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After Toby returned home, he couldn’t wait to find his little friend to play, while Angel went to the ice room alone.

Jon’s change is not too much, on the whole, it is still in a stable state. The corner of his mouth ticked slightly, showing that Jon’s mood was not bad.

Angel stared quietly at Jon’s face, and after a long while, he sighed softly.

Originally he planned to go directly to the dream and tell Jon about the wilderness of the dream. But after thinking about it, he decided not to speak for the time being, until he confirmed that Jon could really become a permanent resident of the wilderness of dreams, it was not too late to say anything.

If I say it now, the result of the experiment is bad. That brings hope and deprives hope. Maybe Jon will not care, but Angel will feel guilty.

Therefore, he just stayed in the ice room and looked at Jon.

He even resisted the desire to read dreams and read dreams. When he left last time, he made it clear to Jon that he was going to find a way to save him, but now he didn’t mention this in his dream, but it would cause Jon to be suspicious. Simply do nothing, wait until the next time the news is confirmed, and then fall into a dream.

Before leaving, Angel took another large spoonful of Axor’s blood to feed the dream-weaver ants. To ensure that the ration of dream-weaving ants is free within a short period of time, it is safe to leave.

After coming out of the ice room, Angel saw Ollie wearing a cool maid dress standing at the door of the ice room, staring at Angel with a grievous expression.

“Young Master …” Oli pouted, her eyes red.

“Why are you here?” Angel didn’t surprise Oli’s arrival. Before he entered the ice room before, he sensed that Oli was coming here: “Do you know where the big brother is?”

“Viscount Lord went out to cultivate …” Oli paused, and then hesitantly said: “Young Master, you … Can you take me next time you leave? I am a young maid’s personal maid, after all, Can take care of Lord’s life and daily life. “

Angel paused, and Oli fell into the back of Angel because she didn’t pay attention because she lowered her head.

Covering his red nose, he was crying.

Angel sighed, turned around, and looked at Olie seriously.

The clear eyes like the sky made Ollie stunned for a moment. When she reacted, she bowed her head shyly.

“Oli, did you see Eureka Lord, did a servant take care of her?” Angel asked softly.

Oli seemed to understand what Angel wanted to say, and she was anxious to explain: “Young Master, I just …”

“Many times, Magus is lonely. Because only when he can stand loneliness, can he not shake his heart in the endless years.” Angel interrupted Ollie: “Of course, Magus also needs assistants and servants. But Magus except Loneliness and selfishness. The servants Magus needs are absolutely obedient. It is best not to be conscious. He only knows to obey orders and has the ability to deal with all the things Magus does not want to do, including murder … “

“And things like life and daily life are the things that Magus doesn’t care about most, because a lot of tricks can often be solved.” Angel gently stroked Ollie’s hair, and a gentle Strength filled with Austrian Alley’s whole body, almost instantly, Ollie felt a lot of cleansing all over her body.

After Angel said these words, Ollie’s expression changed from grievance to frustration, and her eyes were red.

Angel: “Of course, you also have good parts. For example, in the whole manor, the fried rice you made is the closest to the Jon mentor.”

Oli still choked, crying: “Then I’m going to cook Lord’s egg fried rice now.”

Angel did not refuse, leaving Oli to leave as if to escape.

He could see Ollie’s kindness, and at the same time, he also felt a different emotion in Ollie’s heart.

However, Angel currently does not at all intend to get along with people, so he will not respond to Ollie’s emotions. Since he could not respond, he could only refuse.

Many Magus’s admiration for ordinary person is happy, and even willing to say a few sultry love words, to have a dew marriage. But after that, Transcending will eventually be different. Magus has pursued the truth he wants, and it is the mortals who ultimately cause the most harm.

Angel used to hear a rumor when he was in Sky Machinery City. Said to be Rosen, one of the two major city masters of Sky Machinery City, he actually cares about Rongguo where is a person mortal wife and gave him a baby girl, which was later Melansha. But after Rosen took away Melantha, he never met the mortal wife, even if they were in the same country.

Of course, this is just a rumor, which may not be true, but it also outlines an overview.

Angel’s refusal does not mean hurting Oli. When the young seedling of this emotion is still in the bud, it hurts the least. Moreover, Angel also hopes that Ollie will be happy, not that Rosen ’s wife, who was rumored, will eventually get 100 years of loneliness.

Angel shook her head and walked in the direction of the main castle.

“You’re better, refuse the little girl’s kindness, and give me an example?” A fascinating female voice came into Angel’s ear out of thin air.

“If I offended Eureka Lord, I apologize here.” Angel responded softly, while looking at the sky above the distant main castle, the floating cloud hidden in the illusion.

“It’s not necessary to apologize, but if you refuse so clearly, you are not afraid of hurting the little girl’s heart?” Eureka asked.

Angel lowered her brows: “Lord thinks I should respond to her?”

Eureka laughed and didn’t talk to Angel anymore, but whispered a whisper: “But it is very consistent with the rumor of the illusion Master, is it lineage inherited?”

Bray was replied at this time: “But if it is replaced by Sanders Lord, it is estimated that others have no courage to express.”

Eureka is nodded: “I have seen Lord Demon Lord from afar, it is indeed a rejection of beyond a thousand li, and Angel is indeed a bit different.”

Angels couldn’t hear anything above the clouds. After waiting for a long time, he found that Eureka didn’t answer his words and went back to the room.

For Eureka suddenly came out to talk to him, he was accidentally outside.

He went to see Jon before, and it was estimated that Eureka had seen it all the way. Even if Angel feels uncomfortable, but there is a gap in strength, he has no way to resist.

Fortunately, nothing he exposes will involve his secrets. The wilderness of dreams is more hidden, not to mention that Eureka ’s Spiritual Force is damaged, even if her Spiritual Force is intact, it is impossible to extend her tentacles into the wilderness of dreams.

After returning to the room, Angel immediately went to see the soft insect’s insect nest.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Angel’s illusion not at all set outside the insect nest was destroyed. It seems that Eureka did not go to explore this illusion.

Angel did not think about Eureka’s thoughts, but looked into the insect nest through the Spiritual Force tentacles. This look surprised him a little.

Except for the dead egg and the special egg, all the other eggs hatched, and they were all ordinary soft-worms. They arched in the insect nest and replaced them with people with worm phobias, which would probably be frightened.

For these ordinary soft-worms, Angel didn’t care about them for the time being, but focused his attention on the egg that he had purposely separated.

When he left, almost half of the Akzo sperm blood was placed near the egg, and all of them were absorbed.

Today, this special egg is bigger than before.

It is almost three times larger than the ordinary insect egg! Moreover, the color of this insect egg has gradually become pale-gold, which looks like a golden bean from a distance.

“Is this really the soft egg’s insect egg?” Angel murmured suspiciously. If it’s the soft egg’s egg, wouldn’t it be too big?

Angel 100 is puzzled, and there is little information about insects in the holographic tablet.

In the case of unknown location, Angel can only temporarily put down.

Continuing to fill a small bowl of Axor’s blood, Angel resets the illusion and returns to the table.

He intends to go to the wilderness of dreams to see the situation, which is far away from the revelation Continent, and he does not know whether he can contact Flode. If you can contact Flode, you can ask him about the insect egg.

Angel entered the wilderness of dreams, and the landing point was still near the previous building complex.

As soon as he entered the wilderness of dreams, he saw that Frode walked out of the church that Angel had invested in Golden Tree City, holding a golden and white costume in his hand. At first glance, it was the uniform worn by God’s Duty personnel .

Frode looked at Angel with surprise, “Lord, are you here ?! You are now …”

Angel: “I have returned to the old soil Continent. It seems that the wilderness of the dream has very loose restrictions on distance.”

Although Frode was a little surprised by the speed of Angel’s return trip, compared to this, he didn’t seem to have much limit on the distance of the wilderness of dreams, but he was even more delighted.

“Before I stayed in the wilderness of dreams, I have never felt strange, and the buildings here are also intact, and there is no situation that disappears because of the distance. It’s true! “Frode said with some excitement:” I don’t know, where can the distance be restricted to the farthest? Fan Continent, or is … can it be across the plane? “

“Fan Continent, I think it’s okay, but cross plane, probably not.” Angel replied, even if you can’t cross plane, but just a single Continent, has made the dream wilderness have great value.

Frode Pats forehead, mutter incantations in his mouth: “Since the distance limit is very loose, I have to formulate a subject, think about what this function has to do with Space.”

“I’ll say it when I have time to spare. In addition to determining the distance limit, I have some questions to ask you when I come here …” Angel didn’t finish, suddenly a brow and looked back towards a place.

He had just heard a strange noise in the distance, a bit like the buzz of metal friction.

What sounded was a small building with a distinctive architecture.

Angel looked into the small building through the perspective of God. I saw a very grey-white but well-groomed old lady who was holding a small iron rod and rubbing it on a disc.

The old woman was very kind-eyed and kind-eyed, focusing on the work in the hands of Focus.

“Did she bring you in from outside?” Angel pointed in the direction of the small building, because this building Angel was set as a point of arrival, there would be no reminder mechanism, so even if there are outsiders, he is not clear.

“Yeah Lord, her name is Della. She used to be the royal gown officer of Yinlu Imperial Family. Later she left Royal Capital and went into seclusion in Bolai Town. She became a tailor …”

Angel: “What are you doing to pull her in?”

“Do the retention experiment of aura of consciousness.” Flode replied.

“You can do this experiment with death row prisoners.” Angel frowned, and the old lady was clearly a good man.

Frode respectfully replied: “I at first also intend to use the death penalty prisoners, but then think about it, these prisoners are mostly people with bad personality, after entering the wilderness of dreams, now they are in a mortal state, it is easy to appear right We are in a disadvantageous situation. And these prisoners are mostly ignorant and have little output value. In addition, Lord ’s mentor has a physical problem, and I thought about finding some people who are ill and doing experiments. “

“Della is a terminally ill patient.”

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