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The reason why Angel shouted “Wait” is actually because the situation is now very critical.

The risk of opening a plane pinch is too great to be able to leave alive.

So he thought of another method.

When he was a mortal, he met Toby at the Bauhinia. After a cup of rain and morning dew, I got a gift from Toby-a gold card. Later, at the Barbie restaurant in Greia, the gold card was exchanged for the ‘creative lettuce’, which has not been used so far.

Exactly, the fragment Mayfly.

Fragment Mayfly is a magical treasure created by Greia, which can open up a bilateral channel that connects to different worlds.

There are three restrictions for using the fragment Mayfly: first, the fragment Mayfly can only open a one-time bilateral channel; second, the use of the fragment Mayfly needs to be under a “stable plane”; third, you need to understand the other world you want to connect to Road signs.

These three restrictions can be met under the current situation.

Just say “stable plane”. In the abyss plane, although the risk of Magus using the plane to pinch is very high, it may encounter unstable space and death, but this is what happens when walking the plane to pinch.

If they simply want to open bilateral channels, they actually meet the condition of “stable plane”.

There are also “outland road signs”. One of the reasons why Angel has never used the fragment Mayfly in the past. In fact, he also lacks strength and does not know the outland road signs. But with so many Magus around now, it is not too easy to locate the road signs.

Therefore, under all conditions, and the current situation clearly endangered Angel’s own life, he called out “wait” and decided to tell the story of Mayfly.

However, just when he dived the Spiritual Force into the bracelet and prepared to take out the Mayfly fragment, he found another strange thing.

In his bracelet, there was something glittering with a scarlet light.

This is why Angel’s expression suddenly became strange.

“What’s wrong with you?” Madeleine asked, frowning when she saw strange expressions and kept silent.

Sinaif also looked at it coldly, “Do you have any opinions to hurry up, don’t delay the time.”

Angel paused for a moment, instead of taking out the Mayfly fragment, but took out the glowing thing and put it on his palm, and everyone looked away immediately-

It was a drop of blood condensed into beads, and it was as bright as glass. And, exudes a strong breath of true knowledge.

From this drop of blood, Sinai felt a familiar breath.

“This is …” Sinaif seemed to think of something, his pupils shrunk sharply: “Sanders’ essential blood ?!”

Angel nodded and said: “I just found out that the sperm blood left by my mentor suddenly started glittering from the rays of light. This has never happened in the past.”

Senna looked at the scarlet light of Jingxue, and gave Angel a deep look.

“Sanders is positioning your current position through the blood,” Sinaifa paused, continuing: “The outside world is rumored that Sanders has always been indifferent. Now, it seems that it is still open to discussion …”

Today, Sanders is also on the third floor of the abyss. His positioning of Angel also means that he is moving closer to Angel.

Angel was taken aback, if the bar was really like what Sinaif said, there is a person who reached the top powerhouse of level 3 real knowledge, then Sanders would be useless even if he came, but instead he might fall into one more person.

After Angel said the doubt, Sinaif shook her head.

Seeing Angel puzzled, Madeleine said: “If Lord Illusion comes over, maybe we really have a chance to escape from here …”

As long as Sanders is close to Angel, he will be able to contact Angel through his blood. At that time, Sanders can find the coordinates of the stable Space outside, and then inside and outside to perform a short distance Space Transition.

In this way, they can avoid the risk of “unstable Space energy” and escape from this blockade of heterogeneous Space.

“In this case, don’t rush to open the plane passway at first. It shouldn’t be too long to rush over at Sanders’ speed.” Sinaif’s face was a little bit less than 10000, and she didn’t want to use the plane passway.

“Didn’t expect, at this critical moment, I can still mountain road twists around each new peak.” Blu Finn looked towards Angel, with an inquiry in his eyes, everyone didn’t expect, and finally their hope of escaping was actually from a Apprentice got it there.

Blu Fen also wanted to say something, just at this moment, the clang of iron boots stepped on the ground again.

But it was the tomb Knight who finally came after him.

“In this case, we continue to drag on for a while.” Madeleine’s eyes gleamed with cold light, reaching out his palms, probing countless green thorns and taking root to the ground. When the first batch of Knight arrived, the thorns rose from the sky and gave birth to a green wall curtain.

Wiffite nodded: “As long as the people in the bar don’t act, these tombs Knight shouldn’t do us any harm.”

But do n’t the people in the bar really act? This is the only thing that everyone cannot be sure of.

So, in case of 10000, I still keep Blu Finn on Doggy Bill ’s back, and I also protect Angel and other Apprentices. 2 I also prepared a back road. Once the powerhouse in the bar has the intention to start, no matter what, I immediately Open up the plane path!

In front, Sinaifa was defending.

Above Doggy Bill, Angel is holding glittering blood, and his heart is uneasy.

Time is passing, when someone is tired in the middle, Blu Finn is also replaced, and in this way, an hour has passed.

Although they are unwilling to fight, only passive defense delays time. But it also defeated several tombs of Knight. When the tenth tomb Knight was dragged into the ground by the thorns, the door bar of the bar in the center of the cemetery was suddenly pushed open.

Although the battle was in full swing, the click sound when the door was pushed open attracted everyone’s attention.

Blu Finn also complexion changed, immediately took out the casting materials that were ready to open the plane path.

However, when he saw the person coming out, Blu Finn slightly sighed in relief.

What came out was not the woman in the bar, but the armor Knight that originally crawled out of the coffin. He looks much looser than the other tomb Knight, his body is also thinner, and there is no scarlet light glittering under the helmet. It looks like an ordinary Knight.

He slowly moved towards the center of the war.

at first, Sinaifa and the others have n’t paid much attention to him, but with his arrival, the surrounding tombs Knight and bones all receded aside, and all Knights, both hands holding swords, pressed to the ground, made Knight Gift.

Obviously, this Knight ranks higher than other Knights.

This made everyone take away contempt.

He walked to the center of the battle group, facing Snaif and the others. He is not like other Knights, he comes directly to do it, but after standing still, he said in common language:

“Even if the Undead Brigade is buried in another country, the expedition is our choice, and death is our choice. We are not humans, and we have no custom of the end of our bones. Glory of the regiment. “

This is a low-pitched male voice. Although the common language is not standard, it is also the second person they can meet in the cemetery.

His remarks apparently responded to Sinaif’s previous statement of “take away the bones”.

Sinaifah: “Maybe I used the inappropriate words before, but they shouldn’t be treated like this?”

“You are not wrong.” Knight said this, but slowly raised her right hand, crossed her shoulders, and grasped the handle of the giant sword behind her: “However, it is a pity that she doesn’t like human beings. , So I can only invite you to sleep with us in peace— “

As “Yongmian” said, Knight pulled out the giant sword and slashed forward.

That power instantly reached the “True Knowledge Level” from “No”.

This splitting, formidable power is extremely powerful, but with the power of Sinai, it is not difficult to avoid. It’s just that once she hides, Bill Doug behind must take the blow. All Apprentice above Duke Bill are inevitable.

Therefore, Sinai can only use the defensive technique, the fire rune floats on his body, and the fleshy body is the shield!

Although Sinaif’s strength has been greatly reduced due to the Ice Valley Curse, after all, she also has the strength of the true knowledge level, coupled with the power of the bloodline side, the next split is not difficult.

However, any battle is a continuous offensive, it is impossible for you to attack me with one sword. Just after Sinafa took this move, her blood was still floating, and Knight’s subsequent attack came.

Magus level, true knowledge level, level 1 true knowledge peak … level 2 true knowledge!

The strength of this Knight is constantly being strengthened, and finally it reaches the level 2 knowledge!

Under the mighty offensive of continuous tide, Sinaif was blown out for the first time.

In the battle of the True Knowledge level, Madeleine and Wiffett couldn’t even get in at this time, and only looked at Sinaif worriedly.

In the dust, Sinaifa stood up again, her expression became gloomy and indifferent, and at the same time, her body slowly expanded—

Huge flesh flew out of its back. Her eyebrows also had an extra eye.

Both hands became sickle-like.

Suspended in mid-air, every time flapping its wings, it brought a gust of wind.

2 In contrast, it is a thin Knight, like a human. The Sinai method of opening the bloodline form is like a terrifying Demon.

When Sneifa began to get serious, the battle situation entered a new stage at this moment.

At the same time, Angel, who had been watching Essence Blood and waiting anxiously on Dorky Bill’s back, finally waited for an echo.


The familiar hoarse voice passed through the blood to Angel’s ear. Obviously it was just a simple inquiry, but Angel was very excited.

When Blu Finn looked over, Angel nodded to him, then suppressed the ups and downs:

“Teacher, it’s me.”

After a while, the sound came again from the other side: “How did you come to the abyss?”

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