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Muse explained all the things that happened before, and emphasized that Angel should be cautious before he hung up the communication.

After the signal tower was silent, Angel’s finger lightly touched the table, as if thinking about something.

On the other side, Greia whispered in a low voice: “The conclusion is that not only did not get any information, but also suspected of exposing Angel’s intelligence. I still overestimated the ability of Sky Machinery City to respond.”

Angel raised his eyes: “This is no wonder Sky Machinery City, after all, when Siman was being viewed by the budding believers, Lord Rosen might be fine.”

Greia: “be that as it may, but it was not a good decision to let Siman leave at the time. If it were me, at least half a year had to be detained for Siman. After all, she was caught by a cult. Who knows how to sprout? Did the church members set a psychological suggestion for her. It must be observed for a long time before it can be released. “

Angel didn’t respond to Greia anymore, but she did not agree with what she said. She simply felt that if you reverse it with result theory, nothing would take risks. But in fact, when it comes to result theory, things themselves are already in a state of failure, so everything is a paradox and there is no need to discuss it at all.

Now that things have happened, now what we should think about is how to deal with them.

“Sovereign Beast Emperor put all the arrows on the bright surface on his body, which is not bad. It can reduce your sense of presence and make yourself the biggest target.” Greia mocked Sky Machinery After dealing with the crisis in the city, he also began to think seriously about the status quo: “In addition to the memory of Siman, there is not much information about you. Perhaps the budding believers will not regard you as an attack on Target.”

“Greia is right. But even then, it is still necessary to be prepared.” Sanders also said.

Angel is also nodded. He just fell into contemplation, thinking about how to prepare for it.

“We still have too little information about Bud. The only thing we know is information about the arrow of the loser.” Angel: “So, the only thing I can think about now is how to guard against the arrow of the loser.”

Angel actually thinks that Greia’s analysis is correct. The probability of a budding believer attacking him will not be too high, and the probability of attacking with the arrow of the loser is lower. Because the arrow of the loser is a semi-out of control mysterious thing, each release must have a certain negative impact on the user, only for a possible inclusion of budding matter, and even if the budding matter is also an edge, Angel, It is too grand to use such a large-scale attack.

However, even if the probability is low, it is necessary to use the maximum specifications to deal with it.

Since we must guard against the arrow of the loser, we must first summarize the characteristics of the arrow of the loser.

First, shoot the arrow first and then draw the target; second, the arrow of the loser has an ultra-long-range attack, and may even cross the plane, and the damage is very strong; third, the damage of the arrow of the loser to the physical world, only the selected target . It will not hurt other people, things and things except the target.

With the above 3 characteristics, Angel did not find a place to break through. The only useful one is the 3rd point. At least it can be confirmed that the arrow of the loser will not accidentally hurt anyone around him.

However, these three points are just the characteristics of the arrow of the loser. The most important feature is the starting condition of the arrow of the loser.

That is the fourth point, from the previous message sent by Muse, we can know that the budding believers came to the Sky Machinery City in advance to confirm Rosen’s situation and Rosen’s position.

Moreover, because of the rush of time, the budding believers did not get much information, resulting in the arrow of the loser not directly attacking the key point, and Rosen did not die in the end.

Also in other words, whether the arrow of the loser can successfully hit in the end, this positioning person is actually very important.

Knowing this, then there is a space that can be manipulated.

Angel can hide her traces as much as possible. At the same time, she can also change the common image a little so that others can’t easily find themselves.

In addition, Angel has bloody night shelter, even if the other party uses Prophecy Spell, it is impossible to lock his position.

In this way, it is possible to prevent the located person from finding out.

Angel said her thoughts, and after listening to Greia and Sanders, they both agreed. If the starting conditions of the Arrow of the Loser are really so harsh, and the positioning person is really decisive, Angel’s response is indeed correct.

However, Sanders still reminded: “The possibility of budding the arrow of the loser against you is still relatively small, but you are right to plan ahead. However, in addition to dealing with the arrow of the loser, you still have to prepare for other possible situations . “

Maybe not as violent as the arrow of the loser, maybe a sneak attack, or other means. Angel must respond carefully.

“After returning to the barbarian cave, I will tell this to the Rhine. With the insight of the Rhine, maybe he will know something.” Sanders said.

Angel nodded, although there is no need to be too nervous at the moment, but as Muse said, still have to be cautious.

When the atmosphere in the carriage was slightly relaxed, the sound of dong dong dong sounded again.

Angel was still looking towards the door subconsciously, and found that the sound of this time still came from the mini signal tower.

——It is estimated that there is new information on the muse.

“Fortunately, the signal tower hasn’t been picked up yet.” Angel muttered as he stepped forward and opened the signal tower skillfully.

Soon, a phantom of a stunner appeared on the light screen.

Needless to say, it is the muse.


Time back to ten minutes ago.

After Muse contacted Angel for the first time, Rosen found him before leaving the signal tower.

Rosen ’s expression was gloomy: “Her soul did not appear.”

“Soul has not condensed out?” Muse was a little puzzled, generally speaking, spirituality’s obscure ordinary person, the chance of condensing soul is not high; however, Transcending life has its own soul. After fleshy body’s death, the soul land will experience an unknown change, and finally the soul becomes a dead spirit, and it will naturally emerge.

Therefore, when Muse knew that the soul of the budding believer did not appear, she was a little suspicious: “Is it that she is also a believer of Demon God?”

As far as Muse knows, it is generally believed that Demon God will sign the Soul Contract, and soul will fall into the abyss directly after death.

“It should not be a believer in Demon God. I didn’t find any trace of Demon God. But, I felt …”

“Mysterious breath.”

In Rosen ’s words, let Muse frowned: “You mean, budding?”

Rosen pressed his eyebrows and shook his head: “I’m not sure, maybe it’s the smell of other mysterious things, or it’s just a bud. Anyway, her soul disappeared.”

“What do you say in Opry?” Muse knew that Rosen had gone to Opry and wanted to use Prophecy Spell’s Strength to get some information from the body of the budding believer.

“His body does not have any information available, and his soul is interfered with by mysterious breath, which cannot be predicted.” Paused said, Rosen said: “But it is not that absolutely does not have harvest, but the Opry through some kind of Special soul ceremony, I learned that the soul of the other party completely disappeared in the material world and spirituality. “

“what do you mean……”

“I suspect her soul is either completely dying or has been dragged into the out-of-order rhythm by budding. I tend to the latter.” Rosen sighed: “At least, one thing is certain, the budding sect should not have gotten her Soul. “

“What about her fleshy body?”

“It has been dealt with.”

Muse didn’t ask how to deal with it, I believe Rosen would make her completely annihilated, leaving no trace.

“You came here to find me just to say this?” Muse looked towards Lawson. Although the budding believer did not condense soul, it was indeed a bit surprised, but should he not come to the point where he came to the signal tower to find him?

“There is indeed one more thing.” Muse said, looking behind him.

A white robe of Oprea walked in slowly.

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