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The steam train of hong long long, along the sparkling chenau river, drove all the way to the end of the Great Snow Mountain.

In a VIP car on the steam train, a gap was opened in the window, and the rich white steam drifted from the inside to the outside. If someone happens to be next to the steam track, they may be able to smell the thick meat.

At this time, there were only 4 people in this fleshy VIP car.

It is Angel and the others who left from Sky Machinery City.

In the center of the only table in the carriage is a small exquisite boiler. Greia was sitting at the table, pointing at Asaz, and after putting the lamb in the boiler, the details of the flame treatment.

Angel and Sanders also sat at the table, but Angel not at all focused their attention on the boiler, but quietly looked at the scenery flying away through the window, and Sanders was sleeping with his eyes closed.

As soon as Greia had pointed at Asaz, her eyes moved to Angel.

“You seem to have a heavy heart and are still thinking about budding believers?” Greia asked.

Angel turned his head, and the sound was light: “No, it’s just that it’s rare to have such leisure time, let go of your thoughts.”

“I feel like you’re perfunctory me.” Greia said with a slight finger tick, and a piece of lamb in the boiler flew out. She took a bite and looked towards Asaz: “The taste is okay and the ingredients have been pushed to their limits.”

After all, Greia hooked her finger again, and another piece of mutton flew out, suspended in midair, but this time Greya didn’t eat it herself, but threw it to Angel.

Angel: “I’m not hungry.”

“I didn’t give it to you.” Greia raised her eyebrows and pointed at Angel’s shoulder.

Angel squinted, but saw Toby, who was squatting on his shoulder. He was standing up now, drooling, and his small red eyes stared at the tender piece of lamb suspended in the air.

Angel sighed, said to Toby: “Eat.”

When Toby heard it, he picked up the mutton without saying anything, landed on the table, dipped in the mushroom sauce prepared on the platter, and ate it bitterly. Greia’s attention also turned to Toby. Every time Toby finished a slice, Greia immediately offered a new slice, and the timing was right.

Angel shook her head with a smile, and looked towards the window. The Snow River had bypassed a Snow Mountain. Angel knew that behind this Snow Mountain was Fuyu Lake.

Behind Fuyu Lake is the Pamiji Plateau.

It’s just this time that they not at all moved towards the Pamiji Plateau.

Their target today is the border town of Yali Duchy-“Ephesus”, which is also called the Shepherd City by outsiders.

The reason why I came to Muyang City is because of a little change.

Originally, Angel thought that Horus would fix the exit of the plane through the road, near the barbarian cave. Who knows, the last place to come out was Ali Duchy next to the Pamiji Plateau.

It is said that the recent remains of the Pamiji Plateau are constantly emerging. Every hidden ruin in the world represents a broken Space. In order to avoid problems, Horus chose to set up the export in Alyducy.

Ali Duchy also does not matter, it will not take long to fly to the Barbarian Cave with Gondola. As a result, Greia suddenly said that she wanted to go to Shepherd City because she wanted to buy some special products of Sheep City: Icefield Rock Sheep.

Angel originally said that he can go back and let Goode Steward send someone to purchase, but then Sanders nodded and agreed with Greia’s opinion.

Because Sanders also intends to go to Shepherd City, he is going to find the “good Demon” Siley De, asking some things.

Since the tutors all said go, Angel naturally agreed.

As for why they took the steam train, it also means Greia. Greia’s original words were to ease a tense mood through a leisurely train journey.

Sanders defaulted, Angel thought about it, and it didn’t matter nodded, so there was a scene in front of him.

Angel rarely enjoys a leisurely train journey, and his mood is indeed slightly relaxed from the height of the sky machinery city. It’s just that maybe the speed of change is too fast, and he’s still slightly uncomfortable.

“dong dong dong ——”

At this time, the door of the VIP box was knocked. There was a female voice from outside: “I am a train attendant on the Yali Frontier Line. I would like to remind you that there is a half hour drive from Ephesus.”

Because they buy VIP tickets, they only have this special reminder service.

After the waiter left, Angel was ready to continue to empty his mind, but before he calmed down, the sound of “dong dong dong” sounded again.

When Angel frowned towards the door, she found that others were looking at herself.

Angel froze for a moment before realizing that the “dong dong dong” of this time was not someone knocking on the door, but from his own pocket.

Angel hesitantly reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver gear-like button.

The silver gear is glowing at this time, and the sound of dong dong dong also comes from the gear.

Greia: “What’s going on?”

The continuous sound also made Sanders eyes opened on the other side and looked over.

Angel sensed the situation inside the button: “It seems that someone is contacting me?”

This silver gear button contained the mini-signal tower that Muse gave him.

“I will show it.”

The mini signal tower is said to be mini, but in fact it occupies a relatively large area. In order to take out the signal tower, Greia also temporarily removed the seats in the VIP box to make room for the signal tower.

The signal tower is now exuding scarlet light. Although Angel is operating this kind of signal tower for the first time, he still started quickly.

In less than one minute, a strange face appeared in the light screen.

It was a charming woman holding a folding fan half-covered, showing only deep beautiful eyes.

Angel didn’t speak yet, the woman on the opposite side cast a wink: “Angel, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

Greia looked at Angel with suspicious eyes. Although she didn’t make a sound, she looked at the woman in the light screen from time to time, and then looked at Angel. The atmosphere of the Eight Diagrams suddenly rose.

Angel expressionless said: “Muse Headmaster, what’s the matter?”

“How do you know it’s me?” The woman on the other side froze for a moment, probably didn’t expect to be seen by Angel so easily.

Angel didn’t answer, but he gave the answer in his heart: he knew that the Muse Headmaster had the essence and love to play. Once the Muse Headmaster deceived him many times, such as playing as Midola, for example, playing various statues . So, after eating for a while, Angel has got this mental preparation.

In addition, the mini signal tower itself was given to him by Muse, who could call his name at once, and act coquettishly with such a familiar attitude. The first one that came out of Angel’s mind was Muse.

Of course, he was not sure, so he cheated casually. It turns out that his guess is not wrong.

This woman really became the Muse Headmaster.

Muse said Angel didn’t say anything, and he said angrily: “When did you learn with Rosen, and was amazed by the performance of the performers, it was the self-cultivation of the audience.”

Angel: “…”

“So, is there anything for Headmaster to find me?”

Muse sighed deeply about Angel’s disobedience. After sighing, he immediately converged with a frivolous expression, and said to Angel with a positive color: “Our previous speculation was correct. There is indeed a budding believer who came to the sky today In Mechanical City, she should be the culprit of inside and outside cooperation. “

“We caught her near Hongkuifang.”

“But unfortunately, she is dead now.”

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