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This rays of light is extremely dazzling, like a bomb exploding in the night, but in an instant, the dazzling light outlines the crowd in the dark.

Moreover, the rays of light at first are still very small, and as time goes on, it becomes bigger and bigger.

Like a At first it was still far away in the void, but now it is getting closer and closer, until finally, it passes through vortex.

The violent white light dispelled the darkness. But the sky not at all restores the daylight, the dazzling rays of light are more dreadful than the deep darkness before … Darkness, maybe just hopeless before the end, and now the white light is more like the death of the end of the day moment.

At this moment, all the people who witnessed this scene are blank.

As if the next moment, they will be completely annihilated by the “doom light”.

However, after waiting for a while, they didn’t feel any at all. There is no ushering in the end, and there is no abnormality in the body. Except for the rays of light that are dazzling, there is no difference in peacetime, just like they did not perceive the danger signs before.

How is this going?

Apprentice and mortals on the street hesitated and looked up. It was found that the light that came from the depths of the void really came, just … not at all fell to the ground, but swept over them.

The mountain top 100 miles away-

Angel did not stagnate, opened the door three times in a row, and took everyone to a place where “Darkness and Light Mang” could not be covered.

The sky here is still blue, the scalp is no longer numb, and the brows are no longer beating, obviously they have come out of the danger sign.

Greia touched the heartbeat that was still agitating and let out a long sigh of relief. Then she turned her head and found Angel’s face pale: “Are you all right?”

Angel shook her head: “It’s okay, just open the door continuously, a little tired.”

After opening up to official Magus, Angel opened the door continuously. In fact, not at all is too big consumption, but only if he entered alone. And every time he brings one more person, the energy of consumption will be doubled. He now brings 4 people, and he still shuttles continuously, which is naturally overwhelming.

Sanders stretched to act and touched Angel’s shoulder, and a gentle energy immediately wandered around him within the body.

Angel’s discomfort clearly disappeared a lot.

“The consumption is a bit large, but it will almost recover after a day or two of rest,” Sanders said.

Angel nodded, he also felt it.

After confirming that Angel is really okay, Greia focused her attention on the previous crisis sign: “What was that just now?”

No one can answer him, Greia can only look back to the distant sky.

Although they are far away from the Sky Machinery City at this time, they can still vaguely see the hazy situation shrouded in darkness.

At that time, the light was passing through the sky.

Greia also noticed that her eyes followed the light tightly, as if she wanted to analyze what that light was.

However, the distance is too far, and she dare not dive Spiritual Force into the dark area, so she still has nothing.

“The route of that light doesn’t look like it’s going to land in the Sky Machinery City. How did it form? Where is its destination? Why don’t other people feel it at all?”

Every question of Greia is a doubt in everyone’s mind.

When everyone began to think about this matter, the distant sky suddenly rays of light masterpiece! The entire Sky Machinery City seems to be surrounded by light. The dazzling light even radiated to their area.

Unsure of the danger, Greia closed her eyes subconsciously and used defensive techniques.

But this light not at all lasted too long, and soon the rays of light disappeared.

Greia hesitated for a moment, eyes opened and looked at the sky machinery city in the distance.

The rays of light are gone. The huge void crack in the sky seems to be slowly being repaired. The real daylight seems to be recovering.

The Sky Machinery City does not seem to have changed. The only thing that changed was that light, I did n’t know where it went.

“What happened to the rays of light just now?” Greia closed her eyes, so she didn’t know the situation and asked others.

However, Sanders and Horus both hooked the head. Although they had always been concerned about the situation on the horizon, they were too far away and covered with rays of light. They could not see what was happening with special techniques. Moreover, before the danger signs were too fierce, they dared not extend their Spiritual Force into the dark enveloped area, otherwise they could actually see the specific situation by relying on the Spiritual Force.

Greia sighed, it seems that what happened, you can only wait for the dust to settle, and go in to find out.

When Greia was disappointed, Angel suddenly said: “I saw it.”

Angel’s sound immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Even two really knowing Magus didn’t see anything, how could Angel see it? Maybe, he boldly dived Spiritual Force into the dark area?

When everyone looked at Angel with surprise and suspicion, Angel said silently: “When I opened the door, I lost a detection puppet and stayed in the city.”

“So that’s how it is.” Greia suddenly comprehension said.

Use Alchemy props as an extension of eyesight. In most cases, it is definitely not better than spell manipulation or Spiritual Force exploration, but in this case, detecting puppets is the best choice.

“Then what do you see clearly? How can it suddenly disappear?” Greia asked.

Gree ’s tone barely fell, Horus ’s cold sound came into his ears: “How is the barbarian cave station, are they still … alive?”

Angel first answered Horus’ question: “That light seems to not directly affect life, but now the Sky Machinery City is not at all except for some noise.”

By probing the puppet, Angel clearly saw that everyone is now alive and shows no signs of injury.

Horus heard this, slightly sighed in relief, after all, he is now the person in charge of the barbaric cave stronghold, the most concerned is naturally the situation of his men.

Angel paused, and then talked about Greia ’s question: “As for the light, what is it, I did n’t see it. However, I saw it finally rushed towards the central area.”

Also in other words, the light disappears in the central area.

Greia secretly: They had guessed before that the light might not fall on the Sky Machinery City. In fact, it was not right. It still fell, but not at all caused too much damage.

Just over there in the central area, what attracts that light?

When everyone frowned, Asaz, who had been ignored by everyone, suddenly raised his hand weakly:

“The light that penetrates the void … seems to be an arrow.”

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