconsciously sad.

Sanders tapped his hat on his chest with a slight salute. Then, stepped into the bar.

Before blocking the light wall of Sinaifah, this time did not appear.

Sinaif hesitated for a moment and wanted to follow in, but found that Sanders could go in, but she was still blocked by the light wall.

Sina’s expression turned black instantly, coldly snorted, and returned to Doggy Bill’s back.

As soon as she returned to the door of Frost Church, she heard Blu Fin muttering to herself: “The transaction has been completed? When did the Lord Demon trade with her?”

“It should have been the sand before.” Sinaif was standing behind Sanders at that time, so she clearly saw the sand pouring from his fingertips.

Sand and dust? Is the thing trading with the woman in the bar sand and dust?

Seeing everyone still puzzled, Sinaif was coldly snorted: “When Sanders comes out, everything will naturally have an answer.”

The lights in the bar were dim, what was happening inside, but the people outside knew nothing.

Only occasionally I can smell the faint aroma of wine coming out of it, so that the sinefa of gluttonous wine can’t meditate meditation.

After about ten minutes, the cloth around the bar was lifted, Sanders, who put on his hat again, pushed open the door and walked out of it.

When Sanders left the bar, he turned and bowed slightly towards the door: “many thanks for the hospitality.”

As soon as the words fell, a footstep of high heels stepping on the floor came from the bar.

Everyone seemed to think of something and immediately looked at it.

But I saw a pair of slender white legs, and exquisite red high heels, exposed under the cloth. Immediately afterwards, a hand with Coat Dan’s nails stretched out of the cloth and slowly lifted up—

The eyes of everyone reflected the face of the woman leaning against the bar door.

Because her sound is so amazing, they also have expectations for her appearance. But when I really saw her, I realized that she was not really beautiful.

Big wavy curls, slender flying eyes, slightly thick lips, and a small red mole on the lips.

It is not a stunning beauty. At first glance, it seems a little ordinary, but after a long look, you can feel a peculiar charm.

The manifestation of this charm is not from the face, but from other details.

For example, the lithe and graceful figure, the bright red skirt swinging in the wind and the messy hair, and the leaning and leaning gesture when leaning against the door fence.

Even, the long-handled pipe lying in her palm, there was style flowing between the clouds and the mist.

Not beautiful, but charming to the extreme.

“I heard that Balalaika is a more fascinating existence than succubus, but now it seems, indeed.” Sanders praised softly.

The woman who is called Balalaika, faintly smiled: “I accepted your praise, but the praise in my mouth is useless. See you next time, and the transaction will still follow the rules.”

Sanders: “Nature.”

“What is the deal you said?” At this moment, Sinaif’s indifferent sound suddenly inserted.

Sanders glanced at Sneifa and did not answer.

Balalaika took a deep sip of the pipe and spit out a thin white smoke, his face faintly discernible in the smoke: “As a regular person, I will not disclose what the guests’ deal is.”

After Yizheng’s words, he turned the words: “Of course, if you are trading with me and want to ask about his transaction, I can also tell you.”

Sanders’ expression was still cold, unchanged.

Senna continued to ask: “It seems that the transaction with you seems to be trading news?”

Balalaika smiled, but what he traded depends on what the other party needs.

“If I want to do a transaction with you, what do I need to pay?” Senna continued to ask.

“Resurrection sand.”

Resurrection sand? Sinai was shocked, she not at all heard the material of resurrection sand, is it the sand dust thrown by Sanders before? So, will this woman named Balalaika trade with Sanders?

“If you haven’t returned Soul Sand, but there are things I am interested in, I can still trade with you.” Perhaps after the previous transaction with Sanders, Balalaika saw this group of humans a lot.

“What are you interested in? For example?”

A glare flashed through Balalaika’s eyes, and Sinaifa felt cold all over her body, as if someone had looked at her from beginning to end, and even the things hidden in her private Space were all seen.

Sneifa raised her head and looked at Balalaika cautiously: “What have you done?”

Balalaika was tsk tsk 2 times: “You did let me see, I am interested in things? It is a pity that although you have 2 things I am interested in, but from the attribution of the imprint It’s not yours.”

There were surprises in Sinaif’s eyes. She did indeed have 2 of the most precious items in her body, and those two pieces were … Your Excellency Monge temporarily placed it with her.

Balalaika shook her head regretfully, and suddenly her eyes looked towards her through Sinaifa.

Angel’s silhouette fell into Balalaika’s eyes.

Balalaika suddenly smiled, stretched out his long fingers, and pointed to Angel: “You have something that interests me, do you want to trade with me?”

Everyone’s eyes gathered on Angel in an instant.

There was a glimmer of glare in Sanders’ eyes: “He has what you need?”

Balalaika raised her eyebrows: “Yes, there is more than one.”

More than one? ! Sneifa couldn’t help but look at Angel, and the two items of Mongols on her body could attract Balalaika’s interest, perhaps understandably. But what Angel said … Does he have comparable items?

“For example?” Sanders’ sound suddenly became cold.

“His right hand is very nice.” Balalaika said something inexplicably.

For a time, all eyes were on Angel’s right hand.

Although it is covered by the Illusion technique, if the people present look at it deliberately, you can still find the strangeness of Angel right hand.

It is a circle larger than the left hand, and at the same time light green lines are suspended above it.

Looking closely, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. However, since Balalaika has been ordered, there must be something wrong.

Sinaif remembers that Blu Finn also said that she would study Angel’s right hand. She was ridiculed by her at that time. Now, it seems that Angel’s right hand is really greasy?

Blu Finn showed regret. Before he wanted to sample and failed, now Sanders has appeared. He wants to study Angel’s right hand again, which is estimated to be difficult.

Sanders standing in the cemetery was actually surprised.

Obviously a year ago, Angel only changed his right palm. Now how does his right forearm change?

Did Angel see the man in the Nightmare again during this period?

Will this be the reason why Angel came to the abyss to find him?

When Sanders was puzzled, Balalaika said again: “apart from this, the thing on his chest, I am also very interested in …”

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