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It ’s basically a pretext to say nothing about the prisoner. Although Frode is a mortal here, his experience and vision are enough to crush the routine of mortals. In the latter part, it is estimated that it is the true inner thought.

However, Angel thinks about it carefully, and thinks that Flode is also very right. After all, Shanny and Yada are children, and may suffer in front of the prisoner. During the initial development of the dream wilderness, it was indeed better to let good people come in than prisoners who would only make trouble.

“Is Della’s Fleshy body dead?” Angel asked.

Flod nodded: “Yes, when I went to find Della, she was in a state of survivorship. I asked her if she was still willing to live, but in another way, and would leave Apocalypse Continent forever. She finally agreed , So I brought her here. “

After listening to nodded, Angel agreed with Frode’s approach, but still told him: “Although there should be no other Transcending people in Bolai Town, you should pay attention, don’t be targeted by others.”

In particular, the two genius disciples of the Song of the Deep Sea, Jiebo and Miye have all appeared in Bolai Town.

Frode nodded: “I understand that I will be more cautious.”

Angel continued to observe Della again, and found that she had been grinding iron rods, very Focus, and could not help but ask, “What is she doing?”

Although Flode does not have the skills of angels to observe the earth, but just listening to the friction of metal, her brain supplements Della’s current behavior: “She is grinding needles.”

“Grinding needles?” Angel raised an eyebrow.

Frode said a little bluntly: “The day before yesterday, Shanny sang well, I promised to change her a beautiful dress in the wilderness of the dream … but I found it for a long time in the building here, and I didn’t find one The piece fits her shape. “

Frode gestured the God’s Duty robe in his hand: “I asked Dela and asked, she said she could make skirts, and I went to 4 places to find some clothes to make her smaller. But there is no seam here. To make a tool, Della decided to grind the needle herself. It started grinding yesterday, and it has been more than ten hours now. “

Frode sighed. Fortunately, in the wilderness of dreams, only Spirit had a sense of fatigue, and his body was not at all lazy.

“So that’s how it is.” Angel suddenly realized that before they entered the wilderness of the dream, what kind of costumes were the reality, after entering, they were basically the same dress. Although Shanni as a soul body, although the dress was a simulation, it was actually fixed and could not be changed. A little girl who wants a new skirt is also normal.

“Well, I will put a batch of silk and sewing tools into the mushroom house, you pay attention to find it.”

Frode thanked him.

“Dela, as the first experimental sample, seems to be quite successful at present.” Angel thought: “However, a single sample is not enough to support the experimental results. You can continue to find some samples and then do a long-term investigation. Give back. On my side, I will invest some people in a few days, you should pay attention to control them. “

Frode is nodded, “Please Lord, rest assured.”

“By the way, I have another thing to ask you.” Angel entered the wilderness of dreams this time. One of them was to confirm the distance limit of the wilderness of dreams. 2nd, I also wanted to ask Frode about the soft eggs Happening.

Angel outlined the situation of the soft bug.

After Frode listened, he thought for a moment: “The eggs of the soft state worms have mutated, not only have they become larger, but the color has changed? This is a bit strange.”

“Do you have any clues?” Angel asked.

“No, I don’t know about soft-state worms. But I heard that soft-state worms are a class-filled worm. Maybe this insect egg is a relatively high-grade worm.” Flod was speculated. .

Angel has also heard the news that soft bugs are not only class insects, but also super individual creature Dominate insects. Just like ants are different from worker ants, soldier ants, female ants, male ants, and queens, so are soft-state worms. Transformed soft-state worms are just one type of soft-state worms.

Maybe, as Freud thought, this insect egg is a soft bug of a new class.

Angel expects that it is best to hatch metamorphose soft worms, which are also the most valuable species.

Angel also talked to Frode about the need, whether he needs to throw some other things through Dream Conch, after all, there will be someone in the future who will live in the wilderness of the dream for a long time.

“Rather than putting the finished product directly, I would suggest Lord to put in some basic ingredients. Such as Della, when she entered here, at first was also at a loss. She didn’t find anything to do until after she started grinding the needle, and her Spirit did Slowly change from trance to better. ”Frode said seriously:“ For these mortals, they can not restrain their good and evil, directly give a superior life, but will trigger their lazy, orderly and regular life, compare Suitable for them. “


Not long after leaving the wilderness of the dream, the door knocked.

Angel opened the door and saw Ollie with red eyes, pushing a dining station outside the door.

“Young Master, the fried rice is ready.” Oli sound was a little dumb, and his head was also lowered.

“Then push it forward.” When Ollie put the fried rice and a few appetizing side dishes on the table, Angel paused: “Do you want to eat together?”

Oli quickly waved her hand, anxiously said: “How can that be done! I can’t exceed the limit …”

Halfway through her words, Oli suddenly paused and murmured in a mosquito-like whisper: “Yeah, how can I exceed the limit?”

Oli lowered her head and said softly, “Young Master, I’m going out first. The maidservant Mana just told me to go to the tea plantation, and I passed …”

After Ollie finished, she left with some panic.

Angel was sitting at the table, dulling for a few seconds before shaking his head with a bitter smile. He had just looked at Oli’s sullen look and invited him casually. didn’t expect Oli made an in-depth interpretation of this.

Angel did not eat single food, but summoned Toby and dine with him.

Egg fried rice made by Ollie is a bit worse than Jon, but it also has some characteristics. Angel is very happy to eat, and Toby likes it too, but Toby loves cold side dishes more than greasy fried rice.

Having eaten this affectionate fried rice, Angel went to the room where Nami was. Now that he agreed to bring in some silk and tools, naturally he would not go back on his words.

As soon as Angel opened the door, he saw that Nami was arguing with Jin Cancan from the Kura Kuka, staring at each other.

As soon as Angel came, they became a transit point for the two of them to spit water and bury each other.

It took a little while to realize that Jin Cancan came to take the 23rd silk. Nami is not willing to hand it over, saying that all the silk in front of him has been handed over, and his own bed curtains and curtains have not been made of silk. This time must stay.

Jin Cancan ’s task was to rescue silk from Nami, which was the task that Lyon had given her. Jin Cancan, as a new citizen of Gelu Town, naturally has to follow the orders of Viscount Lord.

2 Fang Xiang could not hold on, the scene was very chaotic.

Angel coughed twice, attracting their attention.

I saw Angel smiled and said: “Since the situation is so glued, let’s do this … In order not to affect the emotions between you, no one needs it, just leave it to me.”

After all, Angel took the pile of silk like a gauze and disappeared into the sight of two people.

Jin Cancan and Nami glanced at each other, sighing each other, if they dare to refute a few words from others, but Angel took it away … forget it, this week passed.

Angel took the silk and left the manor.

He plans to visit Watford, send some basic materials, and the corresponding tools into the wilderness of dreams.

Angel drove Gondola, moved towards Watford. Sitting on the flying boat, you can see a green forest at the foot, a waterfall flowing down, as well as rolling mountains and familiar scenery, which makes his mood slowly become happy.

Angel didn’t know that at this time, while he was looking at the scenery, some people were looking at him.

Fear Mountain Waterfall, this is the waterfall group Angel saw on the flying boat before, the water volume is rich, and the height difference is also quite amazing. Outside the two hundred meters near the waterfall, people can hardly hear the sound of the surroundings, only the sound of hong long long water.

In such a terrifying waterfall group, under a slightly smaller waterfall, there was a naked man lying on a stone, gasping continuously.

If other people, torn skin and gaping flesh under the waterfall is estimated, but his body is still intact, but his body is covered with red marks, which is quite scary.

Speaking of which is also a coincidence. When Angel flew across the sky in a flying boat, the people under the waterfall happened to look up.

When he saw the flying boat, his expression was stunned, and then there was a little joy: “This is … Angel’s flying boat gondola? Putting it that way, Angel is back ?!”

If Angel is here, it is estimated that the person under the waterfall is Lyon.

Lyon cultivation is an extremely physical training method. Hearing Shuis said that through extreme physical cultivation, will temper Will, and finally let Spiritual Force cross the limits of the innate skill.

This kind of cultivation can’t be interrupted before entering the door of Transcending.

Lyon has been insisting on cultivation all these years, but because the exercise method is too extreme, afraid of Angel, he never told Angel.

Today, he is exercising under the waterfall.

Originally this was just a daily temper, but because of Angel’s appearance, Lyon’s heart was filled with joy, and a hint of neutrality appeared in his mind.

In the past, he could persevere under the waterfall because the mind and flesh complement each other. Now the mind appears to be in neutral, but the balance that he maintains appears a weak spot.

If it was okay at ordinary times, but at the moment under the waterfall, the dramatic impact instantly flew him away.

After several ups and downs, Lyon fell into the waterhole.

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