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Muse looked puzzled towards Opulia: “Why are you here?”

Opelia paid a respectful tribute to Muse: “Lord, I have something to tell you, maybe I can use this to find out the details of the germination.”

The expression of Oplia seemed calm, but there was a faint excitement and excitement in his eyes. Not because he was excited by the idea, but simply because he saw the muse.

In early years, Opulia was favored by the muse. Later, in return for the muse, he settled in the Sky Machinery City. He called himself a “follower of the muse”. It is a pity that Muse is in the depths of the R & D institute all the year round. This is the first time in this year that Opulia has seen the Lord following him.

Muse didn’t look at the micro-expression of Opry at this time. He now put his heart on his words: “Can you find out the details of the germination? What’s the matter?”

Opulia: “The commonly used Prophecy Spell is generally unable to break through mysterious imprisonment. Because of this, I cannot explore the situation of germination and germination sect.”

Muse knows this too. Prophecy Spell may seem powerful but unsolvable, but it is actually very vulnerable to intervention. Moreover, the destiny is not fixed, and the future is not static. Prophecy Spell is not 10000 capable.

Mysterious things can interfere with the results of Prophecy Spell.

“However, I can’t predict, it doesn’t mean that the prediction is completely useless.” Opulia: “What if this Prophecy Spell itself originated from mysterious?”

“Use mysterious to deal with mysterious.” Muse twirled the folding fan accidentally, suddenly, he seemed to think of something: “You mean, the mystery of the starry sky?”

Nodded in Opulia: “Yes, it is the mystery of the starry sky.”

Muse has counted the time, and the mystery of the starry sky is about to open. If we use the mystery of the starry sky to investigate, it is indeed possible to find clues to the budding church.

Rosen said at the time: “That’s why I came to the signal tower. I want to contact Lapuye.”


On the other side, in the VIP compartment of the steam train.

“The mystery of the starry sky?”

After listening to what Muse had said, Angel seemed to think of something.

The second message that Muse passed through the mini-signal tower was about the mystery of the starry sky.

The mystery of the starry sky is a mysterious thing in the crown star church, which can reflect the future starry sky, and obtain the guidance from the star map through the astrology.

Angel is no stranger to this mysterious thing. For Rotht, when he was popularizing his mysterious thing, he had ordered several mysterious things that South Territory is very famous for. Speaking of these mysterious things, even if they are placed in the source World, they are very scarce and Peak.

Among them are the endless corridors of the Sky Machinery City and the mystery of the starry sky in the Guanxing Church.

For most Transcending people, the mystery of the starry sky is not at all, but for the prediction of Magus, the mystery of the starry sky is the most suitable and powerful existence. When Angel was in the abyss, I heard Madeleine said that the mystery of the starry sky is equivalent to predicting Magus’ “Book of Truth”, which shows how heavy its weight is.

The mystery of the starry sky can bypass the heavy fog, to explore the truth of things, to find the true answer, and to pry into the secrets of the future.

Even if there is mysterious intervention, Alchemy cover, even if the predicted object can already perceive the web of destiny, the mystery of the starry sky can be 4 2 1000 kilograms to make these things faint, unconsciously, let the truth surface.

Such a powerful starry sky mystery, of course, has limitations. Each time after using the mystery of the starry sky, it takes half a year to recharge, and the future starry sky appears again.

It is for this reason that Guanxing Church only holds a “stargazing day” once every six months, inviting Magus, a prophecy scattered around, to gather in the shining world to open the mystery of the starry sky.

Greia: “The next day of stargazing will be half a month later. Muse is right, the mystery of the starry sky does have a chance to predict the budding things. Maybe you can not only know that budding is in South Africa Territory ’s layout can also take this opportunity to see if the budding sect intends to target you and whether it will use the arrow of the loser. “

“However, every prophecy Magus can see on the stargazing day is different, and sometimes it is not always possible to get something, especially a directed prophecy.”

“But no matter what, this is the way after all.”

Grea paused, looked towards Angel: “If you want to predict your situation, you also need to find a prediction Magus to participate in the stargazing day, and in your own situation, go to the mystery of the starry sky to find the answer.

Greia is thinking, is there any prophecy of Magus that will deliberately find answers for Angel?

Sanders said at this moment: “Muse seems to tell Angel about this matter, but actually wants to convey this matter to Maya through Angel’s mouth.”

Maya is the only prediction of Magus in the Barbaric Caves, and only Maya is qualified to go to the Crown Star Church to help Angel predict the future direction.

Greia: “Will Maya agree?”

“She should agree.” Even if Maya hesitated, Rhein would let her do it, after all, it was Angel’s safety.

Sanders: “It’s just, can you get an answer from the mystery of the starry sky, that’s another story.”

The class of the starry sky mystery is too high. Even the current ruler of the star church, Lapuye, does not necessarily confirm that he can obtain directional information, let alone others.

When Sanders and Greia are talking, an outline of Dodoro appears in Angel’s mind.

Dodoro’s prediction innate skill is very terrifying, maybe he can get any information.

Dong dong dong ——

The sudden sound made everyone stop talking, and Angel subconsciously looked towards the signal tower, thinking that the muse came over again. However, this time is a real knock on the door.

“Dear passengers, the train is about to enter the Ephesus platform …”

After 5 minutes, Angel and the others got off the steam train, which also included Asaz-when the mini-signal tower rang, Asaz was put into the gravity garden by Sanders, and now he was put come out.

Near the platform where they are located, there are large areas of farmland. Because they border the plateau, the farmland is planted with a special cold-resistant crop, a golden one, which is like a long sea of ​​golden in the afternoon sun.

Greia sniffed the cool air deeply: “I seem to have smelled the icefield rock sheep.”

Angel: “Aren’t you eaten in the car just now. And the steam train just drove away, all I can smell is the soot.”

Facing Angel’s vomiting, Greia said angrily: “Everything I ate was inferior before. I came to Sheep City this time. Naturally, I was going to collect the Peak’s top grade rock lamb. I smelled it, there was The smell of a few top grade rock sheep. “

After all, Greia pats Asaz’s shoulder: “Follow me.”

Greia did not wait for Angel and Sanders, and moved towards the other side of the farmland.

Sanders also moved around at this time, but the direction he was heading was in the city of Shepherd City.

“Don’t wait for them?”

Sanders: “Don’t worry about them, Greia knows where Siley De’s shop is.”

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