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Although the energy storage Space is a magic energy array, in fact there are not many magic patterns in it. There are only 3 magic patterns in total, which are constant magic patterns, solidified magic patterns and stored magic patterns. Among them, the constant magic pattern, Angel has also learned before.

In general, Energy Storage Space is not a difficult magic array.

Angel took 2 days to screen the materials, and finally chose a medium grade material combination. Finally, it took a day to refine a rough “login”.

Angel was originally a bit of a horrible plan to refine the login device into a helmet-like name, which is called virtual helmet.

Later, think about it. It is a bit expensive to make a helmet, and it is also inconvenient to carry. He modified it a little and changed it to a pair of glasses.

To be precise, it’s a pretty sophisticated look, but it’s actually a popular one-unilateral glasses.

The name Angel didn’t even think about it, just named it as “Dream of Wilderness Logger”.

After the refining was completed, he identified it with the eyes of Nalda.

The peak of low grade is only one step away from middle grade.

The effect is almost the same as he thought. The nightmare illusion is successfully cured. Every time it starts, it consumes a certain amount of energy. The energy can be replenished. The number of starts is currently: 979979.

Angel himself used the login device and successfully logged into the dream wilderness. At the same time, the number of registrars was reduced by one to 978979.

After entering the wilderness of dreams through the login device, Angel saw a group of buildings that had been almost renovated at a glance.

A few days ago, Frode went out to buy a lot of materials and dyes, and Angel dragged them into the wilderness of the dream through the dream conch. Within a short period of time, the appearance of the building has undergone major changes.

Although the styles of these buildings are still somewhat different, Frode added the same color tone to all the buildings, and at the same time combined some complicated decorations with each other, the final effect was very amazing.

There is no vulgar sense at all, but a special charm.

An artistic heritage unique to the style of the Central Empire.

Angel is amazed. Frode deserves to be an old noble born in the Central Empire. The artistic style is very elegant and natural. Even Angel hasn’t planned it, throwing some buildings at random, he can change something rotten into something magical.

Angel admired and heard a childish rhyme in a mushroom-shaped house in the distance.

Listening to sound, it seems that Shanny sang.

However, compared to her singing in reality, the singing here is obviously less enchanting, but with innocence and childishness.

After Shanny finished singing, Yada also sang the first well-known nursery rhyme for the children of the Central Empire: “Trojan Shake Rhymes”.

Yada ’s singing is not as good as that of Shanny, but she still hears the child ’s purity.

After they sang, there was a round of applause in the mushroom house, and at the same time, there was Flode’s praise: “Sanni’s sound is not as infiltrating as it is in reality, not bad not bad. As for Yada, you are a broken male duck. Voice, do n’t choose such a high-pitched song in the future … “

Shanny’s laughter and Yada’s dissatisfaction came from the house.

Angel standing at the door also couldn’t help but be a little bit tolerant. Moreover, the atmosphere in the house is very warm, making Angel miss her loved ones.

dong dong dong knocked on the door and made the people inside stunned.

At this time, the only people who can appear in the wilderness of the dream are Angel except their three people. So Frode didn’t hesitate, opened the door, and accidentally saw Angel’s appearance.

“Lord.” Frode greeted respectfully.

Angel looked at the room, the fire in the closet was burning, and Shanny and Yada sat on the soft sofa and looked over curiously.

Although the appearance of Shanni is the same as in reality, but in the wilderness of dreams at this time, there is less anger in reality. The same is true for Yada, who can’t see the undead in reality.

Even if other people enter here, they cannot judge their actual identity.

Angel nodded to Shanny and touched Yada’s small head again. I have to say that Yada’s head was very soft and felt good to the touch. As for Shanny … after all, it’s a girl, Angel still carefully observes the boundaries between men and women.

After teasing Yada for a while, Angel looked towards Flode. He first praised his efficiency in the renovation of the building, and then went on: “I have a solution to the problem of remote login.”

Angel briefly said about the login.

“Although the login device has a limited number of times, it can be used at least. For the time being, I will use it for the time being. I will find other ways to improve it later.” Angel paused: “I will leave the login device after I give it to you. For a long time, Jon ’s mentor ’s condition was unclear. I have to go back and see. ”

Frode wanted to say that he could leave with Angel.

But Angel refused: “Just stay here, Shannie and Yada also need you to take care of it. You can also test it by the way. After I leave, do you have the distance limit to log in to the wilderness of the dream. To the old soil Continent, we can meet in the wilderness of dreams, which can basically be regarded as ultra-long-distance communication. “

After Flod listened, it was nodded. If you can really meet in the wilderness of dreams, even if you don’t follow Angel, it doesn’t matter.

“After the login device is handed over to you, you can also consider whether to let other people in. If you want to let outsiders in, you need to sign a confidential contract.” Angel paused said silently in his heart: after all, this is an internal test .

“Lord, I want to use the register to experiment with whether the aura of consciousness can be stored in the wilderness of dreams after death, can I?” Frode asked.

Angel also intends to do this experiment, after all, it is also about whether Jon can become a permanent resident of the dream wilderness in the future.

“You can do it, but consider the number of logins yourself.”

Angel talked to Flode again about how to use the sign-in device and where they would meet in the future, and then he said goodbye to Flode.

After handing over the signer to Frode, Angel said goodbye to him and left.

Ride Gondola in Angel and disappear before Bolai Town. He saw Neya heading towards the orphanage with a few innate skills.

Angel shook her head: “It seems that Flode has another job to do.”

Another reason why Angel did not take Frode to leave is that Frode and several Magus organizations have signed a contract, and the orphanage has become a checkpoint for these organizations to test their innate skills.

From the revelation Continent back to the old soil Continent, Angel and Toby used the gravity vein to accelerate instead. Two days later, they saw the coastline of the old soil Continent.

After more than three months, Angel found that the war in the Golden Sparrow Empire had slowly begun to subside.

On the way back to Gru town, he saw far fewer refugees than before. Returning to the outskirts of Gru town, there are also a lot fewer refugees in the refugee camp here. After all, there are illusions covering them and they cannot enter Gru town.

After Angel returned to Pat Manor, immediately felt the change of air.

The air is fresher than before, and there is a lot of life energy in the air that is beneficial to the body, gentle and non-irritating.

Because of the midsummer relationship, the outside temperature was hot and humid, but in Pat Manor, there was no uncomfortable feeling, but it was cool and cool, and extremely comfortable.

Angel was still on Gondola at this time. He thought about it and drove Gondola towards the main fort.

There is a small piece of cloud here, and the “Goddess of Spring” Murder, which Angel bought from Ashes Time, was planted here.

Not seen in a few months, Meter not only has twigs, but now it is like a shaded green tree.

The rich life energy and the adjustment of the temperature of Pat Manor were improved by Mertel.

When Angel came to Yuntu, he accidentally saw Eureka.

Eureka was sitting beside Mertel, reading leisurely with a book. Mortel’s breath is very nourishing for mortals, and at the same time, it also has a certain soothing effect on Eureka, which was damaged by Spiritual Force. It may not be possible to restore her Spiritual Force, but it can make her feel comfortable.

Therefore, in the past few months, Eureka prefers to stay beside Meter than staying in Diaojiaolou.

“You’re back?” Eureka raised her eyebrows, looking towards Angel sitting on Gondola, with a flash of surprise in her eyes. Although she has seen Gondola many times, she couldn’t help admiring every time she saw this flying ship in Xingyue.

Angel nodded, flew to the cloud, and put Gondola into the bracelet.

“Huh? Your hand …” Eureka looked at Angel’s right hand with a puzzled expression, which was covered with a light layer of Illusion technique.

“There was something unexpected and I didn’t want to worry about Lyon, so I covered it with the Illusion technique.” Angel explained.

Eureka thought that his right hand was injured, and did not break through the Illusion technique to explore, but just gently nodded: “You have been out for more than 3 months, what can you gain? Did you find a way to save Jon?”

Angel shook his head: “I didn’t find a way to save Jon’s mentor …”

He did not lie, there was no way to save “living”, but there are still other ways.

Eureka was nodded and didn’t ask any more.

Angel glanced at the situation of Meter, and wanted to ask why Eureka was here, but in the end he didn’t ask the exit, but said goodbye to Eureka, and moved towards the ice room.

Eureka looked at Angel’s disappearing back, with an inquiry in her eyes.

“Master, I always think he is lying.” It was Bree who was talking, and he was sitting right on the top of the tree of Mertel.

“The lie shouldn’t have been said, but he concealed something.” Eureka put down the book and stretched: “But no matter, if he really found a way to save Jon, it wouldn’t hurt us, isn’t ?”

“Will he leave the master’s whereabouts exposed for so long?” Bress said.

“No.” For this problem, Eureka is very absolute and decisive: “He will not expose this, especially Jon and Lyon are still here.”

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